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Game Summary|New Features/Changes|Controls| Basic Info & Menu Screens
_________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Game Summary / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is the second Harvest Moon game released for | the Nintendo Wii console, neglecting of course the many past Harvest Moon | games available for the Wii Virtual Console. The game can be played with | the WiiMote and Nunchuk, or with the classic controller. However, unlike | its predecessor, Animal Parade does not make substantive use of motion | controls. | | Animal Parade is built on the same engine as Tree of Tranquility. What that | means is that you'll find the overall visual feel very similar, and many of | the mechanics of the game work in similar (though not identical) ways. If | you played Tree of Tranquility, you'll be able to jump right into Animal | Parade with little learning curve. | | That's not to say that the game is identical, or that you shouldn't bother | playing Animal Parade: the game is substantially better than Tree of | Tranquility. Tree of Tranquility is Windows Vista to Animal Parade's | Windows 7 -- it feels similar, but it just works better. If you enjoyed | Tree of Tranquility at all, you'll want to pick up Animal Parade as well. | | At a fundamental level, Animal Parade remains pretty true to the classic | Harvest Moon formula. You play the role of a farmer, given the task of | running a farm. As part of this task, you grow and sell crops and raise | animals to sell their products like milk and eggs. More broadly, you can go | mining, go fishing, mingle with the local villages, shop, make friends, get | married and have kids. It's everything you love about the Harvest Moon | series, but everything has been improved. | | The plot remains similar to Tree of Tranquility, but also improved. Rather | than creating five rainbows, your goal is to ring five bells to awaken | different parts of the game, toward the ultimate goal of finding the | Harvest King. But we'll get to that much later. | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | New Features \ | \ | So you're wondering, what's actually new in Animal Parade if it's built on | the same engine as Tree of Tranquility? In a word, plenty. Below is just a | short list of many of the new features you'll find in Animal Parade, or | returning features that have been left out of the franchise for a long | time. | - Four playable characters to choose from: the Tree of Tranquility | characters and two new ones. | - An all-new and much-enhanced child system, giving you two children that | take after both you and your spouse. | - New wild animals to befriend and adopt including a duck, snake and | frog, and a much better system for befriending them. | - The ability to ride ANY livestock animal in the game, including cows | and goats, as well as new wild animals as well through Theodore's | circus. | - A deeper recipe system, involving numerous new and more realistic | ingredients like flour, sugar, cornmeal and salt. | - Several new characters, including new eligible bachelors and | bachelorettes. | - An incredibly expanded general social system, with much more realistic | events. | - New rival couples and rival children for the lifelong bachelors and | bachelorettes from Tree of Tranquility. | - A new trophy system to reward you for completing various aspects of the | game, such as growing every crop or meeting every animal. | - A much-expanded wardrobe system and improved furniture system. | - New and interesting vacation houses actually separated from the | district of your main home. | - Slowed game time passage, a tweaked stamina system, and various other | minor improvements to simple game mechanics. | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Significant Changes \ | \ | This is important, especially to people who played Tree of Tranquility | thoroughly. Animal Parade is built on the same engine as Tree of | Tranquility, and that means that many, many elements work the same way. | It's a lot like Tree of Tranquility with a different village and story. | | However, there are certain things that you need to notice have changed. | These aren't the expected things, like more fish and recipes, which don't | really matter all that much. These are real changes to the way Tree of | Tranquility worked. | | Among these significant changes are: | - When mining, there are no longer any sparkles to tell you what your Ore | or Wonderful is. It might not even be determined when you pick it up: | it might be determined when you have Mira refine them -- I'll get back | to you on that. But the point is, don't bypass every non-sparkling Ore | and Wonderful just because you're expecting sparkles. | - There are now five soil qualities instead of three. | - Soil qualities will automatically decrease every month if there is a | crop growing in that soil. You'll have to keep fertilizing it to keep | it high-quality. | - While there are still five types of livestock animals -- goats, sheep, | cows, horses, ostriches -- you can only own three types at a time. You | can have up to eight livestock animals total, but only three types at a | time. | - Seeds are now purchased individually -- one seed per bag. That means | they're planted individually too, so you're no longer locked into a 1x6 | format like in Tree of Tranquility. | - Animals will not go back inside at the end of the day automatically, | and chickens, ducks and ostriches won't lay eggs unless they're inside | in the morning. You have to put your animals inside every day. | - Trees won't drop fruit unless you push them over and shake them. | - And very generally, the game has gotten more challenging. The plot is | longer and more involved, money is much harder to come by, there are | more things to buy: overall, you'll finally get to the second year and | still have a lot left to accomplish. