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After the credits... Go back to the game board, once you make it to where the podium was take a right to the door. An 810 note door will be here to go through. What another Jiggy puzzle? Fill it with 25 jiggies. In this room 3 note doors and a pot are present. 828- Maxes eggs (fills your eggs to max amount) 864- Maxes gold feathers (fills your gold feathers to max amount) 882- Note puzzle put in 4 jiggies Your health bar will be doubled. Therefore DO NOT continue until you have 882 notes Jump in dingpot. Here we go... Grunty will try to hit you by barging at you with her broom. This is easy to dodge, just get out of the way and when she stops, shoot eggs at her. Repeat this until she goes into the next phase. Now she will shoot fire at you, stand on one of the platforms and shoot eggs at her. Repeat until she goes into the next phase. Now she will try to fly. Use the flying pd and follow her, beak bomb her roughly four times. Jinjos statues will appear. Shoot eggs in them and they will attack grunty. Here is where it gets hard... The jinjonator appears. You have to shoot between 1-3 eggs in each side of him, while grunty is shooting fire a million miles an hour at you. Once you sucessfully shoot enough eggs in the jinjonator he will finish grunty off, for now.. If you have 100 jiggys you will get the secrets of stop and swop you can read more about that on this website.