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Mini Games
Banjo-Kazooie has many mini games, but they aren't like Mario's Example: Race a turtle (although there is a race...). Here I will explain them and give you hints and tips. 1. Yumblies and Grumblies This can be found in BubbleGloop Swamp. There are three difficulties... Easy The object of this game is to eat the red yumblies, eat more than Mr. Vile and win. Simple enough, since this is the easiest game there's nothing much to tell you. Normal The object is to eat more red yumblies than Mr. Vile, but there is an added feature, yellow grumblies. They aren't ripe, so you shouldn't eat them. If you do eat one you will be dis-abled for several precious seconds. A tip here is to go to the front where you can see the entire area, this way you can see where the majority of the red yumblies are. Hard This is the hardest and is always close, winning by more than two points is a feat. The object of the game is to eat what is shown at the top of the screen, either red yumblies or yellow grumblies. If you see that Vile is eating a string of what you need then get in front of him so you get everything and he doesn't get squat, it will take the AI a second or two to break off. 2. Racing With Boggy as a Walrus This can be tricky if you screw up, the object is to go in between the red flags and beat Boggy to the end of the course. Before he says "GO!" press the control stick all of the way forward, this way when you start you will be going down the hill at full speed. When going up a hill, especially at the end, jump rapidly and you will go up it faster. When the gates are rather far off to the side, like at the end, don't press forward all of the way, it may decrease your speed but still. Near the end Boggy will slow down considerably, grab the chance and win. 3. Racing Boggy on foot No tricks really, except jumping up hills. At first you will lay behind because you have to get the speed boots but you'll catch up. Oh, here's a trick that works for both races, at the last house where you fall off, jump way far. If you make it and land on the bridge you'll get some room to maneuver the gates because this is where Boggy starts to ram you, but if you jump far enough he'll have to catch up. 4. The Boat Puzzle At the front of the ship in Rusty Bucket Bay are several switches, they look like this !1! !2! !3! The combination is 3 2 1 1 1 1 If you get one wrong you will have to start over AND you will lose one honeycomb 5. Treasure Trove Cove Puzzle In the sand castle is a large puzzle, some tiles have a letter on them. Spell out B A N J O K A Z O O I E to get a Jiggy 6. Pyramid Maze You only have 60 seconds to get out, I'm not sure what happens if time runs out though. Turn to Banjo's right at the beginning and then follow the path to the end, you might meet a few Mum-Mums so be careful. Break off from the path to find a Witch Switch. 7. Old Shack Mystery This is in Mad Monster Mansion, hop onto the large ice thing and now use the control stick to slide around. Along the edge's of the room are either a) Letters or b) a Gruntilda tile. Touch b and you will lose one honeycomb. Circling near the edge is a purple ghost, beware him because he will knock you off the ice thing. Slide on the letters to enter them. Spell out B A N J O K A Z O O I E to get a Jiggy. 8. Matching Game In Gobi's Valley the last pyramid has a matching game. If you can match two tiles then they stay that way, like that one card game...I forget what it was called. Match them all and you get a Jiggy. 9. Clanker's Green Rings In Clanker's stomach are many rings, jump through the green one and the next one will turn green. Go through all of the green ones to get a Jiggy! You only get 50 seconds, and if you screw up you have to start over! 9. Grunty's Furnace Fun This is nearly a level of it's own, you must go across a giant gameboard, at each square you must answer a question or do some timed task, at the end is Tooty and Gruntilda, the host. Everytime you make an incorrect answer you will lose one honeycomb, and on the death tiles if you make a mistake you die...here are all of the tiles and what you must do to pass them. Don't worry about energy, there are several empty tiles that have honeycomb pieces on them. Banjo-Kazooie Tile Here you must answer a question about the game, whether it be how many huts were by Mumbo's Hut, how many eggs you can carry, what is a move called, a level, etc. Eye Tile Gruntilda will show you a picture from a 1st person view of a level, it might be a close up picture where you can barely see anything or a long shot of something obvious! The question is what level you have been in. Music Tiles This is always random, you either have to hear a character's voice and answer who it was, an item's noise when you pick it up, or a level's music! Clock Tile Get on this and you will be warped to a boss, a puzzle like the one in Treasure Trove Cove or the matching game in Gobi's Valley, or maybe something else. The catch is you have barely any time to complete it and any hits you take in there will count! Gruntilda Tile This is where Brentilda comes in to play, if you've talked to her some of her words always shake, right? Well here you must answer questions about Gruntilda herself! Like where she went to school, her favorite color, smell, etc. Note: Each new game always have random answers, so if the correct answer in game 1 was "smelly socks" then it may be wrong in game 2. Skull Tile These questions are always random, it could be from anything, just pray for something easy. If you get it wrong you will be flipped into the lava, that would kill you....duh.