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Controls and Basic Info / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Let's get down to the overly-detailed basics. In Harvest Moon, you play a | farmer. You run around, do chores, talk to people, give gifts, grow crops | and raise animals. You can play as a boy or a girl, but to avoid s/he and | other annoying gender-neutral terms, I'll most likely refer to the | character as a male, except when normal gender-neutral words ('spouse', | 'parent') exist. | | Your character stays the same the entire game: this is you. He can do a | variety of actions, like walking, talking and using tools. He can hold | either items or tools. Items can be given or thrown away, whereas tools can | be used. He can only hold one item or tool at a time. | | He can run or walk according to how much the control stick is tilted. He | can talk to people by going up to them and pressing A. If he has an item | when he talks to a person, he'll automatically give it to them. If he has a | tool, he'll show it to them, though oftentimes they won't pay any attention | unless the tool has some particular relevance. | | You can pick things up in the game. Just walk up to them and press A to | pick them up. On your back is the world's most space-efficient backpack | (called a rucksack), able to hold up to 30 items at a time later in the | game, including all your tools. Multiple items will stack in the rucksack, | allowing you to hold up to 99 of an item for the same amount of space as 1. | Yes, that rucksack can apparently hold 2970 pumpkins at a time. Crazy. | | One of the main goals in the game is to make money. To make money, place | items in the various shipping bins. Any item that can be sold can be placed | in the shipping bins. Price lists for various items can be found throughout | this guide, but you'll mostly sell crops, fish, mine products, forageables | and dairy products. | | I think that about covers it. If you don't see something here, feel free to | ask using the contact information at the bottom of this guide. | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Game Controls \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | WiiMote Controls | | A Button : Talk, pick up items, choose options from menus, examine objects, | : use your currently equipped tool (hold down before release to | : charge), ride an animal, trash your currently-held item. | B Button : Get out latest tool, put away current tool, cancel in a menu. | C Button : Open rucksack and menu screens, described below. | Z Button : Check field square selection (use when tilling, watering or | : planting). | + Button : Open the map screen, described below. | - Button : View Photo Album. | D-Pad : Open (down), browse (left/right) and close (up) your rucksack. | Joystick : Move (run by tilting all the way, walk by tilting slightly). | A and B : Press together to whistle for an animal to ride. | 1 Button : Talk to Finn -- effectively, get Help. | 2 Button : Toggle name display. | | Animal Parade does not contain motion controls for tool usage. | | _ _ _ _ | Rubbing | | Animal Parade provides a benefit for having a second player play along with | you with a second WiiMote. By connecting a second WiiMote to the game, the | second player can point the pointer over villagers as you walk by them to | "rub" them, granting a bonus to affection. This can be used on other | villagers, wild animals and livestock as well. Of course, there's no real | way for the game to know if you're really playing with someone else or just | picking up a second WiiMote every once in a while, so go for it! | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Classic Controller Controls | | A Button : Talk, pick up items, choose options from menus, examine | : objects and use your currently equipped tool (hold down | : before release to charge). | B Button : Get out latest tool, put away current tool, cancel in a | : menu. | Y Button : Open rucksack and menu screens, described below. | Right Joystick : Controls camera. | Left Joystick : Move (run by tilting all the way, walk by tilting | : slightly). | Right Shoulder : Open map screen, described below. | Left Shoulder : Check field square selection (use when tilling, watering | : or planting). | + Button : Open the map screen, described below. | - Button : View Photo Album. | D-Pad : Open (down), browse (left/right) and close (up) your | : rucksack. | Left Z Button : Get help. | Right Z Button : Toggle name display. | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Main Screen \ | \ | The main screen -- that is, the screen you spend most of your time looking | at, with your character, the villagers and everything else there is -- has | a heads-up display to show pertinent information. As you run around the | game world, you'll notice these elements on your screen: | | _ _ _ _ | Center | | You : The most obvious characteristic, you! | | _ _ _ _ _ | Top Left | | Clock : A clock displaying the current time in 10-minute increments. | Date : The current day of the week, and date within the month. | Season : The current season, displayed as an image: a snowflake for | : winter, and leaf for fall, a green clover for spring, or a | : yellow sun for summer. | Weather : Also shown as an image, such as a sun for sunny and a cloud for | : cloudy. | Wind : The wind speed, by the speed the windmill is turning. | | _ _ _ _ _ | Top Right | | Tips : Help information and tips on what buttons can be used at your | : current position. