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                    \ \ |                             | / /
                     \ \|       Places and Shops      |/ /
                      \ |                             | /
                       \|   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
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|/The village is home to several shops for you to purchase various seeds,
| foods, animals and everything else you could need.
| Note: this section is among the most incomplete sections in this guide
| thus far, so feel free to contribute.
| \___________________________________________________________________________
|                                                                             |
| Shops                                                                       |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility introduces a new system for the shops,
| oriented around the shops earning certain star ratings. The higher a shop's
| rating, the better goods they'll sell.
| So how does a shop's rating rise? Their fate is tied directly to yours: the
| more you ship, the more they grow. Shipping dairy products helps grow
| Brownie Ranch, whereas shipping crops helps grow Souffle Farm.
| Certain items require your farm to be on a certain level before they will
| become available. For more information on farm ranks, see the section
| titled "Your Ranch" (search for < HSH > without the spaces).
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Town Hall
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Town center and, for you, sells land plots.
| Hours:     8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Sundays/holidays
| Villagers: Hamilton
| The Town Hall, for your purposes, is the place to buy additional land
| plots. Your first plot is free, but each additional plot costs money. There
| are four total available: the three that you chose from initially and a
| fourth up in the mountains.
| Product List       Price
| Hillside Plot      7800G
| Town Plot          7500G
| Seaside Plot       7200G
| Mountain Plot     18000G
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BRO] _
| Brownie Ranch
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Selling animals and various tools for animal caretaking.
| Hours:     9:00AM - 6:00PM, Closed Mondays/Holidays
| Villagers: Renee, Cain, Hannah, Gray
| The Brownie Ranch is your resource for all animal-related needs. Animals,
| feed, tools and miracle potions can all be purchased here.
| Product List             Price      Rank Required
| Brush                    1200G        *
| Cow Bell                  750G        *
| Shears                   1200G        *
| Milker                   1500G        *
| Medicine                  600G        *
| Saddle                   2400G       * *
| Horse Miracle Potion     2700G       * *
| Cow Miracle Potion       2100G        *
| Sheep Miracle Potion     1800G        *
| Goat Miracle Potion      1800G       * *
| Mayonnaise                180G        *
| Butter                    225G        *
| Cheese                    255G        *
| Honey                     150G        *
| Fodder                     10G        *
| Bird Seed                  10G        *
| Horse (Colt)             6300G       * *
| Chicken (Adult)          2100G        *
| Duck (Adult)             2400G      * * *
| Cow (Calf)               4500G        *
| Sheep (Lamb)             4200G        *
| Goat (Kid)               3600G       * *
| Ostrich (Chick)         13500G      * * *
| Silkworm (Adult)         2850G        *
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SOF] _
| Souffle Farm
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Selling seeds and tools for raising crops.
| Hours:     7:00AM - 5:00PM, Closed Saturdays/Holidays
| Villagers: Anissa, Craig, Ruth, Taylor
| The Souffle Farm is your chief resource for all your crop-related needs.
| Seeds, produce, trees and fertilizer can all be found here.
| Product List             Price
| (Spring Seeds)
| Breadfruit Seeds         210G
| Cabbage Seeds            135G
| Lavender Seeds           160G
| Moon Drop Seeds           70G
| Potato Seeds              75G
| Strawberry Seeds         600G
| Daffodil Seeds            60G
| Turnip Seeds              60G
| Mixed Bag (random seeds) 150G
| (Summer Seeds)
| Daisy Seeds               60G
| Corn Seeds               210G
| Onion Seeds               75G
| Pink Cat Mint Seeds       60G
| Squash Seeds             735G
| Sunflower Seeds           75G
| Tomato Seeds             210G
| Watermelon Seeds         450G
| Mixed Bag (random seeds) 150G
| (Fall Seeds)
| Blue Bell Seeds           75G
| Blue Mist Seeds          625G
| Cosmos Seeds             175G
| Eggplant Seeds           285G
| Pumpkin Seeds            195G
| Rice Seeds               120G
| Spinach Seeds             75G
| Sweet Potato Seeds       135G
| Mixed Bag (random seeds) 150G
| (Winter Seeds)
| Wheat Seeds              150G
| Sea Flower Seeds         150G
| Snow Drop Seeds          150G
| (Year-Round Seeds)
| Apple Tree Seed          570G
| Cherry Tree Seed         555G
| Chestnut Tree Seed       540G
| Grape Tree Seed          525G
| Orange Tree Seed         450G
| Pine Tree Seed           300G
| (Spring Produce)
| Strawberry               435G
| Cabbage                  275G
| Cherry                   315G
| (Summer Produce)
| Watermelon               375G
| Corn                     210G
| Tomato                   195G
| Melon                    735G
| Orange                   195G
| (Fall Produce)
| Pumpkin                  285G
| Sweet Potato             180G
| Eggplant                 210G
| Apple                    225G
| Grapes                   210G
| Chestnuts                120G
| (Fertilizer)
| Good Fertilizer           90G
| Better Fertilizer        180G
| Best Fertilizer          225G
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CAR] _
| Carpenter's Shop
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Upgrading your house and building new buildings.
| Hours:     9:00AM - 6:00PM
| Villagers: Luke, Dale, Bo
| The Carpenter's Shop is also your local Haverty's - most of your furniture
| will be purchased from this shop.
| Product List
| (Buildings and Upgrades) Price      Wood    Stone
| New Home (New Building)  4500G      27      27
| Home Level 2 (Upgrade)   3000G      18      16
| Home Level 3 (Upgrade)   6000G      27      24
| Home Level 4 (Upgrade)   9000G      36      32
| Home Level 5 (Upgrade)  12000G      45      40
| Coop (New Building)      2500G      10      10
| Coop Level 2 (Upgrade)   4800G      22      22
| Barn (New Building)      3000G      12      12
| Barn Level 2 (Upgrade)   6000G      22      22
| (House Decors)           Price
| Simple                    750G
| Rustic                   1500G
| Cute                     2250G
| Beautiful                4500G
| (Beds)                   Price (Single)    Price (Double)
|   "Simple"               1500G             5250G
|   "Cute"                 1500G             5250G
|   "Modern"               1800G             5700G
|   "Straw (Simple)"        450G             1950G
|   "Straw (Modern)"        600G             2100G
|   "Gold"                 3000G             6000G
|   "Nice"                 3300G             6000G
|   "Purple"               3750G             6750G
| (Wardrobes)              Price (Small)     Price (Medium)    Price (Large)
|   "Simple"               1350G             2400G             3300G
|   "Modern"               1500G             2550G             3450G
|   "Cute"                 1950G             3000G             3900G
| (Shelves)                Price (Small)     Price (Medium)    Price (Large)
|   "Simple"               1200G             1500G             2250G
|   "Modern"               1200G             1500G             2400G
|   "Cute"                 1350G             1650G             2700G
| (Drawers)                Price (Normal)    Price (Rare)
|   "Simple"               1800G             3750G
|   "Modern"               1800G             3750G
|   "Cute"                 4200G             4200G
| (Bookshelves)            Price
|   "Simple"               1500G
|   "Modern"               1800G
| (Tables)                 Price (Square)    Price (Round)
|   "Simple"               2700G             3000G
|   "Modern"               2400G             3300G
| (Chairs)                 Price (Normal)    Price (Backrest)
|   "Simple"                300G             600G
|   "Rustic"                300G             300G
|   "Cute"                  375G             375G
|   "Normal"                375G             675G
|   "Modern"*               375G             675G
|   "Brown"*                450G             720G
| (Couches)                Price (Loveseat)  Price (Full Couch)
|   "Simple"                750G             1500G
|   "Rustic"                750G             1500G
|   "Modern"                780G             1800G
|   "Fancy"*                750G             1650G
|   "Brown"*                780G             1875G
|   "Artsy"**               750G             1650G
|  * - the "Modern" and "Brown" chairs and the "Fancy" and "Brown" couches
|      are NOT available at the Carpenter's Shop; they are sold by Bo at
|      the Market. They are listed here for simplicity.
| ** - the "Artsy" couches are NOT available at the Carpenter's Shop; they
|      are sold by Owen at the Market. They are listed here for simplicity.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SUP] _
| General Store
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Purchasing kitchen utensils, food and other items.
