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Harvest Moon DS Review
Harvest Moon DS is the first ever Harvest Moon game for Nintendo DS console. Ever since, the game is still famous amongst HMers. Nintendo DS console was still new at that time, and it has touch-sensitive screen that allowing players to touch-click-drag just like mouse with computer, allowing a more user interactive compared to any consoles. The first ever HM series in NDS is first released on March 17,2005. It might be quite odd for the first timers to see two screen at once, but don’t worry, each of them has their own function and you’ll get used to it. The lower touch screen will let you to brush you animals, navigate your inventory and select cards when you’re playing mini games such as Poker and Black Jack. All the conversation and inventory appear on the lower screen with the world environment on the top screen. The story begins in the boy version out near the Sprite Tree. There is a small rivaly between the Harvest Goddess and the Witch Princess. Most of the the time the Goddess wins their battles but this time Witch decides to cast a new spell. Unfortunately the spell malfunctions and the Goddess is turned to stone. In an attempt to correct the problem, Witch casts another spell and the Goddess disappears from view! To fix this now larger problem Witch casts the disappearing spell onto the Sprites, hoping that they will be able to find where the Goddess went. If you want to use the Sprites on your farm you will have to find them without Witch's misguided assistance. In this HM DS, the village where you’re living is a combination of Forget-me-not Valley and also mineral town. Both characters from those two villages are available in this series, and therefore there are many bachelorettes that you choose from, not to mention Flora ( previously isn’t a bachelorette) and some special characters like the Harvest Goddess and Witch Princess themselves are available for wooing. There are too many bugs in this game, and the long introductory story is just too long, which makes some people gives up and decided not to play this game. The number of villagers that are too many also brings a negative effect as the map is too big to explore. Overall, this game only get 5/10 rating from me

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