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Tutorials: You will begin your life with five basic tools: Watering Can, Hoe, Hammer, Axe and Sickle. Taro will give you Tutorials about Farming and Tool Use: 1st Day - About Hoe and Watering Can: Taro: Choose Rucksack form the Menu and equip the hoe in any of the 4 equip slots. Try to plow a 3 x 3 square in the field up there. Now sow some seeds. They plant in a 3 x 3 square around you, so be careful where you stand. Once you've done that, equip the Watering Can and talk to me again. 2nd Day - About Shipping This is a shipping bin. Anything you put in this bin will be shipped and sold. When something ships, you'll get money for it. Ship crops, materials, and much more! To ship something, first take it out and hold it. Then touch it and drag it to the bin. Grab something from the field up there and try shipping it. Items in the Bin ship out at 5 pm. daily. The money is then automatically added to your account. Ship out lots of things and help the island prosper! Good luck! 3rd Day - Hammer and Axe Tutorials: Taro: Let's start with the Hammer. Hit a rock with the Hammer to break it into Material Stone. To use the Hammer, equip it and face a rock. Then touch the Hammer icon to swing it. You can also hammer plowed soil to turn it back into regular soil. Next is the Axe. Use it on branches to turn them into Lumber! You can also use it to chop down fruit trees. 4th Day - Telephone Tutorial Another Tutorial will be given, concerning your WiFi connection potential with other players. Here is the Tutorial: About Telephones I see you have a telephone. Let me explain how to use it. All right. Listen up! When you use the telephone, you can communicate with other people via Nintendo WFC. There's two main things you can do: You can check your ranch's rank against other people's or you can use Voice Chat with the Friends in your Friend Roster. However, to use the telephone... you have to have a working Nintendo Wi-Fi connection set up. That's about it for the telephone. Have fun with it! Tutorial Tip: Although Tutorials use Energy, you will obtain some benefits by experiencing them, even if you have previous knowledge of the game. The Crops Tutorial will give you an opportunity to sow three bags of Turnip Seeds. If you sow all three, you may pass out, but you safely can sow two bags during the course of the tutorial. Any bags of seed unsown will be taken from you at the end of the Tutorial but any crops sown will remain on your field. As previously stated, it is a good idea to store some Wild Grasses and Chocolate in your Rucksack for use during these Tutorials. By eating Recovery items, you may be able to accomplish far more without passing out at all. The most profitable Tutorial may be the Fishing Tutorial as it gives your character the opportunity to fish without using any time doing so. This can be quite a boost in terms of the items that will be available for shipment in the first fortnight of the game. Furthermore, as always, you will have access to your Rucksack during the tutorial in order to consume items that will replenish your energy. Noe's Tutorials When you first arrive at your new farm, you will meet Noe, one of the Harvest Sprites. He actually lives in a little hut on your farm and will dispense advice about farming and other activities whenever you ask. It is he who explains your basic movement controls at the start of the game: Me: (!) Noe: Pleased to meet you! I'm a Harvest Sprite who lives on this island! I'll tell you how to move around! You now have an option: Please teach me. Skip tutorial. Noe: Okay. Listen carefully! Touch the Touch Screen in the direction you want to move. Touch close to where you are to walk. Touch far from where you are to run. Okay, now go and find me! When you find me, you can talk to me by touching me. Wow, you're great at hide and seek! Remember, your Stamina and Fullness levels go down when you move. When your Stamina runs low, you should go home and sleep to replenish it. When you're hungry, select something to eat from your Rucksack. Then, touch the Eat icon. When your Stamina or Fullness metres run out, you'll collapse. Be careful! Now you can walk around the island and see all the wonderful sights! If you need any more pointers, just come by my house! It's on your ranch! Till we meet again! Bye-bye! Note that you cannot give items as gifts to Noe, but each time you visit him, you will increase his Friendship towards you.