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Rusty Bucket Bay
The cackling old crones even got her own ship though, you would be right to suspect that its not the most cheerful vessel in the world. Everything on board seems to have a grudge against you, from the goblin crew right down to the very scenery including the funnels up on deck and the crates in the cargo hold!So be on guard when exploring the ship &its surrounding harbor. Access: This can get a little confusing. Anyway first you want to leave mad monster mansion and instead of going straight to leave you want to go off to your left. You will come to a locked gate that you want to break. Now, you want to go back in the level and turn into a pumpkin and leave the mad monster mansion level again. Now when you come out return to where you broke the gate and follow the path down. You will come to a door only the pumpkin can fit through. Go inside and you will find mumbo. Change back to banjo and pound the water switch. Turn back to a pumpkin to leave. Now you can leave the area and return back to where Grunty's face is. Across from here go up the hill and go through the 450 note door. Once in the 450 note door, go under water and go through a pipe. When you surface you will be in a ship like area. Navigate the ship and jump on some boxes to your left. You will see a box with a R on it standing for rare. You will need to break this box and raise the water. Swim to the opening in the right wall, and break the grate when you get here. Going through this grate you will come to the Rusty Bucket bay puzzle pad and you will be required to enter 12 jiggys in the puzzle. Now you can enter! Honeycombs 1. After climbing down the long ladder to reach engine room, before you enter the tunnel that leads into the engine room, jump up above the tunnel to get the honeycomb in a small opening 2. In snacker's pool, swim to the bottom and go through the hole. Inside hit a switch and then simply fly to the honeycomb. Jinjos 1. Yellow- He is on his own island in the water after you break the window for jiggy #1. Watch out for snacker!!! 2. Green- Cross a house after the yellow jinjo, he is in a toxic pool, jump across. 3.Orange- Near where you hit the down switch to the TNT box, there will be a toll that requires 8 eggs. Pay the toll and simply follow the path 4. Pink- Swim underwater near a grate with a bee honeycomb on it. This is to your right from the entrance, the opposite way from the toll and window house. 5. Blue- In the set of 3 boxes you enter(they are blue steel boxes not far from the crane switches) you will see a jinjo in one of them. It is usually the box you enter from the top. Mumbo tokens 1: Above the Toll 2 bridge - fire 4 more eggs 2: On a barrel in the toxic slime 3: Across the Toll 4 bridge, in the left crate on a shelf 4: Across the Toll 4 bridge, high in the middle crate 5: Behind the Witch Switch platform 6: In a small boat near the Rare flag 7: Down the central periscope in a corner 8: On a bed in the central window 9: On top of the first chimney 10: Under a table in the navigation room (break a window) 11: At the far end of the ship (not the end with the Rare flag) 12: In an oven in the kitchen, down a periscope 13: In the engine room, on the left as you enter the main room 14: In the engine room, at the far left - STOP THE ENGINE FIRST 15: In the engine room, at the far right - STOP THE ENGINE FIRST Moves None Jiggys 1. A little bit past the toll 2 sign you will pass a clear window. Break the window and drop down to get the jiggy 2. Go in a small door you have to break on the slight left of the ship. This is the propeller room or engine room. Cross the cogs, then take one of the two pipe sides. There will be a switch on each side that you have to hit. Once you hit both switches in this room, you will then have 60 seconds to swim to the back of the boat and get the jiggy that is inside the boats propeller. To do this easily, just go back the way you came, climb the ladder, and head to the back of the boat as fast as you can. Dive in the water and go behind the propeller for the jiggy. I suggest when you hit the two pipe switches to do the left switch first as the path is slightly harder than the right path. 3. Between where the green and yellow jinjo are, you will see a chained up dolphin in the water. Follow his chain and you will go in a hole in the boat. Once inside jump to a platofrm and follow this to the end defeating enemies as you go. Pound the switch to free the dolphin and go outside for the jiggy 4. Near the front of the boat you will see switches labeled 1-2-3. Pound the following code to get a jiggy 312-111 5. Next to this is a caged jiggy. Climb the rope, once on top walk across and go down the ladder. Hit the up switch then try making it back in time. If you have to take the fall to ge the jiggy do it! 6. Go in the pipe in the back of the ship (it wont have teeth).If you went in the right room you will see a propeller switch, slam the switch. Head back to the propeller room. Go straight through the center to get the jiggy. 7. Towards the middle of the ship will be a box of TNT. Jump on the rope on top of it and climb it. Walk across and down the ladder. This time hit the down switch. Hit the switch. Go in the area that appeared once TNT blew it up. Inside you will have to defeat a box. Roll or rat-a-tat rap will work. 8. From the 123 whistles, follow a ladder up, keep following the path. The jiggy is on top of a smoke stack 9. In middle of the near the propeller room entrance. Break a clear window near a side boat. Go in this room and break down the door. Inside should be one huge bed, and a steering wheel for the ship. In this room you should see a jiggy behind a wood cabinet. Bust open the wood cabinet but watch out for the Hole Dweller Enemy. Kill the enemy and do a back flip to get the jiggy. 10. Save 5 jinjos