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Unlocking New Options in Events
Unlocking New Options in Events: In Island of Happiness, new options as well as new characters are introduced in a very elegant fashion. A title will appear on the top screen of the DS when your character awakens in the morning, announcing any new development in the game. In the first couple of days, the announcements will be the offers of tutorials to teach your character the basics of growing crops, shipping items and using all the basic tools. The tutorials are very useful to a beginning but you always have the option to decline the offer if you wish. Taro will look rather disappointed if you do reject his tutorial offer, but it will not affect his friendship rating. You need to be aware of the fact that although tutorials do not take any time from your regular day, any activities you perform in the course of the tutorial WILL consume energy. At the end of the tutorial, it will remain 6.00 a.m. (unless you awakened later) but your Stamina will be depleted according to any tool use during the tutorial. Use of any tool requires 3 Stamina at the start of the game. There are Wonderfuls that can be set in tool slots that will decrease the amount of Stamina required to use a Tool but you will not have these at the start. N.B. During a tutorial, you will be able to access your Rucksack for Recovery items. Keep Wild Grasses and Chocolate in your Rucksack if possible in order to prevent your character from passing out during a Tutorial. Unlocking your Fishing Rod As with many Harvest Moon games, the only basic tool that you are not given at the start of the game is a Fishing Rod. This will be a gift from one of the residents. In Island of Happiness, it is Taro who will provide you with your first Fishing Rod, but only if you have been diligent in speaking to him daily and giving him gifts that please him. A 'Most Favourite Item' in Island of Happiness will elicit a very specific response in the form of a musical note, what I term 'with music' in my Guides. When you give Taro any coloured wild grass, he will respond 'with music'. Like many older characters in Harvest Moon games, his actual words may not express enthusiasm, as he politely will tell you: 'For me? You didn't have to.' This type of response usually is a positive one, however and if you had any doubts in this case that it is a 'Most Favourite Item', the musical note that is displayed with the response makes it a certainty. It takes a week of daily gifts to Taro to initiate the event that will place the Basic Fishing Rod in your character's hands. The first day of the game where you will have control of your character is Tuesday, 3 Spring. If you give Taro a piece of wild grass each day from the 3rd of Spring, the Fishing Rod Event should trigger on Tuesday, 10 Spring. In Island of Happiness, as previously stated, the introduction of any new option or character is an event that usually occurs upon awakening. The top screen of the DS will display a title and the event itself will be experienced on the lower screen. The Fishing Rod event is entitled: 'A Nice Catch' but it differs from many of the other early morning events in that you actually must walk outside at 6.00 a.m. to experience the event.