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Harvest Moon Save The Homeland Review
Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, is the first ever Harvest Moon game that ever published in PlayStation2 console, and second to be released in the U.S on a non-Nintendo console. The protagonist of this game is a male 21-year-old (he was given name by the players as Hiro or Hero) whose grandfather named Tony recently died and left him his farm in Sugar Village. When he just arrived at his grandfather’s farm, the player encounters three harvest sprites and harvest goddess and they tell you that they need your help to save the village from being destroyed and turned into a resort and amusement park. The goal of this game is to find a way to save the town before the year’s end. Like other Harvest Moon games, the player must tend to his or her farm by growing and selling crops and gathering produce from his or her animals. This game doesn’t require you to farm or ranch animals as much as the previous game as your main income. This game gives you the freedom of getting money from doing part-time job in one of the local Ranch. As said before, the goal of the game is finding a way to save the village from turning into a resort. There're 9 possible endings depending on the people you befriend and the scenes that trigger. For most of the endings, the character is involved in a quest of some sort (digging out a treasure, looking for magical ingredients, etc). After getting an ending, you get the option of restarting the game, but keeping your money and animals, so that you can continue to care for your farm, going for a different ending. Each time you get a new ending, it gets saved in the Ending List, and you get the profiles of the villagers involved in that ending. Although it may seem at first that you are able to marry and have a child (i.e. The many bachelorettes in the game), however, this game does not contain that feature, possibly because you only play the game for a total time of one year, making it one of the three games in which marriage to anyone is impossible. Overall, this game is great, and its one of the first 3D harvest moon game though the graphics was still quite dull compared to other famous 3D games out there. And the time length of the game is much shorter than and the unavailability of marriage. I’ll give 7/10 for this game.

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