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Getting Married
                    \ \ |                             | / /
                     \ \|      Making Friends and     |/ /
                      \ |         Wooing Mates        | /
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|/As in past Harvest Moon games, Tree of Tranquility appears to operate on a
| points system for affection (given that this is underlying and not visible,
| this is difficult to guarantee - however, the concepts still remain the
| same).
| Affection exists for all villagers, but plays a special role for the
| player's potential spouses. But before we get to that, let's take a look
| at how to earn affection. 
|Here are the eligable people you can marry:
Guys | Girls

\_____________________________________________________________________[AFF]_ | | | Raising Affection | | ___________________________________________________________________________| | / |/Below are a list of ways to increase your affection (or friendship) with a | given villager: | | - Gifts: Giving gifts is the most clear way to gain friendship. Each | villager has gifts that they love, like, dislike and hate (see the | specific villager above for detailed information for each one). Giving | gifts that they love or like raises their affection ('love' more than | 'like', obviously), whereas giving gifts they dislike or hate will lower | their friendship level. | | Typically, it's really only beneficial to give one gift per day - after | the first gift, subsequent gifts carry a substantially lower increase in | affection. Because of this, never give a better gift after giving a | lesser gift. | | - Talking: Even just talking carries an affection increase. It's lower than | gift-giving, but even just speaking to a villager every day will help you | become their friend. | | - Festivals: Attending a festival raises the affection of all villagers in | attendance; additionally, speaking with a villager at a festival carries | a greater affection increase than simply talking in town. | | - Part-Time Jobs: the part-time job system in Tree of Tranquility also | serves as a way to get into specific villagers' good graces. Working at | a shop will increase your friendship with all the other villagers that | also work in the shop. | |\ | \_____________________________________________________________________[HEV]_ | | | Heart Events | | ___________________________________________________________________________| | / |/All villagers have affection ratings that indicate how strong your friendship | with them is; however, this plays a special role with regards to the | potential spouses. For these, the number of hearts corresponds to how close | you are to being able to marry them. | | For this reason, the bachelors and bachelorettes have visible heart levels | (0 through 10 hearts), and as your heart level with a particular | bachelor/ette raises, certain events will be triggered. These "heart | events" show your growing relationship with that person. | | Heart Events are different for each bachelor/ette, but follow the same | general framework: | | - At 2 Hearts, they will come to your house and give you a present. | - At 3 Hearts, they will come ask you on a lunch date. | - At 4 Hearts, they will again come give you a present. | - At 5 Hearts, they will ask you for a favor/errand. | - At 6 Hearts, they will confess their love for you. | | Heart Events aren't only for you: rival couples also have heart events. | These are triggered as you become friends with both individuals, but more | importantly the villager of the same gender as your character. So, if you | want to make absolute sure that your rival doesn't swoop in and steal your | blushing bride (or groom), avoid making friends with them. | | It's also important to note that despite there being 8 potential spouses | of each gender, only 5 in each are rivals to the point of marriage: Calvin | & Phoebe, Jin & Anissa, Julius & Candace, Toby & Renee, and Chase & Maya. | The other six (Owen, Luke, Gill, Luna, Kathy, Selena) will never marry | anyone but your character. | |\ | \___________________________________________________ |__________________________________________________ | | | ___________________________| |_____ \ \ \ __________________________| |/ / / \ \ | | / / \ \| Family Life |/ / \ | | / \| __________________________|/ _______________________| | | ________________________| | / |/Once you've raised a particular bachelor or bachelorette to 8 hearts, | you have the option of wedding them and starting a family together. But in | order to do that, first you must propose. | |\ | \_____________________________________________________________________[PRO]_ | | | Proposal | | ___________________________________________________________________________| | / |/Once your chosen beloved is up to 8 hearts and you've completed all their | heart events, you must obtain - you guessed it - the blue feather. Yes, | the blue feather, wedding ring of the rustic life. | | In past Harvest Moon games, the blue feather has been bought, found or | earned: in this game, you'll find it. | | Once your chosen beloved is up to 8 hearts, a villager will come by and | explain to you the legend of the blue feather, and inform you that the | feather is traditional for marriage proposal. A few days later, after | seeing a bluebird outside your house, go up to the waterfall area. There | you'll find the blue feather. Give this feather to your beloved to propose. | |\ | \___________________________________________________________________________ | | | Married Life | | ___________________________________________________________________________| | / |/After marriage (I won't spoil the wedding ceremony for you), your new | spouse will move in with you on the farm. Unlike in previous Harvest Moon | games where your spouse spends the vast majority of their time around your | farm, in Tree of Tranquility they'll actually go out and do things. Wives | will quit their jobs but spend more time out "shopping" (no word on if | they'll actually be spending any of your hard-earned money - not sure the | game's gotten that realistic yet!), whereas a husband keeps his job (but | never helps pay for supplies for what he calls your "cute little farm | thing", male chauvinist pig). | |\ | \___________________________________________________________________________ | | | Your Child | | ___________________________________________________________________________| | / |/Two to four seasons after marriage (suspected to be regardless of how you | play), the wife in your game (either you or your beloved, depending on the | gender you play as) will discover - with a little help from the doctor - | that she's pregnant. | | Conveniently, Tree of Tranquility offers you the opportunity to choose the | gender of your child. After you/your wife becomes pregnant, you'll | eventually get a scene of praying to the goddess; as part of this scene, | you'll be asked which gender you'd prefer. If you choose a gender, that is | the gender your child will be; but if you don't choose one in the scene, | there will be an even chance of either. If only it worked that way in | real-life. | | While ToT preserves the one-child limit (didn't you know this game takes | place in China?) of every Harvest Moon game except the original, there is | an improvement: depending on who you marry, your child will look and act | different. | | There are ten potential children: five personalities, each of which has a | child in each gender. The five options, and the spouses that lead to that | child, are: | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | The "Model" Child | | Husbands: Gill, Jin | Wives: Anissa, Candace | Description: Polite, proper, well-raised | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | The "Happy" Child | | Husbands: Toby, Julius | Wives: Maya, Renee | Description: Cheerful, happy, easy-going | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | The "Whiny" Child | | Husbands: Chase, Calvin | Wives: Luna, Selena | Description: Reserved, rude, dislikes everything | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | The "Hyper" Child | Husbands: Luke | Wives: Kathy | Description: Troublesome, mischievous, "ADD" | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | The "Artsy" Child | Husbands: Owen | Wives: Phoebe | Description: Curious, artistic, smart | | Your child will go through four stages, each lasting one season (they grow | up so fast!). In one year they move from crawling, to walking, to talking, | to finally their final stage: sentences and the ability to help you out on | the farm. | |\ | \___________________________________________________ |__________________________________________________ |