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Harvest Moon ToT Review
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility Let's start out with the story of the game of Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, Like Harvest Moon magical melody, you can choose your character's gender. Then you'll see a tiny cutscene involving a ship and a misleading brochure for a ranch. As you get to the Island/Village you'll have to stand through a what seemed to me as an hour long tutorial which you couldn't skip. After that you are enabled to purchase seeds and stuff to build your outcome on your farm/ ranch. This game really reminded me of a polished harvest Moon magical melody because in the game you were able to choose your gender and you were able to change your furniture around, I didn't change my furniture around (Didn't feel like it). As usual in many other 3d harvest moon games the village is spread out. Not that I don't mind it being spread out it's just the very boring loading screen. I know this is supposed to be a Farming/ ranching game but I think the developers of the game really overdid some parts of the game. Like allowing the player to raise silk worms. (didn't get to do that yet.) Well obviously keeping track of my thoughts for this game is going to be a little hard so I'll sort the review in pros and cons. Pros: * Pretty easy controls * Women are more of a challenge it makes the game seems more realistic. * The village is very spread out just like it was in Harvest Moon: Snes. * You can continue growing plants throughout the seasons. Cons: * Controls although they are easy to learn, they can be very annoying if you are using the Wiimote and Nunchuk. * Tutorial is too slow. * Loading screen is very annoying. * Some festivals include minigames that I personally think are out of place. * Graphics are okay I kinda expected more from a next generation console. Graphics: I rate Graphics a 6 out of 10 Gameplay: I rate Gameplay oddly 8 out of 10 Replay factor: Oddly enough I rate this a whopping 10 out of 10. Controls: 8 out of 10 with an exception with the Wiimote and nunchuk. Well thats my review of this game, overall if you are a fan of harvest moon and you don't mind making mistakes do to the Wiimote and Nunchuk a boring loading screen and crappy graphics, this game is for you, Enjoy!

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