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                     \ \|         The Animals         |/ /
                      \ |                             | /
                       \|   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
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|/Animals are broken up into two distinct categories: on the one hand are
| livestock, whose primary purpose is to yield profit-producing products
| for your farm. On the other hand are the wild animals, which exist in all
| Harvest Moon games but taken on a new life in Tree of Tranquility with the
| added ability to adopt and keep them as pets. Up to 5 of these wild animals
| can be kept as pets once you obtain the highest-level house.
| \_____________________________________________________________________[LVS]_
|                                                                             |
| Livestock                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [LQR] _
| At A Glance
| _ _ _ _ _
| Chickens
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           2100G
| Age at Purchase: Adult
| Residence:       Bird Coop
| Product:         Eggs/Mayonnaise (via Mayo Maker)
| Product Freq.:   Daily
| Product Prices:  
| Breeding:        Yes; in incubator
| Breed Time:      7 days to birth, 7 days to maturity
| Lifespan:        Around 3 years
| _ _ _ _ _
| Cows
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           4500G
| Age at Purchase: Calf (28 days to adult)
| Residence:       Barn
| Product:         Milk/Cheese (via Cheese Maker)
| Product Freq.:   Daily
| Product Prices:  
| Breeding:        Yes; using Miracle Potion
| Breed Time:      24 days to birth; 42 days to maturity
| Lifespan:        Around 3 years
| _ _ _ _ _
| Sheep
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           4200G
| Age at Purchase: Lamb (14 days to adult)
| Residence:       Barn
| Product:         Wool/Yarn (via Yarn Maker)
| Product Freq.:   Every 4 Days
| Product Prices:  
| Breeding:        Yes; using Miracle Potion
| Breed Time:      7 days to birth, 14 days to maturity
| Lifespan:        Around 3 years
| _ _ _ _ _
| Goats
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           3600G
| Age at Purchase: Kid (14 days to adult)
| Residence:       Barn
| Product:         Milk
| Product Freq.:   Daily
| Product Prices:  
| Breeding:        Yes; using Miracle Potion
| Breed Time:      7 days to birth, 14 days to maturity
| Lifespan:        Around 3 years
| _ _ _ _ _
| Ducks
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           2400G
| Age at Purchase: Adult
| Residence:       Bird Coop
| Product:         Eggs
| Product Freq.:   Every 2 Days
| Product Prices:  
| Breeding:        Yes; in incubator
| Breed Time:      7 days to birth, 7 days to maturity
| Lifespan:        Around 3 years
| _ _ _ _ _
| Ostriches
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           13500G
| Age at Purchase: Chick (28 days to adult)
| Residence:       Barn
| Product:         Eggs
| Product Freq.:   Every 4 Days
| Product Prices:  
| Breeding:        Yes; in ostrich egg incubator
| Breed Time:      7 days to birth, 28 days to maturity
| Lifespan:        Around 4 years
| _ _ _ _ _
| Silkworms
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           2850G
| Age at Purchase: Adult
| Residence:       Bird Coop
| Product:         Silk
| Product Freq.:   Every 4 Days
| Product Prices:  
| Breeding:        No
| Breed Time:      N/A
| Lifespan:        Around 2 years
| _ _ _ _ _
| Horse
| Purchased From:  Brownie Ranch
| Price:           6300G
| Age at Purchase: Colt (28 days to adult)
| Residence:       Barn
| