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Family Life

So you just got married? Congratulations, however, something's will change now. First the festivals.

Summer 24 / Fireworks - Your wife will watch with you

Fall 13 / Mother's Hill - Whoever has the HIGHEST AFFECTION FOR YOU WILL BE THERE it might not be your wife.

Winter 14 / Thanksgiving - She's supposed to leave a cake in your ruck sack, but its never happened for me

Winter 24 / Starry Night - Arrive at your house at 12pm and the festival will begin.

Wedding Anniversary - When you wake up, your Wife will ask you what day it is (this only happens for this event) say its your Anniversary and she will be happy and give you a gift.

Birthdays: On your Birthday, Her Birthday and The Kids Birthday she will ask you what day it is, get it right and she'll be happy, get it wrong and you will lose a heart. Here is a video of the reactions: