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The start menu
One of the most confusing aspect in Rune Factory is the Start Menu. Once you access it for the first time, you are greeted with a menu containing an over- whelming amount of information that you'll eventually get lost navigating it! So, let's break it down to parts and see what it is. Basically, the menu is composed of seven (7) categories. These are the ff: • Inventory (Sword and Shield Icon) This is the first menu you will see when you push the start button. It shows the level of your character, and below it is the amount needed to reach the next level. Next to that is your HP and RP in bar and numerical form. If you are wondering what that empty box beside your HP and RP is, that box shows the status, your character is inflicted with (see LH-STATUS). The next line shows your stats in attack, defense, strength, intelligence, dexterity, and vitality. Something that is not present in Harvest Moon games. Following that are four icons, with respective red and blue colored numbers. -> The first icon signifies fire element, hence the red color. ->The blue icon is for water element. ->The brown icon is for earth element. ->Lastly, the green icon is air element. As for the red and blue numbers, the red number represents the offense value, while the blue number represents the defense value associating the said element. As for the six grey-outed icons, they are slots for your character. ->The first slot (sword icon) is used for your tools/weapons. ->The second slot (shield icon) is for your shields. ->Third is the magic book slot (book icon) for your magic spells. ->The fourth and fifth slot are for accessories. ->The sixth slot is for items other than tools/weapons. The fifteen (15) empty boxes represents the available space on your backpack, with 3 slots more, giving a total of 45 available spaces. Each empty space can hold a maximum of nine (9) of the same item. Weapons and accessories, however, occupy a single empty space each. • Skills (Bottle and Hoe Icon) The second category lists all the skills in the game. Skills in the game are what consumes your rune points (RP) most of the time, be it farming, banishing monsters, or even cooking. There are three types of skills. ->Physical skills increase with physical action. These are swordsmanship, mining, logging, farming, and fishing. ->Mental skills increase by combining items in the house. These are pharmacy, forging, cooking, and decoration. ->Special skills are for the last two, communication, and camping. Communication is a skill that raises your friendship level with monsters. Camping is a skill for sleeping in places like caves. The level indicates the number of times you can camp. The higher the skill level, the lesser it consumes your rune points (RP) in the game. But it's not that simple. See, better weapons have certain skill levels, that is why, it is essential to raise your level so that you can use the item effectively in the game. Say, someone traded a luck blade which has a skill level of 26. Your character will consume bigger amounts of RP if your skill level is below. Should you reach an equal level, the RP consumption should be on the ratio of 1:1 . The maximum skill level is 99. • Friends (Animal Icon) The third category is empty! Actually, it is filled with data once you tamed a monster and you bring it with you in battle. The above screen shows the animation of the monster. Below screen shows the name you have given to the monster. Below the name is the type of monster it belongs to. Next is the HP of the monster, as well as it's attack and defense rating. Below that is the friendship meter, and finally, the ability list of the said monster. • Farm (Turnip and Flower Icon) The fourth category is your farm window. The above screen shows the name of the farm. Beside it shows the time, date, season, and status of the weather. Below shows the year of the game as well as the season. Next is the amount of money you possess. Below that shows the house level (max is 2), as well as the number of monsters you currently have. Beside is the amount of wood you have, and the amount of feeds in your monster huts. The details found below screen shows the name of your monster, and what floor and house it is located. The number of huts increases as you continue building more and more monster huts (max is 7). Each hut can contain 4 monsters. If you want, additional basements (max is 2) can be created on each monster hut, raising the total number of available slots to 84 monsters. • Shipping History (Open Book Icon) The fifth category shows the amount you have gained by selling items via the shipping bin. It is further categorized by the following. ->Plants, vegetables, and even fruits that can be bought in stores are found on the first tab. ->Rings and bracelets, and most accessories are located on the second tab. ->Foods that can be obtained via cooking, and even the ingredients themselves are in the third tab. ->Items created in the pharmacy, as well as some items that can be bought in the hospital is on the fourth tab. ->The fifth tab is for fishes. ->The last tab is ETC. It's for items you miscellaneously received in the game. It includes monster drops, even certain key items that is required for marriage can be sold via the shipping bin. • Friendliness (Two Hands Icon) The sixth category shows the level of friendship you have with the townsfolk. Only bachelorettes can have love points. Ordinary townsfolk will never have a love value. The maximum points you can reach is 10. Plot Items (Pad and Pen Icon) It's also empty! Not really. The last category shows you the plot items that is available in the game. As you play along, you'll eventually fill this up.