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Harvest Moon Mfomt Review
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town is a girl version of the previous series Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Though they share the same characters and town, the prologue of the story is different. The story began when a city girl, Claire who was bored with her current lifestyle and saw and advertisement on TV about having peaceful life as a farmer in a faraway town. So she decided to sell everything off and start a new life in that farm. When she reached there, she found out that she was tricked. You’ll be entertained with a funny scene of Claire and Thomas, the Mayor of Mineral Town. The game challenges you in your time and resources management. You’ll have to work your way out from scratch, with a bag of seed, some old tools, and farm field full of weeds, stones, branches, and stumps. The first few days might be tiring, but the strategy to successful is how to use money you earned to the best of farm abilities. For those who has played the previous series might think if you could marry the guys instead of the girls, and now your wish is granted. You can choose one from the five available bachelors of Mineral Town which indeed has grab player’s heart since beginning of the game. The biggest disfavor of the game is that this game is not a whole lot new to those who has experienced in Friends of Mineral Town. It’s not much of a sequel but instead it is just a tool to get new audiences. Despite having the same characters, town and some similar scenes, they has fixed the bugs, glitches from Friends of Mineral Town. And addition of having a girl as the main character, they’ve added new features like adding mirrors to your house, and different clothes to wear for our heroine. Other than that, there’s a special points called Heroine Points that will be given to you every time you reach a certain target.

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