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Clankers Cavern
Polluted pools & rusty old pipes of water certainly won't leave you with a false sense of security when you're in Clanker's cavern, which is just as well because there is plenty of underwater challenges & vertigo inducing moments. The star of the level is Clanker the shark, Gruntilda's mechanical trash compactor, who's not particularly happy with the way life is going.... Access: Opposite the treasure trove cove puzzle there is a shock pad. Take the shock pad up and fill the puzzle with 5 jiggies. Now go up the ramp and when your int he next room go in the UPPER pipe. Jump straight across the water. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING TWO IMPORTANT THINGS 1. You cannot get most of the Jiggy's until after you raise clanker from the anvil 2. On one side of clanker there is a platform with a shock jump and an extra life on it, this is a very important part to get a couple things. Honeycombs: 1. In clanker's main room, there is a pipe with an extra life and a shock jump. You can shock jump either left or right. Shock jump left and jump to a pipe follow the pipe to a grate you have to jump to. Pound the grate, it is the 2nd grade that is isolated. 2. Near the same area you will see a wide pipe, simply swim under it and then swim up. It is hard to see because when you are in the pipe you really cant see where your going. Jinjos: 1. Yellow- Go up the ladder from the beginning and take the left pipe, follow this around and you can't miss it. 2. Blue- In Clanker's cavern(the 2nd area) swim in the underwater pipe that is left of clanker's tail and underneath the arached pipe with a shock pad on top. You have to be swimming pretty well to get this one so don't swim too slow. 3. Green- Down the hole where clanker was locked down by the chain the green jinjo will be down here as well 4. Pink- In ring area there will be 2 exists one above water and one under water. Go to the one above water and look down. 5. Orange-Same way as honey comb #1, but its the first grate Mumbo Tokens 1. Directly above the entrance 2. Shoot out one of clanker's teeth with 3 eggs it will be on the inner part of the tooth when you go in 3. Directly below tail Jiggy on a pipe 4. Shock jump on platform with extra life, climb pipe on right, then pipe up 5. Facing clanker there is two platforms you stand on to shoot out the teeth. Directly below the left one will be a small tunnel with a mumbo token in it. Moves 1. In the ring area use the flying disc to go to a hole up high. You will learn how to use the gold feathers here, which makes you unhittable. Jiggys 1. Under Clanker there is a big hole, swim down in it. Once down there, swim through the key three times. Jiggy appears on his back. You MUST make it to the surface before you die or you have do it over. Use gloop to breathe if you need to. 2. After getting Jiggy #1, stand near clanker's teeth and you will see two floating platforms. Shoot 3 eggs in each tooth. One has a jiggy, one has a mumbo token. 3. One inside the mouth, drop down from the tooth, either one is fine. Go through the tunnel that is in the pool of water. Jump through green ring after green ring. When done swim to jiggy. 4. In this same area use the flying pad to fly in the hole up high. In the hole you will learn the gold feather dash. Use the gold feather dash to go across the blades. 5. On clanker there is a screw that jumps up and down. Jump on the screw and follow it to a platform. Follow the path then jump up. 6. Now with that same nut, instead of standing on it, go in the hole that the nut goes in and out of and go through the blades with the gold feathers. 7. Jump on clanker's tail, jump on platform, shoot 3 eggs at caged jiggy. 8. Behind clanker's tail swim in a green hole underwater. Defeat the crabs inside. This could be kinda hard, but remember not to stay in one place always be moving. 9. Just above the long swim through pipe on the ground( this is the iron pipe on the ground with a checkerboard grate), there is a swimable tunnel, swim to the end. 10. Save 5 Jinjos.