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Farm Degree
_________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Farm Degree / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Animal Parade introduces an interesting new system for long-term | achievement. I'm pretty excited about this system because it provides some | challenge that the game usually sorely lacks. | | There are four major categories of sell-able items: Crops, Ranch Products, | Mining Products and Fish. There are also 'other' items, which include some | forageables and recipes, but they don't have a category. | | Every night when you go to bed, you'll see a tally of your profits in each | of those categories since the last time you went to bed. Then, at the end | of the month, your profits in each of the categories are tallied for the | month as a whole. | | This next part is a bit difficult to explain. Within each category, there | are six titles that correspond to how much you sold in that category: | Apprentice, Skillful, Expert, Hero, Champ and King. How much you have to | sell to achieve the title differs from category to category. | | You'll only be given one title at the end of the month, even if you've sold | enough to get titles in more than one category. So what title do you get? | You get the highest title among the ones you qualified for, even though you | might have sold more in another category. | | That might not make sense, so let's look at the chart. Below is the chart | for how much you have to sell in each category to earn the designated | title. | | Crops Ranch Mine Fish | Apprentice 10,000G 10,000G 25,000G 10,000G | Skillful 30,000G 20,000G 50,000G 20,000G | Expert 50,000G 40,000G 100,000G 30,000G | Hero 100,000G 60,000G 250,000G 40,000G | Super 200,000G 80,000G 400,000G 60,000G | King 300,000G 100,000G 500,000G 80,000G | | So, if you sold 75,000G worth of Crops and 45,000G worth of Fish, you'd get | the Hero of Fish title. Your current Farm Degree only lasts a month, | though: at the end of next month, the same tally will be conducted and | you'll get a new one. If you don't sell above the 'Apprentice' level in any | category, you won't have a Farm Degree at all. | | So what's the point of these Farm Degrees? They have two purposes. First of | all, in the plot, you'll have to become a Hero in something. You'll have to | actually have the Hero degree when you attempt to complete the plot, so you | don't really need to try to take care of that ahead of time. | | Secondly, the different degrees have really good rewards associated with | them. I haven't researched what all the rewards are, but Ushi No Tane has | them listed on their Farm Title Degree page. What I do know from my own | information is that each degree category has a general type of reward: | Crops are rewarded with fertilizer, Mining is rewarded with medicinal | drinks, Ranch Products are rewarded with sweets, and Fishing is rewarded | with fish recipes. | | Additionally, if you manage to surpass the King level in all four | categories in the same month, you'll be given a degree that recognizes that | you did all four at the same time. Then, you probably need to get a new | hobby. | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/