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                    \ \ |                             | / /
                     \ \|            Tools            |/ /
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 _______________________|  |
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|/Your standard tools include the axe, the hammer, the sickle and the
| watering can. There are several other tools in the game, but these four
| represent a different classification of tools: they are upgradeable.
| Other tools often center around taking care of animals or other extra
| activities. These tools are traditionally not upgradeable.
| \___________________________________________________________________________
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| Upgradeable Tools                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
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|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [AXE] _
| Axe 
| Purpose:      Chopping wood and destroying stumps.
| Obtained:     Obtained free from Luke (talk to Luke).
| Strengthened: Cuts a stump in fewer strikes, and able to cut bigger stumps.
| Upgraded:     Uses less stamina.
| Usage:        Face the stump or twig and use; depending on the level of the
|               axe and the strength of the tree, multiple strikes may be
|               required.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HAM] _
| Hammer
| Purpose:      Destroying stones and boulders
| Obtained:     Obtained free from Owen (talk to Owen).
| Strengthened: Destroys a stone in fewer strikes, and able to destroy
|               bigger boulders.
| Upgraded:     Uses less stamina.
| Usage:        Face the boulder or stone and use; depending on the level of
|               the hammer and the strength of the target, multiple strikes
|               may be required.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SIC] _
| Sickle
| Purpose:      Cutting grass and weeds
| Obtained:     Purchase from Brownie Ranch (1200G).
| Strengthened: Cuts a larger area with one strike.
| Upgraded:     Uses less stamina.
| Usage:        Stand amongst the grass or facing the weed/dead plant and
|               use; depending on the strength of the sickle and the level of
|               charge you use, more grass/weeds will be cut. Note that
|               the area cut by the sickle is radially around you, not in
|               front of you.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WAT] _
| Watering Can
| Purpose:      Waters crops.
| Obtained:     Obtained during opening sequence (automatically).
| Strengthened: Waters larger area with one action.
| Upgraded:     Uses less stamina, holds more water.
| Usage:        Stand facing the plant (or plants) you'd like to water and
|               use; depending on the strength of the watering can and the
|               level of charge, a larger area (in front of you) will be
|               watered.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HOE] _
| Hoe
| Purpose:      Tills soil.
| Obtained:     Obtained during opening sequence (automatically).
| Strengthened: Plows more land with one stroke.
| Upgraded:     Uses less stamina.
| Usage:        Stand facing the soil you want to till and use; depending on
|               the strength of the hoe and the level of charge, it will
|               till more squares of soil in a row.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FSP] _
| Fishing Pole
| Purpose:      Lets you fish in rivers and the ocean.
| Obtained:     Obtain free from Toby (talk to Toby).
| Strengthened: Able to catch bigger/better fish.
| Upgraded:     Uses less stamina.
| Usage:        Stand facing the water and use; reel back in when a fish
|               is caught.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [UPG] _
| Upgrading Tools
| The axe, hammer, sickle, hoe, watering can and fishing pole are all
| upgradeable. Once a tool is upgraded, it uses less stamina, operates more
| efficiently and requires less usage.
| Leveling up happens two different ways: first of all, tools increase in
| "strength" as they are used more often. As a tool is used, it gains the
| equivalent of 'experience points', and upon receiving enough experience,
| levels up to the next strength of that tool. Higher-strength tools carry
| many benefits; a higher-strength watering can is able to water more plants
| at a time, while a higher-strength hammer or axe can destroy a stump or
| tree in fewer strikes.
| In addition to strengthening tools, you also have the option of upgrading
| them. Upgrading can be done once tools have reached higher levels of
| strength (for example, the first upgrade is available once the second level
| of strength is reached). Upgrading makes tools more efficient: while
| stronger tools can perform more work in less actions, upgraded tools
| actually use less stamina to do the same amount of work.
| The difference between strengthened tools and upgraded tools is subtle, so
| it's best to think about it in this way: strengthened tools save time, but
| not energy. While a strengthened axe may be able to destroy a stump in 3
| strikes instead of 6, it consumes as much stamina in those 3 strikes as the
| unstrengthened tool did in 6. An upgraded tool saves both time and energy;
| it still only takes 3 strikes to break that stump, but those 3 strikes use
| less stamina than 6 strikes from the un-upgraded tool.
