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West Town & Shops
West Town The first area to which you will have access is West Town, located directly south of your Ranch. It is here that Taro will have his house and a little south of his house, Chen will establish a Market. Across the road from Chen's Market, Gannon will open a Construction Business. Ultimately, Mirabelle's Animal Shop will be located next to Taro's House but initially, Chen and Gannon will be the only businesses on the Island. The Merchant Family: Chen's Shop: The event that introduces Chen is entitled 'A Merchant Family' and occurs on the second day in the game. Chen's Shop is open from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. at least on every day but Friday. Speak to him twice in order to access the Shop Menu. At the start of the game, it will consist only of the following: Turnip Seeds: 120G Potato Seeds: 150G Grass Seeds: 500G Oil: 50G Curry Powder: 50G Chocolate: 100G 10,000G Ticket: 10,000G 100,000G Ticket: 100,000G Medium Rucksack: 3000G Toolbox: 2000G Beauty Box: 2500G Or: Sell Item I'm holding Chen will sell Rucksack Upgrades as well: Medium Rucksack: 2000G Large Rucksack: 3000G After you expand your house for the first time, he will sell: Small Refrigerator: 2500G Small Cabinet: 2000G As soon as you buy a Refrigerator, he will sell: Kitchen: 4000G Later still: Teleport Stone: 100,000G When you have built a Greenhouse, he will sell: The Spring Sun: 1000G The Summer Sun: 1000G The Fall Sun: 1000G The Winter Sun: 1000G When any Eligible Bachelor/Girl attains Orange Heart Level, the Blue Feather will be offered at Chen's Market. As stated elsewhere, the Blue Feather is an item in your Shipping List, so sell the first one you buy and use the next one to propose. Blue Feather: 1000G It is Chen who sells the Beds that you will need for your Spouse and Child. The Husband/Wife Bed will not be available until your House has been upgraded to the Large Size. The Child's Bed will not become available until there is a need for it but you do need the Extra-Large House if you wish to be able to have a child as another bed will not fit in the Large House. Husband/Wife Bed: 10,000G Baby Bed: 10,000G Seeds are sold seasonally at Chen's Market and as they are unlocked, will appear in his Menu. Seeds for the next season will be available on the 30th or last day of the current season, although you will not be able to plant them in your Field until the season changes. At the start of the game, however, the only Seeds that you will be able to buy from Chen are Turnip, Potato and Grass Seeds. As you can see, you have the option to sell items to Chen, but when items are sold to a merchant rather than shipped, they will not be included in your Shipping Record. It usually is best only to sell to a merchant if the merchant pays considerably more than the ordinary shipping price or if the item in question cannot be shipped. Values of items in this game cannot be given precisely, as they will depend on Quality, Size and Freshness. All values therefore are approximate, whether it is the value for selling or for shipping. The values given in this guide tend to be the 'basic' value. Here are the approximate prices that Chen will pay for the items you can obtain in the first fortnight of the game: Value of Items when Sold to Chen: For Spring Crops: Turnip: 36G Potato: 48G For items found in the Wilds: Purple Grass 14G Indigo Grass: 12G Blue Grass: 12G Moondrop: 36G Toyflower: 60G Weed: 1G Stone: 1G Branch: 1 G Material Wood: 1G Material Stone: 1G When you have obtained the Fishing Rod: Small Fish: 18G Medium Fish: 48G Initial Crops Available The Crops that need not be unlocked and will be available in each Season from the start are as follows: Spring: Turnip Seeds: 120G Potato Seeds: 150G Summer: Tomato Seeds: 200G Corn Seeds: 300G Autumn: Eggplant Seeds: 120G Carrot Seeds: 300G All Seasons: Grass Seeds: 500G Ultimately, you will be able to buy every possible variety of Seeds at Chen's Market provided only that you have unlocked the option to do so. The cost of each and the manner in which each is unlocked is given in another section of this guide. The Mountain of a Man, Gannon's Shop: Gannon is a carpenter and builder who can perform almost any building task, whether it is the upgrade of an existing structure, the creation of a new building or the repair of a bridge. Once you have been introduced