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Innoncent Life Review
Innocent Life: A futuristic Harvest Moon was made in conjuction with Arte Piazza (who worked on Dragon Quest 3,4,5,7). Innocent Life has also been remade for the Playstation2 console, called Innocent Life PURE. The PS2 version was released in Japan on March 29, 2007. Still, it is currently the only original PSP game in the series, not counting the remake of Back to Nature. The story took place on an volcanic island called Heartflame Island. Year 2022, Professor Hope grain has created a boy type robot and listed as a resident of Volcano Town. He hopes to watch you learn the value of life by raising crops, animals, and interacting with the residents. While you’re at it, you learned that the volcano is soon to erupt. The island itself contains both ancient mystery which has sealed way most of the fertile land, and the mythical creatures that have been living in away from human for long time. Slowly the people on the island accepted you as part of their big family, and entrusted you with the hope of saving the island from the volcano eruption by bringing back all the nature sprites. The main story of the game concludes in 2 years time. The starting of the game starts really slow, for the first few weeks you won’t be able to access any outside world other than your home in the ruins. In that mean time you’ll be taught how to farm. Slowly, by learning all the farming things, socializing and also cooking you’ll earn your humanity points. In this game, all the farming and ranching has become much easier, too easy in fact. You’ll be helped by robots and you can build a rail around your farm land to help you harvest the crops faster. There’s no need to worry about feeding the animals anymore, because it’s all taken care of the robots. The only thing that makes this game hard is the period that you need to wait, to encounter the main story line event, or how you complete that certain quest that will effect the story. I’ll give 7/10 for this game.

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