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Game Info

A few notes about this type of game comapred to other harvest moon games:

Before you start to get to know the controls for Innocent Life you should know 
that a lot has changed in terms of how you are able to play the game, provided 
you have played an earlier title in the series. Many of these changes are long 
awaited improvements to the series, as well as fixes to over-exploited tricks 
in the previous titles. I will make a list of these changes for you.


01) You are now able to walk through crops that have been planted. This is a 
major improvement because you no longer have to modify how you are going to set 
up your original plots of land.


02) Seeds are now planted in 1x1 squares as opposed to the old 9x9 method of 
planting, this being a major improvement giving you more control over your 
fields as well as being able to manage your money better.


03) Seeds are now purchased in individual numbers as opposed to bags of 9, you 
are also able to easily add more seeds to the shopping order just by going up 
to the seeds you want and answering whether or not you want to put seeds 
already on the order back, or if you want to add seeds to the order.


04) Crops and flowers are no longer destroyed when you accidentally drop them 
on the ground, instead they will just end up back on a plot of land. This goes 
for things such as weeds as well.


05) You can no longer exploit things grown in the wild. The different fruits 
and things that you are able to harvest have become moderated by the island, 
requiring the use of a Scale Pack if you desire to harvest things grown in the 


06) Things grown in the wild are no longer available every single day of the 
season. They now have specific regrowth periods as well as specific schedules 
on which the fruits or other things in the wild are fully grown and able to be 


07) The days of trying to keep count of how many times you have used a tool are 
over. The game keeps track of your tools SP for you as well as other stats that 
you have such as you Human Status.


08) Tools can no longer be exploited for use solely for acquiring SP within the 
tool. The game engine is now designed so that you are unable to use a tool 
unless there is a situation in which it can be used productively. (This means 
no more easy power leveling of things like the Sickle or Axe.)


09) Time will no longer wait for you while you are on your farm at the Easter 
Ruins. This meaning that time will still pass while you are in doors; this 
means things like no more unmediated interactions with livestock, and their 
products. Though the makers were fair enough to slow the passing of time to one 
third of what it is normally while in doors at the Easter Ruins. 

[Note: This is only at the Easter Ruins; time will stop when you are indoors in 
shops and buildings in Volcano Town.] 


10) You no longer have your entire field available to you at the start of the 
game. You must earn your fields by unlocking the seals on them, limiting you in 
the beginning of the game as to how much you will be able to grow, in terms of 
what you will be capable later in the game.


11) The time Hierarchy has changed entirely for Innocent life. The times are as 
02:01 (2:01 AM) until 03:59 (3:59 AM):
This time is Non-playable because of Dr. Hope's wishes that you go to sleep at 
02:00 (2:00 AM).

04:00 (4:00 AM) until 05:59 (5:59 AM):
This time within the game is only available to you if you opt to wake up early 
before going to sleep (and saving if you desire to). It can be extremely useful 
to you throughout the game, so don't forget that you are able to play during 
this time.

06:00 (6:00 AM) until 09:59 (9:59 AM):
The Morning Bell will ring. This will be your regular wake-up time provided 
that you haven't stayed up until 02:00 (2:00 AM) the previous day, and that you 
haven't decided to wake up early. 

10:00 (10:00 AM) until 15:59 (3:59 PM):
The Noon Bell will ring. You will find that Shop-a-Million will open at this 
time, which you should keep in mind so that you don't end up in town to early 
before hand.

16:00 (4:00 PM) until 19:59 (7:59 PM):
The Evening Bell will ring. People will change places, just as they have at the 
other bells.

20:00 (8:00 PM) until 22:59 (10:59 PM):
The Night Bell will ring. Animals will go to sleep, as well as some of the 
people in town. Anyone who is still awake tends to be at Masami's bar during 
this time.

23:00 (11:00 PM) until 01:59 (1:59 AM):
A message will appear telling you that it is getting very late and that almost 
everyone else is asleep at this point. Try to make sure you make it to bed 
before the next time change.

2:00 (2:00 AM):
You will be forced to go to sleep by Dr. Hope and unfortunately you will not be 
able to save the game beforehand. 

[Note: If this happens you will find that you will wake up at 08:00 (8:00 AM) 
instead of your regular wake up time at 06:00 (6:00 AM), which can be quite a 
pain if you have things that need to be finished.]


12) You are able to choose to get up earlier than you normally would. This can 
be beneficial to you in many ways. You can do so until 23:00 (11:00 PM) at 
which point the message appears telling you to get to sleep, as well as 
disabling the option to wake up early.