to him, he will be found at his shop, located opposite Chen's Market. Construction and Upgrades When you order items from Gannon, new options become available. In other words, it is after you have ordered a basic Chicken Coop that you will be able to upgrade it with a shipping bin, an incubator and more feed slots. This makes Island of Happiness different from other Harvest Moon games where an incubator and Shipping Bin usually accompanies even a basic Bird or Animal Barn. Gannon is open for business during the mornings and very early afternoons every day but Sunday. He is a pivotal character in Island of Happiness as it is he who performs all building upgrades as well as paving the roads to improve the quality of life for the entire community and to encourage new arrivals. All possible upgrades will not be available at the start of the game. As with many options in IoH, ordering one upgrade will unlock another. When you first move to your Ranch, the only buildings on the farm will be the basic Farmhouse, an empty Stable and a basic Supply Shed that will house only Lumber. In other Harvest Moon games, whenever a Barn is built, food trays and birthing stalls/ incubators will be included. In Island of Happiness, a new Barn contains only a basic Food Dispenser, without any trays for Bird Feed or Fodder, and neither a Birthing Stall nor an Incubator. Each of these items must be ordered separately. You can order only one Feeder or one Incubator/Birthing Stall at a time. A Medium Chicken Coop/Animal Barn can accommodate a total of 8 Feeders and 1 Incubator/Birthing Pen. A Large Chicken Coop/Bird Barn can accommodate a total of 12 Feeders and 2 Incubators/Birthing Pens. Speak to him when he is behind the counter to access the Shopping Menu: Gannon's Shop Menu: The first two options are: Shop Build Choose one of these to open a menu that gives all options currently available in the category: Shop: Material Prices: The prices of materials for building do not vary. As in other Harvest Moon games, you can buy your Materials from Gannon or collect them yourself. Lumber: 50G Stone: 200G Gold Lumber: 100000 Tool Prices: The prices of tools at Gannon's shop will vary according to the upgrade potential of the tool. In this game, tools are empowered by adding Wonderfuls to them. A tool can have up to four slots in which Wonderful gems can be set. A tool with one slot costs 1000G and one with three costs 3000G. The best tools have four slots and cost 4000G. Prices for Tools: Tool with 1 Slot: 1000G Tool with 2 Slots: 2000G Tool with 3 Slots: 3000G Tool with 4 Slots: 4000G Build: At the very start, you will see: Upgrade House: Lumber: 200G Upgrade Cost: 3000G + Materials: 10,000G Chicken Coop Lumber: 200G Upgrade Cost: 10,000G + Materials: 20,000G Animal Barn Lumber: 200G Upgrade Cost: 12,000G + Materials: 22,000G Upgrade Stable Pethouse Feed Dispenser: Size: Small Upgrade Supply Shed Materials: Lumber Upgrade Capacity Lumber: 500G Upgrade Cost: 5000G + Materials: 27,000G Hold Material Stone Lumber: 500G Upgrade Cost: 10,000G + Materials: 30,000G Hold Gold Lumber Lumber: 500G Upgrade Cost: 100,000g + Materials: 120,000GT Maker Shed Lumber: 300G Upgrade Cost: 30,000G + Materials: 40,000G Greenhouse Lumber: 4000G Upgrade Cost: 300,000G + Materials: 500,000G Upgrade Tool Box Lumber: 100G Upgrade Cost: 2000G + Materials: 6,000G or Change Material (of Toolbox) Bridge: E. Town to Meadow Lumber: 500G Upgrade Cost: 10,000G + Materials: 35,000G As you unlock new areas on the map, more options will be available. The first of these is: Upgrade Road from Ranch: Cost: 10,000G Upgrade W. Town Main Road Cost: 10,000G Upgrade Road to Beach Cost: 10,000G Upgrade Road to Regis' Cost: 10,000G Upgrade Road to Pierre's House Cost: 10,000G Upgrade Road at Inn Cost: 10,000G Upgrade Road Café/Diner Cost: 10,000G Upgrade Road to Meadow Cost: 10,000G Once you have a Large House, there will be more upgrades for the house in the form of a Bathroom and a Restroom: Upgrade House Add a Bathroom Build a Restroom Here is a list of all options that you can unlock, with their requirements and prices: House Upgrades Your House can be upgraded three times. The first upgrade will allow you to purchase a Kitchen from Chen's Market. The second will allow you to accommodate a Husband/Wife Bed, a requirement if you wish to marry. You must have a Large House if you wish to order a Bathroom and/or Restroom, two rooms that