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Items in Island of Happiness
Items in Island of Happiness Equipping Items: With an equipped edible item, tap on it to eat it or press B. If the item is in the rucksack, equip it. Tap on it once to place it in your hands. Tap on it again to eat it. If you tap on the knife and fork icon on the left side of the Rucksack screen, you can eat an item that is not equipped by tapping on it once. Giving Gifts: To give an item as a gift, tap on it in your rucksack and then tap on an unoccupied equipment slot to place it in the slot. Tap on it again to actively equip it in your hands. Once in your hands (on top of your head), tap the proposed recipient with your stylus. The individual then will respond, either by accepting the item or refusing it. They will only receive one present a day. And if you didn’t talk to a villagers for a few consecutive days, they will not receive any presents. In order to make them receive presents again, you will need to talk to them in a daily. Throwing Items: The stylus reigns supreme in Island of Happiness. If you wish to throw an item into the water or onto your field, you must use the stylus to do it. First, place the item in one of your four equipment slots by tapping on it once and then tapping on an empty equipment slot. Tap on the item again to equip it actively by placing it in your hands. Now use the stylus to 'throw' the item onto the ground or into the water. This technique should be used for the following: 1. To throw an Offering into the Harvest Goddess Spring; 2. To throw a Branch, Stone, piece of Lumber or Stone Material onto your Field in order to build an Animal Pen. Moving a Stack of Items Tap on an item quickly to select it. If it is part of a stack of items, you will select only one item in the stack by doing so. If, however, you hold the stylus down, you will select the entire stack. The indication that you have selected the entire stack is highlighting. Note of warning: The knife and fork shortcut on the left side of your Rucksack Menu will take the entire stack of items and force you to consume them all if you hold down the stylus too long when selecting the item that you wish to eat! Make certain that you tap on any item in a stack quickly if you wish to eat only one item in a stack. Switching Items Tap on an item and then tap on another item to switch their positions either in your Rucksack or in your Equipment slots. You can do this to switch an item that is in your Cabinet or Refrigerator with one in your Rucksack. Often, if you are trying to switch a stack of items with another item, the game will not allow it. You need to tap first on the stack of items, holding the stylus down for a moment to select the entire stack before you tap on the other item. Characteristics of Items: Items have detailed individual characteristics in Island of Happiness in terms of Quality, Size and Freshness. The Rank of the Item is displayed here as well. When you tap on an item, you will open a menu on the top screen displaying all specific characteristics of that item. At the top of the screen will be a written description of the item. Sometimes the location where it can be found or means by which it can be acquired will be included. In other cases, the various uses of the item will be given. Below the description are: Qy Sz Fr There are a maximum of 10 circles for each category that can be filled. The circles for Qy are filled in blue. Those that indicate size are red. Freshness is green. To the right of these is a large box containing the Rank of the item in alphabetic form. Item ranks for items that are available at the start of the game can be S, A or B. As items lose their freshness, their rank will decrease and can degenerate from S, the highest, to D, the lowest. Items found in the wilds can vary from day to day in terms of Quality, Size and Rank. Freshness always will be at the maximum level of 10 when you first collect them as when you first harvest a crop. Rank varies randomly as well. The length of time that you store any item in your Rucksack will affect its Freshness. Circles can be half filled as well as wholly filled. After an item has been stored overnight in your rucksack, its Freshness usually decreases to 9 1/2 rather than 9. As previously stated, Freshness will affect Rank in time. Storage Tip: Until you have a Refrigerator, you may wish to keep crops unharvested until use. If you leave them growing in the field, even when ripe, their Freshness will be maintained at the maximum of 10. It is only after harvest that Freshness can decrease over the course of time. Remember always that crops are seasonal, however, and do not leave any unharvested crops in your field when the season changes.