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Game overview & Story
Game Overview Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon is another franchise of the Harvest Moon Series. The game is set in a medieval, fantasy world where you not only have to plant and harvest crops, but also fight (as well as tame) the monsters in the dungeon. The game has a story to unravel, dungeons to discover, and many people to interact with. Rune Factory also offers WiFi to exchange items with your friends. Last, but not the least, you now have 11 bachelorettes to woo, should you want to get married in this game. Opening Story At the beginning of the game, you are introduced with the main character about to collapse on the road. Eventually, he collapsed, and a female character then comes out from a house. The boy asks for some food and water, but somehow the girl mistook them and instead, brought a hoe and a watering can! The third time you asked for the food and water the girl finally understood, and brought you some food and water. After a few more talks, we discovered that the boy has amnesia, so the girl offered to choose a name for yourself. At this point, you can name him whatever you want (His official name is Raguna) Later, we also get to know the girl's name, Mist, and since Raguna's lost his memory, Mist offered for him to stay at her farm. After that, follow her on the farm and after a few more talks, a monster suddenly appears! You can use the hoe to defeat it .Then we get to learn in the game that we cannot kill the monsters, just send them back to their original place, "The First Forest", since they come from a different world. After that, Mist offers Raguna a place to work as thanks for saving her life. You have two choices, but in reality, you only have one choice. After the choices, you are also given the option for a quick overview on how to plow the fields, growing vegetables, and information on your health points (HP) and rune points (RP). Next, Mist gives you some turnip seeds, and you get to name her farm. BTW, if you choose the default name, Mist will praise your choice, but if you changed it, well, you get a different reaction. This ends the beginning, and you are now free to do whatever you want in the game.