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Your Character
Intro to Your Character / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Your character is you. No kidding. At the beginning of the game, you'll | choose a gender and one of two appearances, and you're off on your game. | | Here's what you need to understand about your character. Aside from the | obvious control-driven stuff (control stick to move, A to talk, etc.), your | character operates on a stamina system. Every time you do pretty much | anything, you'll lose a little bit of stamina. When you start to run low, | your character will move more slowly. When you run out of stamina, your | character will collapse and go to the doctor's office. | | The meter in the bottom right of the screen represents how much stamina you | have. Stamina is restored by eating food, going to the hot spring or | sleeping. Sleeping is obviously the best way, and 6 hours of sleep will | restore all your stamina -- less than that, however, and you might wake up | with less than full stamina still. | | For more information on yourself, search for [-YOURC-] without the dashes. | | You can increase your maximum amount of stamina by finding the Power | Berries in the game. But we'll get to that later. Or you can search for | [-POWER-] without the dashes to jump to that section. | | Your character is also responsible for using tools like hammers, hoes and | watering cans. To use these, pull them out of your rucksack and press A to | use them. Stamina & Fatigue / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | When it comes to tool usage and other actions, your character operates | based on two variables: stamina and fatigue. | | At this point, I should note the terms "stamina" and "fatigue" are borrowed | from Sky Render's terminology from his incredible guide to Harvest Moon: | Back to Nature. If you're ever playing either Back to Nature or Boys and | Girls, his guide comes highly recommended - you can find it over on Game | FAQs, specifically at this shortened URL: tinyurl.com/5zp28c | |\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Stamina \ | \ | Your character operates on a type of points system that indicates how much | stamina he has at a given time. Stamina, in turn, controls how much work | your character can perform. You begin the game with 600 stamina points | (which are typically restored every night), and your actions throughout the | day will drain your stamina. | | There are two actions that consume stamina: | - Using any tool. Certain tools, like the axe or hammer, use more stamina | than others, like the watering can or fishing pole. However, it's | notable that the charge level of the tool does not impact how much | stamina it consumes, surprisingly enough. That means using a Level 1 | axe takes the same amount of stamina as using a Level 5 axe, even when | fully charged. | - Picking up objects, especially weeds. | | As you lose stamina, your character will periodically look exasperated, | marking the loss of stamina. You can also monitor how little stamina you | have in the meter in the bottom right. | | As your stamina starts to run out, your character will look tired. When | your stamina is depleted, your character will collapse. This isn't an | entirely bad thing -- you'll just wake up the next day, and all your goods | will still sell. But your stamina won't restore very much, so you'll need | to use some food to take care of that. | | To increase total stamina, you can obtain Power Berries that lengthen your | stamina meter. Each Power Berry you obtain increases your stamina by 50 | points, for a maximum of 1000 stamina points. | | Likewise, there are four actions that restore stamina: | - Sleeping. | - Eating -- different foods restore different amounts of stamina. | Bodigizers and Bodigizers XL are especially aimed to restoring stamina. | - The Hot Springs. There are four hot springs located around the island, | and you can use a hot springs once per day. Check out the Hot Springs | section for more information by searching for [-HOTSP-] without the | dashes. | - Eating a Power Berry -- restores all stamina and permanently raises | stamina by 50 points. | | Sleeping is obviously the most common way to restore stamina, but note that | you won't automatically restore all your stamina just by going to sleep. | Stamina restoration is based on how long you sleep. You'll need to get at | least around 5-6 hours to fully restore your stamina if it's running almost | on empty. | | When you're out working, mining or fishing, it can be beneficial to keep | some food on you to eat in case your stamina runs low. | |\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Fatigue \ | \ | Fatigue operates similar to stamina; however, fatigue corresponds to | something different: the easiest analogy is that Stamina corresponds to | tiredness while Fatigue corresponds to sleepiness. | | Typically, after one full night's sleep, you'll have enough energy to stay | awake all through one day and into the next, but at the start of the second | day you'll hit your limit and get fatigued. Basically, your character sucks | at all-nighters. | | Fatigue is accumulated by staying up all night. As soon as you hit 6:00AM, | you'll become drowsy. | | Note that Pontata Roots can be found in the mines, and moles will | occasionally drop Stay Awakes when you hit them with a hammer. | | Fatigue is also correlated to illness. Essentially, getting drowsy while | it's raining or snowing will result in illness even if you don't go | outside. | | So how do you cure fatigue? Stay Awake and Super Stay Awake. Some other | recipes may help too, but Stay Awake and Super Stay Awake are specifically | intended to cure drowsiness. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Clothing / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Animal Parade has a huge clothing system. We're talking about individual | shirts, pants, scarves, hats, glasses, jewelry, and clothes for your kids | too. It's incredibly thorough. | | There are two main places to buy clothing, both for yourself and your kids: | Sonata Tailoring and the New Year's Eve festival. Mira at the Accessory | Shop is the place for jewelry. | | Once you've bought something, to customize your outfit you need to set out | a wardrobe in your house. Then, press A at it to bring up the customization | screen. | | However, the clothing you wear has little impact beyond making you look | different -- it doesn't prevent fatigue, restore stamina or anything like | that, so I'm not going to go into extreme detail on this. Different | villagers do like different outfits better on you, so there's a minor | element of intrigue there. _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Rucksack / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Most of the information on your rucksack is in the controls section, but | there are a few more things you need to understand. | | First of all, your rucksack mirrors the storage facilities mentioned in the | Storage Space area of the next section. Animal Parade fixes a big problem | with Tree of Tranquility by allowing you to split items when you're moving | them between storage and your rucksack -- or, more importantly, between | your rucksack and the shipping bin. | | But more importantly, you might notice that initially there are 30 slots in | your rucksack, but 15 are blocked out. How do you access that other 15? | |\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Rucksack Upgrades \ | \ | There are two rucksack upgrades: one from 15 to 20 slots, one from 20 to 30 | slots. Both upgrades are obtained from Shelly at Sonata Tailoring. | | The rucksack upgrade event happens early in the game, outside the Tailor | Shop, after you open up the mine area. | | I also know that for both upgrades, you'll need to bring her some items: | - Wool: you'll need two of these -- for the first, any quality will do, | and for the second, it must be Perfect or Shining. You can buy the | first from Horn Ranch once it's leveled up a bit, or both from Hannah | at the Animal Festival. The any-quality one is for the first rucksack | upgrade, the Perfect or Shining one is for the second. | - 10 Green Herbs: go figure why, but she'll also need 10 Green Herbs to | make the first rucksack upgrade. Green Herbs can be found anywhere, so | you might be tempted just to sell them -- save at least 10 for the | first rucksack upgrade. | - Honey: you'll need some Honey for the second rucksack upgrade. You can | get this by growing some flowers on your farm, then waiting for a bee | to buzz around some to pick it. You can also buy it from Marimba Farm | at any time. | - 5 Bodigizers: This one's easy. You can just buy these from Choral | Clinic, or get them in the mines from moles. You might be tempted to | cook them too, but actually the ingredients will sell for more than the | purchase price of the Bodigizer, so may as well just buy them. | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/