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Harvest Moon 64 Girls Portal - Elli


Birthday: Fall 1



Elli cooks all the food in the bakery. Her mother and Father are nowhere to be found so Jeff and her grandmother take care of her. She is a very expensive person to woo.

Competition: Master Of The Bakery A.K.A Jeff
Special Likes: Music Boxes, Eggs Milk

Likes: cakes, forest things, flowers

Hates: Bugs, Poisonous Mushrooms, Weeds

Basic Strategy: She hates rain so when it rains she has to get two gifts or the heart level will drop a little. It gets very expensive buying animals and cakes to please her. A huge setback is that if the grandmother dies she starts to dislike you, so it takes about a month to notice you again.

Locations (credit to kirbyarm for the research)

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:59 pm. (In the bakery, even if it is not sunny)

Wednesday 9:00 am - 11:59 am. (In the flower shop, even if it is not sunny) OR 12:00 pm - 4:59 pm. (Outside the bakery, next to Ellen) OR 12:00 pm - 4:59 pm when it is not sunny. (In the bakery).

Monday, all of Spring, all of Fall, and all of Winter: 8:00 am - 4:59 pm. (Fisherman's Tent or Carpenter's House area) OR unavailable when it is not sunny.

Monday, all of Summer: 8:00 am - 4:59 pm. (Beach, on the dock) OR unavailable when it is not sunny.

Sunday: Unavailable at all times, days, and seasons.


Full moon have a pink heart on Autumn 9 and she will come at 6pm and ask if you want to see the moon with her.

Sprains Ankle: near the river

"I'll be the mommy and you be the daddy." "Honey, dinner is ready." ...Playing house...The girl made mud cookies... "No, don't eat it!" "Help! Somebody, daddy!" ...He got a stomachache and was sick in bed.

Go to the left side of the village where the library is. You will see May and Stu playing house with Elli observing.
Tell Elli you ate her mud cookies as a child for an affection boost.

Special Event Places:
Fireworks: Bakery Garden
Starry Night: Chruch
New Years: Chruch




