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Mad Monster Mansion
Nights fallen permanently around the creepiest mansion house in existence giving it a reputation which is entirely well deserved.The whole place is crawling with ghosts,skeletons,bats and worse. Searching the old chapel,basement grounds(including the graveyard) and mansion itself is a hair raising business,but there is no backing out now if your heart is set on rescuing Tootie! Access: Near the entrance to freezeezy peak, there is a hill on the opposite side. Go up this hill and in the 450 note door and you will see lots of water. Swim under and go through a couple pipes. When you come out go on the platform on the wall and keep jumping up. Enter 10 jiggies. After this go back inside Grunty's mouth. Follow the path past Gobi's valley jiggy pad. Take the exit. Honeycombs 1. Break windows on 2nd floor with Banjo, then turn into to a pumpkin and go into the window. 2. In the organ room fly to the rafters Jinjos 1. Green- Climb up the mansion using shock pads and pipes. He is near the chimney 2. Blue- Right side of the mansion take the staircase down. You will see a jinjo or a platform in the middle of green water. Use the shock pad to make it up 3. Orange- In a maze past the last flower pot you poop in. Just navigate the maze and he is eays to find. 4. Pink- In a barrel in the mansion basement 5. Yellow- Break window on 3rd floor. He is on top of the bed Mumbo Tokens 1: In the fireplace in Napper's room 2: In a barrel in the cellar 3: Behind a grave near the chapel 4: In the clock on the roof of the chapel 5: At the back of the hedge maze 6: By the ramp you use as a pumpkin to get on the house roof 7: In the sink in the bathroom 8: In the yellow Jinjo's bedroom, behind the box with the four notes 9: In the pool below the blue Jinjo, by a Whipcrack 10: In an alcove near the pool 11: On the roof of Tumblar's shed 12: In an alcove near Tumblar's shed 13: In the chapel on the organ's stool 14: High on the rafters in the chapel 15: At the bottom inside the well Moves None Jiggys 1. Break open the door to the mansion near beginning. You will see napper. He will say you can get the jiggy if he is sleeping. So to do this go back outside and climb to the top of the mansion. Fall through the chimney and you will land in the fireplace. Simply jump on the two chairs and on the table and you should be able to grab the Jiggy. DO NOT touch the floor. 2. Near the blue Jinjo there is a spiral staircase going up with a pair of running shoes. Pound the switch and take the shoes. Run to the door that opens. The door is in the back of the mansion behind a locked gate. Beak Buster the gate first. Once inside climb the organ starting at the foot petals and ascending up. Go to where the ghost hand is and he will tell you to follow his tune. Simply copy his notes exactly to get the jiggy. 3. Coming outside of the organ room, jump on a grave to the roof. Using talon trot ascend the clock tower until you get to the Jiggy on top. 4. In the same area there is a few flower pots, poop an egg in each one for a jiggy. 5. Behind mansion there is a green basement door. Pound the hatch. Once inside rat-a-tat rap each barrel and a jiggy will be inside one 6. Off to the side of the gate that leads to the organ is house is a shed. Go inside and stand on the glass platform. Simply slide the platform to spell out Banjo Kazooie in the alotted time 7. Turn into a pumpkin, go past the shed and walk up a ramp that leads to a well. Drop down the well and go inside the well bucket 8. Still as a pumpkin there is a hole right in front of the mansion. Go in here and you will see a jiggy, however, it is too high. Go back to the organ house front entrance and look left of the grave area along the wall. You will see a pumpkin hole here which you can enter. Inside will be a ramp. Go up the ramp and walk around and eventually you will be directly above the hole where the unreachable jiggy was. Simply drop in this hole. 9. As banjo go to the 2nd floor. Break into the windows until you come to a room with a toilet in it. Once you find the toilet, turn into a pumpkin and come back. Jump in the toilet 10. Save 5 jinjos