| Hours:     9:00AM - 6:00PM
| Villagers: Phoebe, Barbara, Simon
| The General Store is just that: super. They sell everything here, but the
| most important part is the kitchen utensils.
| Product List
| (Cooking Utensils)   Price(N*)  Price(R*)  Price(S*)  Price(C*)  Price(B**)
| Knife Sets           1500G      1500G      1650G      1800G      3000G
| Frying Pans          1800G      1800G      1950G      2100G      3300G
| Mixers               1200G      1200G      1350G      1500G      2700G
| Pots                 2250G      2250G      2400G      2550G      3750G
| Ovens                2550G      2550G      2700G      2850G      4050G
| Fermenting Bowls     2175G      2175G      2475G      2325G      3675G
| Match Set             500G
|  * - These 5 initials represent the 5 types of utensil: Normal, Rustic,
|      Simple, Cute, and Beautiful.
| ** - The 'Beautiful' utensils are NOT purchased from the General Store, but
|      from Mira at the Spring and Summer Flea Markets. They are provided
|      here for convenience.
| (00 Makers)          Price
| Mayonnaise Maker     3000G
| Cheese Maker         4200G
| Butter Maker         3750G
| Yarn Maker           4500G
| Note: '00 Makers' are not available until a coop or barn are constructed.
| (Household Items)    Price    Rank Required
| (Calendars)
|   Modern            180G
|   Normal            225G
|   Simple*           150G
| (Televisions)
|   Cheap             600G
|   Normal           1350G
|   Large            5250G
| (Telephones)
|   Normal            750G
|   Rustic            750G
|   Cute              750G
|   Pink              900G
|   Luxurious        1275G
|   Simple*           825G
|   Luxurious**      1050G
| (Clocks)
|   Round             525G
|   Square            600G
|   Artsy**           750G
| (Heating)
|   Wood-Burning      900G
|   Oil-Burning      1800G
|   Foreign**        1350G
| (Refrigerators)
|   Small            1200G
|   Medium           2250G
|   Large            3750G
|   Small (Simple)*  1350G
|   Medium (Simple)* 2700G
|   Large (Simple)*  4200G
|  * - These items (Simple Calendar, Simple Phone, Simple Refrigerators) are
|      NOT sold at the General Store; they are sold by Owen at the Arts
|      Festival. They are provided here for convenience.
| ** - These items (Luxurious Telephone, Artsy Clock and Foreign Heater) are
|      NOT sold at the General Store; they are sold by Bo at the Arts
|      Festival. They are provided here for convenience.
| The General Store sells quite a few other goods, including furniture for
| your house and other items. These will be posted when they become
| available.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TAL] _
| Tailor Shop
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Purchasing clothes and jewelry.
| Hours:     9:00AM - 6:00PM 
| Villagers: Candace, Luna, Shelly
| Once the Tailor Shop arrives (after creating the first rainbow), you'll be
| able to buy different clothes and jewelry to outfit your character. Note
| also that I have no way of knowing how several of these things will be
| translated in the English version, so these names likely will change.
| Product List             Price
| Blue Clothes             1500G
| Red Clothes              1800G
| Yellow Clothes           2100G
| Green Clothes            2400G
| Purple Clothes           2700G
| Straw Hat                 900G
| Trucker Cap              1800G
| Baseball Cap             2100G
| Beanie-Style Hat         2400G
| Bandana                  3000G
| Cowboy Hat               3300G
| Note: each of the above 'Clothes' is available as both a spring/summer and
|       a fall/winter outfit, as well as both a boy's and a girl's outfit.
|       The price remains the same regardless of season and gender. Also,
|       each of the hats is available for both boys and girls at no price
|       difference.
| Rucksack Upgrades         Required Items
| Upgrade #1 (15 slots)     None (obtained free when Tailor Shop arrives)
| Upgrade #2 (20 slots)     Cloth (2), Yarn (2), Thread (2)
| Upgrade #3 (25 slots)     Yellow Cloth (2), Red Yarn (2), Green Thread (2)
| Upgrade #4 (30 slots)     Perfect Cloth, Yarn (2), Thread (2)
| Note: cloth is obtained by putting flax seeds into the yarn maker.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BLA] _
| Blacksmith Shop
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Purchasing and upgrading tools.
