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______/ DAN    \______________________                   
"Skirt-Chaser" Works in the Orchard   \____ BIRTHDAY: Summer 26 ______________

APPEARANCE: Black hair with purple eyes. He's also dark-skinned, unlike other
bachelors. Wears the red bandana, and looks sort like the pirate.

LOCATION: Can be found working in Ronald's Orchard, or working around the
trees near Orchard. He sometimes visit Moonlight Cafe at evening.

PERSONALITY: He loves to gamble, and chase after the ladies.

1st GIFT: Apple Soda, and Musical Note "Master Pick-UP Artist Note"
2nd GIFT: 
OTHER: He'll move in after you visit the Spring Horse Race, and plant a fruit
tree. Ronald will opens his orchnard, where Dan will work at.
LOVES: HQ Strawberry, Clam, Apple Soda, Very Berry Soda, Grape Soda, Ruby
LIKES: Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Gold Ore, Very Berry, Fried Veggies, 
       Spicy Fried Veggies, Gold Brooch
SO-SO: Halibut, Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Maple Flounder, Moondrop Flower, Cocoa,
       Coral, Copper Ore, Special Egg. Marmalade, Spinach, Shinapper,
HATES: Mushroom, Toadstool, Failed Dish, Boot (Left/Right)