can be used for Stamina Recovery. Taking a Bath consumes half an hour and recovers more Stamina than using the Toilet which takes only 10 minutes. The final upgrade to an Extra Large House is required if you wish to purchase a bed for your Child. House Upgrade to Medium Lumber Needed: 200 pieces Cost of Labour: 3000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 10,000G House Upgrade to Large Lumber Needed: 400G Cost of Labour: 10,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 25,000G House Upgrade to Extra Large Lumber Needed: 700 pieces Cost of Labour: 50,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 80,000G Bathroom Lumber Needed: 580 pieces Cost of Labour: 30,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 55,000G Restroom Lumber Needed: 400 pieces Cost of Labour: 20,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 35,000G Chicken Coop Build Chicken Coop Lumber Needed: 200 pieces Cost of Labour: 10,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 20,000G Upgrade Chicken Coop to Medium Lumber Needed: 400 pieces Cost of Labour: 5000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 20,000G Upgrade Chicken Coop to Large Lumber Needed: 1200 pieces Cost of Labour: 20,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 70,000G Add Feeding Bin Lumber Needed: 100 pieces Cost of Labour: 500G Cost of Labour and Materials: 5000G Add Shipping Bin: Lumber Needed: 200 pieces Cost of Labour: 1000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 10,000G Animal Barn Build Animal Barn: Lumber needed: 200 Cost of Labour: 12,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 22,000G Requirements: None; option available as soon as Gannon opens his shop Upgrade Barn from Small to Medium: Lumber Needed: 500 pieces Cost of Labour: 7,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 30,000G Requirements: must have basic Animal Barn Upgrade Barn from Medium to Large: Lumber Needed: 2000 pieces Cost of Labour: 30,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 125,000G Requirements: Must have Medium Barn Add Feeder: Lumber Needed: 100 pieces Cost of Labour: 500G Cost of Labour and Materials: 5000G Requirements: Can order up to 8 for a Medium Barn, up to 12 for a Large Barn Add Birthing Pen: Lumber Needed: 200 pieces Cost of Labour: 500G Cost of Labour and Materials: 10,000G Requirements: Can order 1 for a Medium Barn, 2 for a Large Barn Upgrade Feed Dispenser: Lumber needed: 1500 pieces Cost of Labour: 7000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 80,000G Requirements: Need only a Small Barn completed 2nd Upgrade of Feed Dispenser: Lumber Needed: 4500 pieces Cost of Labour: 50,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 270,000G Requirements: Must have 1st Upgrade of Feed Dispenser Add Shipping Bin Lumber Needed: 200 pieces Cost of Labour: 1000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 10,000G Requirements: Need only a Small Barn completed Stable Your Stable, unlike the Barns for Chickens and Livestock, will have two Feeders and will be built before you move to the Farm. It will be empty, however. It exists to house your future Horse and Dog, neither of whom can be bred but who cannot die either, unlike other animals in the game. Upgrade Feed Dispenser Lumber Needed: 1000 pieces Cost of Labour: 5000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 50,000G 2nd Upgrade of Feed Dispenser Lumber Needed: 3000 pieces Cost of Labour: 30,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 170,000G Supply Shed The Supply Shed is the place where building Materials are stored but your Basic Supply Shed can contain only Material Lumber. You will need to perform upgrades if you wish to store Material Stone or Golden Lumber in your Supply Shed. All possible upgrades for the Supply Shed will be available at the start of the game. Upgrade Capacity Lumber Needed: 500 pieces Cost of Labour: 5000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 27,000G Hold Material Stone Lumber Needed: 500 pieces Cost of Labour: 10,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 30,000G Hold Golden Lumber Lumber Needed: 500 pieces Cost of Labour: 100,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 120,000G Maker Shed Like HM DS/Cute DS, you cannot purchase Makers until you have a Maker Shed to house them. Gannon builds both the actual Maker Shed and all Makers. There are Basic Makers and Advanced Makers. The