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bottom Right | | Money : How much money you currently have. | Stamina : Your current stamina, displayed as a meter. The meter will | : change colors as you lose stamina. | Portrait : A picture of you, giving a graphical depiction of your current | : stamina and health. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bottom Left | | Tracker : If you choose to track someone through the menu screens, their | : current location (such as the current district or shop) will be | : displayed here. | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Menu Screens \ | \ | Pressing C (or Y on the classic controller) brings up the main menu screen. | The main menu screen consists of four sub-screens, displaying information | about your rucksack, farm, income and relationships. You can scroll through | the different sub-screens using the D-pad, or navigate within them using | the control stick or D-pad. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Rucksack Screen | | The Rucksack Screen shows all the items presently in your rucksack. The | items are listed in order in that items will appear on your rucksack | quick-view in the same order they appear on the Rucksack Screen. You can | use the control stick and the A button to rearrange the items with some | restrictions and idiosyncrasies that will be mentioned in the quick-view | section below. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Farm Screen | | The Farm Screen shows several details about the current status of your | farm. From left to right (kind of), the first screen displays: your home | level, the amount of stone, wood, bird feed and livestock fodder you have, | and how many of each animal you have. | | You can use the D-Pad to scroll to two other sub-screens within the Farm | Screen. These feature the Player Screen, showing your birthday, family and | other information, and the Tool Screen, showing how proficient you are with | each tool you have. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Income Screen | | The Income Screen shows how much money you've earned. That's pretty much | it. It divides it up based on what year you've earned it in (current year | and previous year) and all time, and into various categories such as farm | items, ranch items, mining items, fishing items, etc. This is very | important as certain shops' inventory will differ based on how much you've | sold in a particular category. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Relationship Screen | | The Relationship Screen shows how well you get along with basically every | living creature in the game. They are divided into sub-categories, like | villagers, livestock and wild animals. | | Each screen shows a listing of every person or animal you've met, and a | heart rating from 1 to 10 hearts. On the villager screen, you can also | control the tracker: scroll down to the villager you want to track and | press A to choose to track them. | | Villagers and livestock are the first two tabs; the final two are pets and | wild animals. When you choose to adopt a wild animal as a pet, it moves | from the wild animal screen to the pet screen. | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Rucksack Quick-View \ | \ | The Rucksack Quick-View is a quick view of your rucksack that can be | brought up by pressing Down on the D-pad. It shows your rucksack at the top | of the screen, letting you scroll through it and choose an item to pull | out. Scroll through and press A to pull out the selected item. You can | press B afterward to return the current item to the rucksack, and press B | again to pull the most recent item back out. | | The Quick-View's order is reflected in the Rucksack Screen; but note that | all items will be grouped together on the Quick-View, as well as all the | blank rucksack spaces. That means that if your Rucksack Screen shows [Hoe], | [Hammer], [Blank Space], [Axe], [Blank Space], it will appear in your | Quick-View as [Hoe], [Hammer], [Axe], [Blank Space], [Blank Space]. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Saving \ | \ | You are given three save slots to save your game in. You can save by | examining the diary on your bedside table, or at any vacation house. The | game will fortunately remember which slot you last saved to, so there's not | as much risk of saving over another person's file. | | The best time to save tends to be before you go to bed. It feels a little | odd to load up your game only to go right to bed, but there are several | advantages. By saving before going to bed, you can: | - Re-load your game and ship an item you might have forgotten to ship. | - Re-load your game and take care of any chores you might have forgotten, | like watering crops. | - Re-load your game and re-set the weather for the day after next -- | although whether this works in Animal Parade remains to be seen. | - Check and make sure you've earned enough money for an important | purchase the next day, especially festival items that only come around | once per year. | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/