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Game Modes
GAME MODES Story Mode Just like the name said, the story mode will let you play as one of the 12 HM characters ( started with Mark/ Chelsea). The game will be about how he/she tries to discover why Sunny Island being overwhelmed by crops. There would be 7 rounds match for you to finnish each character's story. When you've done a character's story, you'll unlock another new character for you to play. As you complete the story, you'll get an ending image. Mission Mode To unlock this mode, you'll need to play the story mode at least once. In Mission Mode, each character you have unlocked will have 3 puzzles that you can solve. More difficult characters obviously have more difficult puzzles. The gameplay of mission mode is a bit different from the story mode, you have to solve the puzzle within certain number of moves indicated to you in the upper left corner of the screen. You do not need to use all moves available, but you can't use any more than what you're given. You can always undo a move by pressing the B button (or the "Undo" button on the screen) and reset the entire puzzle with the Reset on-screen button. As you beat each character's challenges, you will unlock special images of them. You can see these pictures in your Collection Album. Score Attack Score attack is a mode where you just play to get the highest score of all. Free Match A mode where you can have a match with any characters you like. GAME TYPES Survival In survival, your key goal is to, well, survive! Your opponents will toss rocks onto your plot, making staying in the game difficult to say the least. Win by letting the timer run out. Team score With Team score you and whomever is on your team will be working together to reach a score quota. Win by reaching the total before the time runs out. Team crops Team crops differs from team score in that you must harvest a certain amount of specific crops in order to win. For example, you will be given the task of harvesting, for example, 15 corn, 15 eggplant, and 20 tomatoes. Your team members will aide you in this endeavor. Versus You will be pitted against an opponent or group of opponents. Your only task is to come out on top with the highest score by either when the timer runs out, or to reach a certain score goal first. Sometimes the goal will be confusing because it will count down rather than up, making the LOWER score the person in the lead. Avoid getting bogged down by rocks! Team battle Similar to versus, except for the fact that a team member will help you defeat another team. [u][b]