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Tips & Tricks
***** Tips and Tricks *****


01) You will soon find that the start button and the select button have no 
functionality within Innocent Life, which raises a big question, that being 
"How do I pause the game". In short there is not an official way to pause the 
game, but you can stop the flow of time while out doors if you open up either 
your Inventory or Main Menu.


02) Although not advised (due to the Sickle being the hardest thing to level in 
this game) you are able to dispose of your weeds as in previous Harvest Moon 
titles, but you must do so differently as the game no longer supports dropping 
things on the ground will cause them to fade out of existence. Once you pick up 
a weed you can place it in your Inventory by pressing circle and then while you 
Inventory is open scrolling over the weeds and hitting square to send them to 
the trash.


03) As in some titles in the past though not all of them sadly. You are able to 
save while you are outdoors. You can do so by bringing up your Main Menu 
scrolling to the Player Info tab and then hitting triangle, which will bring up 
the save screen just as going to bed will do.


04) Time will not pass while you are in any type of Menu. So take your time 
when it comes to responding to what someone has asked you.


05) This is probably the most useful trick that I have found while playing. As 
it allows you to get more done during a single day than you ever thought 
possible. It is possible to get in more or less two days worth of work in a 
single day of game time using the trick. Surprisingly this trick is also the 
easiest trick to pull off and requires nearly no effort. All you have to do is 
allow your character to idle, which will cause him to start swaying back and 
forth with his hand behind his back (as if he was dancing). I will now show you 
a full analysis with a formula you can use to find out how much PP you will 
actually get back for just letting your character idle.

[Note: Using this in conjunction with getting up early, allows you to get even 
more done, due to the extra 2 hours of playtime for the day.]

Formula and Examples:
PP Restored = ([x]*[6 PP]) + ([y]*[6 PP])

Where as
[x] = (Initial 30 Minutes of stand still time), x will always equal 1.
[y] = (Each additional 15 Minutes that you stand still), y is equal to how many 
15 minute intervals you stand still for.

Here are some examples to clear up any possible confusion as to how you should 
apply the formula:

30 Minutes of Standing Still:  ([1]*[6 PP]) + ([0]*[6 PP]) = 6 PP
45 Minutes of Standing Still:  ([1]*[6 PP]) + ([1]*[6 PP]) = 12 PP
60 Minutes of Standing Still:  ([1]*[6 PP]) + ([2]*[6 PP]) = 18 PP
120 Minutes of Standing Still: ([1]*[6 PP]) + ([6]*[6 PP]) = 42 PP

[Note: I will be very disappointed if I see this copied into other FAQs or 
Walkthrough (or both). Since everywhere I have looked before publishing this 
version of the guide do not contain the above information. This applies to any 
sources that do not obtain direct permission to use the information above such 
as but not limited to fan web pages or cheat code sites.]


06) Don't use the PSP speakers to listen to the game. I have read a lot of 
reviews on the game and they all ranked the sound poor and repetitive. Trust me 
if you plug in a decent pair of stereo headphones, the game sound like it 
should, which is a lot more pleasant than the PSP speakers make it out to be. 
The instrumentals are actually quite nice.
