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Your Property
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ // // // Your Property // // // // "Home is an invention on which no one // // has yet improved." -Ann Douglas // // // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | At the beginning of the game, you're presented with an old, somewhat | run-down farm by the Mayor. You don't get to choose where -- there's only | one possible starting location. | | There's basically an entire district dedicated to your farm. There are a | couple other plots, a couple fishing spots and the beach, but really, | you're the only thing that exists in The Farmlands. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Your House / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Your house is the central | element of your farm, and all of The Farmlands. It's where you'll spend | every night (there's no where to sleep in the secondary homes we'll talk | about later), it's where you'll store all your stuff, and it's where your | pets will move when you adopt them. | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Home Upgrades \ | \ | You won't be stuck in this tiny little shack forever, though. As you earn | more money and gather lumber (detailed later in this section), you'll be | able to upgrade your house. | | Total, there are four home levels: | - The first upgrade (to Level 2) will just give you more space in the | main room. You'll need to have this upgrade before you can get married. | - The second upgrade (Level 3) will add a second room. The main room will | stay the same size, and the second room is where your kids will live. | - The final upgrade (Level 4) will add an upstairs. Sadly, you can't move | your bed up there, though. | | All upgrades are purchased at the Carpenter's Shop. The Carpenters can also | remodel your house to make it look different, both inside and out. There's | no practical benefit to that, but it can add that element of | personalization. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Lumber \ | \ | But in order to upgrade your house (or coop, or barn), you're going to need | some lumber. There are two types of lumber in the game: wood lumber and | stone lumber (sometimes referred to as Material Stone). | | Wood lumber and stone lumber are obtained in very similar ways. To obtain | wood lumber, you have to chop apart trees and stumps. These can be found in | Fugue Forest and on your farm plot. Every level axe can chop apart a tree | and stump, so just keep swinging away until it falls. Then, use the axe on | the individual twigs as well. If you run out of stamina (or start to) | before a tree falls, don't worry -- you can come back another day and | finish chopping it down. | | Stone lumber comes the same way, except with stones. You'll find stones in | various places, such as Fugue Forest and the mines. Use the hammer to smash | these stones apart. Unlike Tree of Tranquility, the mines are actually a | viable location for gathering lots of stone lumber -- but Fugue Forest is | still better if that's what you're looking for. | | Every house, coop and barn upgrade costs a lot of lumber, so you may want | to expend your excess stamina each day chopping and smashing in preparation | for building these extensions. | | If you're wondering how much lumber you have, open up the menus and scroll | to the farm screen. Your lumber is displayed in the bottom two lines on the | left side. | |\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Furniture \ | \ | As you go through the game, you'll find more and more furniture you can | buy. Most of it will be purchased from the Carpenter's Shop, but some | festivals and other places sell some things too. | | To set out furniture, examine your diary and choose the Furniture option. | It'll bring you to the system for laying out furniture. Green spaces are | available for whatever piece you're placing currently: some pieces of | furniture can only be placed against the wall, while others must be placed | in the center of the room. | | Most pieces of furniture don't serve a practical purpose: the table, for | example, facilitates family festivals, but nothing else. Others, though, | have important roles: cabinets store non-perishable stuff, refrigerators | store food, the telephone and TV deliver information, and the calendar | is... well, a calendar. | | You can only put out a limited number of furniture pieces at a time, though | I'm not yet sure what the limit is. Note also that the furniture screen is | how you put out cooking utensils. | | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Home Cooking \ | \ | One of the most important things that you'll do in your house is cooking. | Since you have a kitchen in your new house, you can immediately start | buying cooking tools from the General Store. These tools allow you to cook | different dishes. | | Cooking is a relatively simple process. First, choose which cooking utensil | you'll be using (note that these tools must be set out in your house before | you can use them - for information on this, refer to the Furniture section | above); every recipe requires only one utensil. Then, add in your | ingredients from your rucksack. If your ingredients (with that utensil) are | a viable recipe, you'll receive one of it; if not, you'll receive a "Failed | Dish", which no one likes and doesn't sell very well. Before making your | recipe with a set of ingredients, though, you can hit the Recipe option to | see if it will give you something edible. | | Obtaining recipes is rather simple and can be done in a multitude of ways, | including: | - From the TV (the cooking show is on Mondays). | - Examine other peoples' kitchen utensils. | - Purchase a dish (or receive it as a gift). | - Purchase the recipe (not the dish) from a shop in town. | - Experiment! If you "accidentally" make a real dish, it's added as well. | | When you've obtained a recipe, it's added to your list of available recipes | for easy selection later. | | Cooking doesn't have to be done in the kitchen; it can also be done on | every beach. Simply toss some matches on the ground (purchased from the | General Store), then toss one of the other ingredients for a Roasted | version of that item. This is mostly for fish, but Corn, Chestnuts and Yams | can be cooked this way too. | | If you manage to make all three hundred or so recipes, you'll be awarded | with the Cooking Trophy. Woo! | | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Storage Space \ | \ | As you go throughout the game, you'll collect several items in several | categories. You can carry anything in your rucksack, but what if you want | to save it longer-term? Fortunately, there are several options as far as | storage space goes. | | There are five different types of storage units: | Cabinets : Cabinets can store any non-food item, including tools. | Wardrobes : Wardrobes store clothes and jewelry. | Bookshelves : Bookshelves store books you receive and completion lists. | Refrigerators : Refrigerators can store any food item. | Toolbox : The toolbox can store any rucksack item, food and non-food. | | Storage units (and other furniture) are bought from the Carpenter's Shop | and some festivals. It must be set out before it can be used. For | information on setting storage units out, see the Furniture section above. | |\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Mailbox \ | \ | Your house also comes with a mailbox sitting outside. Occasionally, you'll | receive letters from the area villagers, informing you of various events, | like new villager arrivals and increased store inventories. | | When you receive a letter, a bouncing letter icon will appear over the | mailbox. To view the letter, approach the front of the mailbox and press A. | The letter text will appear.