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Here are the controls for both the In Game controls which are accessible while 
you are able to move around and control your character freely. The Menu 
controls are when you find yourself in a situation where you need to give the 
game some sort of response, such as when someone asks you a question or when 
you are using something such as your Seed Box.


In Game:
L:            Open Inventory
R:            Open Main Menu
D-pad:        Character Movement (Walk)
Analog Stick: Character Movement (Run)
Triangle:     Talk, Examine, Use equipped tool, Pick up nearby object
Square:       Cycle backward through Inventory
Circle:       Put item in hands into Inventory
Cross(X):     Cycle forward through Inventory
Select:       No Functionality
Start:        No Functionality


L:            No Functionality
R:            No Functionality    
D-pad:        Navigate Menu
Analog Stick: Navigate Menu
Triangle:     Accept
Square:       No Functionality
Circle:       Cancel
Cross(X):     Accept
Select:       No Functionality
Start:        No Functionality
