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BANJO A Honey Bear with a great love of sleeping, swimming and even a bit of dancing when the mood takes him, Banjo has found life to be just too interesting for its own good since he stumbled across (and found himself adopted by) innocent little Kazooie. Banjo's certainly never been afraid of haring off on an adventure, but his Breegull friend just seems to attract trouble like a magnet... KAZOOIE Unlikely as the partnership may seem, Banjo and Kazooie have been firmest friends since the day they met. Red Crested Breegulls are a very rare species, and that's something people tend to be thankful for when Kazooie's gotten into her full loud-mouthed swing! Still, she certainly has the talents to back up her boasts, and nobody denies that bear and bird together make an extraordinary team. GRUNTILDA She's selfish, spiteful and nasty, and since the day she realized that only her sister had inherited the family good looks, Gruntilda has been on a mission to make herself attractive by stealing the beauty of other people. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to realise that she'll always be ugly on the inside - or at least, if she does, she really couldn't care less! BRENTILDA Gruntilda's sister is her opposite in every way,and a far better person for it.unfortunately even brentilda's fairy godmother powers arent strong enough to let her confront gruntilda directly, so she offers all the help she can to banjo and kazooie instead. TOOTY Banjo's little sister,tootie as cute, sweet and innocent as Kazooie is loud, brash and shameless. Looking after Tootie is a fulltime job for banjo as she tends to wonder off as soon as his back's turned, so his feathered partner's love of exploration often comes in handy! BOTTLES A good friend of Tooty, this chirpy little mole has never been to fond of the loud company kept by banjo.under the circumstances will do all he can to help-even if that means putting himself on the recieving end of kazooie's raucous banter! MUMBO JUMBO A former teacher of gruntilda's, this mysterious shaman was betrayed by his pupil before he could prevent her from putting his magic to bad use. the witch transformed mumbo's face into a mask of horror to remain that way until the day she's overthrown...