| Tools can be upgraded in two ways: the Blacksmith Shop will upgrade your
| tools for you, or the General Store can sell you upgraded versions of the
| tools. The General Store is more expensive, but does not require you to dig
| up the ores or to have your tools strengthened. The Blacksmith is less
| expensive, but you must first strengthen the tool and dig up the
| corresponding ore.
| For more information on upgrade purchase prices, see the Blacksmith section
| (search for [ BLA ] without the spaces) or the General Store section
| (search for [ SUP ] without the spaces).
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| Non-Upgradeable Tools                                                       |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
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|/Non-upgradeable tools fall into several categories, but the most common
| ones are used to care for the animals. These are items like brushes,
| milkers and sheep shears.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BEL] _
| Bell
| Purpose:       Calls the barnyard animals (cows, sheep, goats) to you.
| Obtained:      Purchase at Brownie Ranch (750G).
| Rank Required:   *
| Usage:         Stand anywhere and ring the bell. Animals within a
|                reasonable range will start to walk towards you.
| Notes:         This does not need to be used to put animals in the barn;
|                there is a button that does this automatically.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BRU] _
| Brush
| Purpose:       Increases an animal's affection.
| Obtained:      Purchase at Brownie Ranch (1200G).
| Rank Required:   *
| Usage:         Stand facing the animal you want to brush and use.
| Notes:         This is the fastest way to increase an animal's affection,
|                but can only be done once per day.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MED] _
| Medicine
| Purpose:       Cures an animal of illness.
| Obtained:      Purchase at Brownie Ranch (600G).
| Rank Required:   *
| Usage:         Stand facing the animal you want to heal and use.
| Notes:         It may be best to have one of these on hand; the longer an
|                animal stays sick, the more its affection drops, and an
|                animal may get sick on a day when the ranch is closed.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MLR] _
| Milker
| Purpose:       Obtains milk from mature cows.
| Obtained:      Purchase at Brownie Ranch (1500G).
| Rank Required:   *
| Usage:         Stand next to the cow you wish to milk and use; the milk
|                will replace the milker in your hands.
| Notes:         Using the shears on a cow will boost their affection.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SAD] _
| Saddle
| Purpose:       Allows you to ride your horse or ostrich.
| Obtained:      Purchase at Brownie Ranch (2400G).
| Rank Required:  * *
| Usage:         Stand facing the horse or ostrich you wish to ride and use;
|                you will place the saddle on the animal and jump up onto it.
| Notes:         The same saddle is used for both horses and ostriches.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SHR] _
| Shears
| Purpose:       Shears your sheep's wool.
| Obtained:      Purchase at Brownie Ranch (1200G).
| Rank Required:   *
| Usage:         Stand facing the sheep you wish to shear and use; wool will
|                replace the shears in your hands.
| Notes:         Using the shears on a sheep will boost their affection.
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| 00 Makers                                                                   |
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|/I'm calling these '00 Makers' after their name in Harvest Moon: Back to
| Nature, though in this game they're officially just 'Makers'. These devices
| reside in the barn and chicken coop and are used to process animal products
| (and flax) into more useful products.
| 00 Makers are purchased from the General Store when the corresponding
| building is constructed.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mayo Maker
| Price:    3000G
| Location: Bird Coop
| Color:    Red
| Input:    Eggs (Chicken/Duck/Ostrich)
| Output:   Mayonnaise
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cheese Maker
| Price:    4200G
| Location: Barn
| Color:    Blue
| Input:    Milk (Cow/Goat)
| Output:   Cheese
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Butter Maker
| Price:    3750G
| Location: Barn
| Color:    Yellow
| Input:    Milk (Cow/Goat)
| Output    Butter
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yarn Maker
| Price:    4500G
| Location: Barn
| Color:    Green
| Input:    Wool; Silk; Flax
| Output    Yarn; Thread; Cloth (respectively)
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