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                    \ \ |                             | / /
                     \ \|    Return of the Goddess    |/ /
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|/The Rainbows (which are created to reawaken the goddess) are the key
| plotline in this game. Many factors are tied into when you successfully 
| progress in this plotline, most notably villagers moving to the village
| and new areas becoming accessible.
| The overall structure of this area of the game is relatively simple. There
| are 5 "rainbows" that must be created in order to reawaken the Harvest
| Goddess. The 5 rainbows must be created in order, and in order to create
| one, you must complete a recipe involving 5 ingredients (note: do NOT try
| to cook with the five ingredients; they simply have to be in your rucksack
| when you attempt to create the rainbow).
| When you have the five ingredients for a given rainbow, simply approach the
| tree and water it while those five ingredients are in your rucksack.
| It is advisable that you complete these as soon as possible, given that
| there are time restrictions on them. Certain items are only available in
| certain seasons, and villagers will sometimes move in the 1st day of the
| month following the completion of a rainbow. For example, one ingredient
| for the first rainbow - an Apple - can only be obtained in Spring or Fall.
| Therefore, if you don't buy one in Spring, you'll have to wait until Fall,
| in which case those villagers won't move in until Winter 1.
| \_____________________________________________________________________[QUI]_
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| The Quilt                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
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|/Before you can begin creating rainbows, you must complete the Quilt event.
| Essentially, a legendary quilt has been in the Mayor's family for
| generations, but half of it has gone missing. The quilt explains what to
| do when the harvest goddess disappears. In order to begin creating
| rainbows, you must find the other half of the quilt.
| The first two parts of this event happen automatically: early in the game,
| the Mayor will come by and tell you about the quilt; a few days later, he
| will come give you the left half. He mentions that Gill says the Harvest
| Sprites took it - but remember, not everyone can see the Harvest Sprites.
| The third part of the event is up to you. Gill will not tell you about the
| other half of the quilt until you've upgraded your house, which costs
| 3000G, 16 pieces of wood lumber and 16 pieces of stone lumber. Once your
| house is upgraded, talk to Gill again, then talk to the Mayor while he's in
| his house. He will give you a key to the clock tower, where the other half
| of the quilt is hidden. To open the clock tower, approach it with the key
| in your hands and press A.
| Optionally, you can also talk to Gill before upgrading your house, and to
| Dale after talking to Gill (after upgrading your house) to get more general
| information about the clock tower and quilt. That's the way you'd be doing
| it if you weren't here to read about it.
| \_____________________________________________________________________[RAI]_
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| The 5 Rainbows                                                              |
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|/Once you have the quilt, you can begin to unlock the rainbows. The
| rainbows must be created in the following order. To create a rainbow, take
| the 5 ingredients to the tree, water the flower under it and watch. For
| items in this section with the instructions "make it yourself", see the
| recipes section for more information. Optionally, you can also talk to the
| sprites (by watering their tree) before you have the ingredients and
| they'll give you the ingredient list themselves.
| In general, it's best to try to be gathering ingredients throughout the
| game and set them aside when you obtain them. Many of the ingredients are
| only available in certain seasons, so you won't be able to wake up one day
| and decide to grab the items for the next rainbow real quick.
| For this purpose, there is a reference list of all the goddess tree items
| in the References section (search for [ GIT ] without the spaces).
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green
| Sprite Name: Dana
| Location:    The Tree in Town Square
| Ingredients (And Where to Obtain):
|    Shining Spiced Fish Bake (make it yourself; for 'Shining', use at least
|            four fish and one herb)
|    Baked Sweet Potato (grow and bake; or, purchase from Maya at the
|            Spring market)
|    Apple (plant an apple tree; or, buy from Simon at the Spring/Fall
|            market)
|    Shell (find at the beach)
|    Koi (a type of fish) (catch in the river; note: name might be changed in
|            English version)
| Other Information: Unlocking this rainbow causes several villagers to move
|                    to the island, and allows Toucan Island to be accessed.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue
| Sprite Name: Ben
| Location:    The Tree at the Lake
| Ingredients:
|    Baked Eggplant (make it yourself)
|    Omelette (make it; or, buy it from Simon at the Spring/Summer market)
|    Green Herb (find in the forest, or, grow it yourself)
|    Iwana (a type of fish) (catch in waterfall area; note: name might be 
|            changed in English version)
|    Shining Tomato (grow it; or, buy at the fall Harvest Festival)
| Other Information: You can't climb this rainbow until you complete the next
|                    rainbow. After completing the next rainbow, talk to the
|                    blue sprite again, then return to the yellow rainbow.
|                    You'll find the badge he's missing near the river. 
|                    Return the badge to the blue sprite to be able to climb
|                    the rainbow to the mountain.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow
| Sprite Name: Collin
| Location:    The Tree on the Island (reached by creating the Green rainbow)
| Ingredients:
|    Blue Orb (dug up in small mine; do NOT have appraised)
|    Shining Spinach (buy in the fall; or, grow yourself)
|    Pike (fish from ocean during Fall/Winter)
|    Red Yarn (dye a ball of your own yarn with red herb or flower)
|    Banana (purchase on Toucan Island at Pineapple Inn from Samson)
| Other Information: Completing this rainbow unlocks another island to visit.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Red
| Sprite Name: Alan
| Location:    The Tree on Brownie Ranch
| Ingredients:
|    Mokugyo (caught at the goddess fountain on top of Gelato Mountain, only
|             at night, using high-level pole) (credit to RanchStory.co.uk)
|    Greenreen Grass (grow your own in Winter; or, purchase at Harvest
|             Festival or from Samson on Toucan Island at Pineapple Inn)
|    Ostrich Mayonnaise (put ostrich egg in the mayo maker; or, buy from Maya
|             during Spring/Summer markets)
|    Carrot Cake (buy from Elli at Fall/Winter markets; or, make it yourself)
|    Strange Mushroom (spotty mushrooms, found in the mines)
| Other Information: Completing this rainbow unlocks the mountain summit, the
|                    home of the final rainbow.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple
| Sprite Name: Edge
| Location:    The Tree at the Mountain Summit
| Ingredients:
|    Snowdrop Flower (grow them in Winter; or, buy them at Spring/Summer
|    market)
|    Red Honey (grow red flowers and watch for bees)
|    Tuna (fish in the ocean in Spring/Fall/Winter with high-level pole)
|    Shining Melon (buy it during Summer; or, grow it yourself)
|    Lapis Lazuli (find blue orbs in the mine and have Mira appraise them)
| Other Information: Completing this rainbow grants access to the goddess
|                    tree's location to finally reawaken the goddess.
| \_____________________________________________________________________[GST]_
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| The Tree                                                                    |
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|/There's MORE?! Yes, there's more. After reviving the five trees, you have
| a few more tasks to do. Fortunately, these tasks are not as fully involved
| as the previous ones, but unfortunately it may involve waiting a couple
| months, depending on when you finish the rainbows.
| After finishing the rainbows, various little scenes will take place. I
| won't detail what happens in these scenes (find out yourself!), but I'll
| let you know what you need to do to trigger the scenes.
| - Walk by the outside of Meringue Clinic
| - Talk to Jin
| - Climb the lighthouse and look around
| - Dig down to the 10th level of the small mine
| - Find Calvin and talk to him
| - Visit the Sundae Inn and speak with the Mayor
| - Find the key in the Mayor's kitchen
| - Wait until the event in Spring
| That last part's the annoying part if you revive the final tree in summer,
| for example. If you have any further questions on this part, let me know,
| but this sequence should be sufficient.
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