Basic Makers can be purchased when you have a Basic Maker Shed, but you must upgrade the Maker Shed if you wish to purchase the Advanced Makers. Build Maker Shed: Lumber Needed: 300 pieces Cost of Labour: 30,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 40,000G Upgrade Maker Shed Lumber Needed: 1000 pieces Cost of Labour: 5000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 50,000G Requirements: Must have Basic Maker Shed Add Shipping Bin: Lumber Needed: 200 Lumber Cost of Labour: 1000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 10,000G Basic Makers: The Basic Makers are as follows: Mayonnaise Maker Butter Maker Cheese Maker Yogurt Maker Yarn Maker Seed Maker If you wish to order any Maker, you must provide all Materials. All Makers, whether Basic or Advanced are made with Adamantite. You pay Gannon only the Cost of Labour. Materials required for each Basic Maker are 10 pieces of Adamantite. The cost is for Labour alone and is 20,000G for each Basic Maker apart from the Seed Maker which costs 50,000G. Each Advanced Maker has a different cost. Basic Makers: Adamantite Required: 10 pieces Cost of Labour: 20,000G Seed Maker: Adamantite Required: 10 pieces Cost of Labour: 50,000G Note that you cannot order any of the Advanced Makers until you have upgraded the Maker Barn. Advanced Makers: Add Thresher: Adamantite Required: 20 pieces Cost of Labour: 100,000G Add Flour Mill Adamantite Required: 20 pieces Cost of Labour: 100,000G Add Quality Improver Adamantite Required: 100 pieces Cost of Labour: 5,000,000G In Island of Happiness, you can build a Greenhouse. It actually is far more vital to do so in this game than in many other Harvest Moon games as time always is valuable and no time passes inside the Greenhouse. Where you would not have sufficient time in a day to water all the crops you wish to grow in your field, you would be able to do so if you grew them in a Greenhouse. It is very wise, therefore, to order the Greenhouse as soon as you can afford to do so. Build Greenhouse Lumber Needed: 4000 pieces Cost of Labour: 300,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 500,000G Upgrade Greenhouse Lumber Needed: 9000 pieces Cost of Labour: 500,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 950,000G Requirements: Must have basic Greenhouse Add Shipping Bin Lumber Needed: 200 pieces Cost of Labour: 1000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 10,000G Add Water Spigot Lumber Needed: 400 pieces Cost of Labour: 500,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 520,000G When you can afford to order a Greenhouse, make certain that you order a Water Spigot as soon as possible after it is completed. Your Greenhouse will be situated in the northeastern corner of your field, as far as possible from your only natural source of water, the river that runs along the western boundary of your farm. A Water Spigot in the Greenhouse not only will allow you to refill your Watering Can frequently without loss of time in order to water all Crops in the Greenhouse, but to water any Crops in the Eastern half of your Field as well. The Shipping Bin option is not nearly as important, especially if you have a Maker Barn. A Shipping Bin is more useful in the Maker Barn, situated directly south of the Greenhouse. If you have a Shipping Bin in the Maker Barn, it can be used to ship all crops harvested from the Greenhouse or from your Field. Bridge Options Gannon is in charge of all Island construction, including Bridges and Roads. The Bridges that you order will unlock vital new areas on the Island. Each is unlocked when the previous Bridge is completed. Here is the order in which they appear in the Menu: Bridge: East Town to Meadow Lumber Needed: 500 pieces Cost of Labour: 10,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 35,000G Requirements: None, available at start Bridge: West Town to Forest Lumber Needed: 500 pieces Cost of Labour: 20,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 45,000G Requirements: Must have completed Bridge to Meadow first Bridge: East Town to Jungle Area Lumber Needed: 500 pieces Cost of Labour: 30,000G Cost of Labour and Materials: 55,000G Requirements: Must have completed Bridges to Meadow and Forest first Road Upgrades Road upgrades, like Bridge projects, will be unlocked in a specific order. Each Road that is paved will bring a new visitor to the Island. Each Road project costs 10,000G.