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***** Blue Jewels *****

A brilliantly shining crystal. Fields surround by the power of this jewel will 
retain for 6 extra days. You can take it out of the cave without setting in a 

How to obtain:

1) You will find this in the second cave area accessible to you. It is located 
at the end of the middle path.

***** Yellow Jewels *****

A brilliantly shining crystal. Fields surrounded by the power of this jewel 
will mature faster and retain water for one extra day. You can take it out of 
the cave without setting it in a socket.

How to obtain:


1) You will find this in the second cave area accessible to you. It is located 
at the end of the left patch.

2) You will find this in the second cave area accessible to you. It is located 
at the end of the right patch.

XI.    Gathered Items

***** Spring *****

Fly Agaric:
Locations: Mushroom Forrest
Amount: (14th Day - 113 fully grown, 1 half grown)
Re-growth Time: 5 Days
Sell Price (3000g): 150G
 ~ Fully grown:  50g - 2G
 ~ Half grown:   25g - 1G
 ~ Barely grown: 10g - 0G


***** Summer *****

Coming Soon.

***** Fall *****

Coming Soon.

***** Winter *****

Coming Soon.