| Hours:     8:00AM - 5:00PM
| Villagers: Julius, Owen, Chloe, Ramsey
| The blacksmith shop allows you to upgrade your tools, as well as creates
| jewelry and accessories from items you supply.
| Product List             Price     Ore Required
| (Tool Upgrades, any tool)
| Starter->Iron Upgrade    1000G     Iron Ore  
| Iron->Copper Upgrade     2500G     Copper Ore
| Copper->Silver Upgrade   5000G     Silver Ore
| Silver->Gold Upgrade    10000G     Gold Ore
| The blacksmith shop also sells dozens of accessories; these will be listed
| at a later date, but for now, suffice to say that every combination of a
| copper, silver or gold ore with a gemstone of some kind can be made into
| an accessory for the price of 400G to 2000G.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sundae Inn/Bar
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Sells food, and drinks at night in the bar.
| Hours:     9:00AM - 5:00PM (Restaurant); 6:00PM - 11:00PM (Bar)
| Villagers: Jake, Colleen, Maya, Kathy, Selena, Hayden
| The Sundae Inn really serves more as a restaurant and bar than anything
| else; it does have rooms, but they don't actually serve any gameplay
| purpose.
| Product List            Price
| (Restaurant)
| Apple Pie                630G
| Banana Pudding           840G
| Fondue                   510G
| Mushroom Stir Fry        480G
| Omelette                 330G
| Shark Stew              1530G
| Sole Meuniere            630G
| Tomato Rice              660G
| Veggie Sandwich          390G
| Herb Tea                 105G
| Hot Chocolate            570G
| Milk Tea                 405G
| Pineapple Juice          405G
| Tomato Juice             240G
| Veryberry Juice          105G
| Warm Milk                330G
| (Drinks)
| Apple Martini            345G
| Blueberry Martini        180G
| Buckwheat Martini        210G
| Coconut Martini          495G
| Grape Martini            300G
| Potato Martini           285G
| Rice Martini             345G
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Doctor's Office
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Selling medicine, birthing children and caring for you when ill.
| Hours:     8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Mondays/holidays
| Villagers: Irene, Jin
| The Doctor's Office (also called the Clinic) serves a typical purpose:
| selling medicine and caring for you when you get sick. Like the Tailor
| Shop, these translations are very rough and will be revised when official
| English names are released. Certain items are also believed to be the same
| as recipe items, but if this appears false this will be corrected.
| Product List            Price
| Herb Tea                 105G
| Veggie Juice             420G
| Stamina Drink            300G
| Fatigue Drink            450G
| Cold Medicine            525G
| Sleep-Be-Gone            375G
| Super-Sleep-Be-Gone      525G
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fishing Co.
| Location:  
| Purpose:   Home for fishermen, and a place to get various fish-type foods.
| Hours:     6:00AM - 10:00PM, closed Mondays/holidays
| Villagers: Toby, Paolo, Ozzie
| The Fishing Co. has a variety of fish-related dishes for you to purchase;
| they don't sell anything usable, though.
| Product List             Price
| Baked Clams               195G
| Fish Stir Fry             180G
| Local Stir Fry            150G
| Shrimp Stir Fry           135G
| Salmon Stir Fry           405G
| Sardine Stir Fry          120G
| Squid Stir Fry            210G
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pineapple Inn
| Location:  Toucan Island (accessed by creating first rainbow)
| Purpose:   As a shop, buying rare seeds
| Hours:     7:00AM - 7:00PM, OPEN holidays
| Villagers: Samson, Sue, Selena (theoretically)
| Pineapple Inn sells some rare seeds that can't be found on the main island.
| All their seeds are available year-round.
| Product List             Price
| Cocoa Seeds               225G
| Cayenne Seeds              30G
| Orchid Seeds               90G
| Greenreen Flower Seeds    165G
| Banana                    150G
| Pineapple                 180G
| Shells                    210G
| S. Island Stir Fry        555G
| S. Island Fried Rice      765G
| Pineapple Juice           405G
| Coconut Milk              375G
| Banana Milk               600G
| \___________________________________________________________________________
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| Other Homes and Buildings                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
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| There are, needless to say, other buildings - after all, people do live
| places. These will be detailed more clearly in the future.
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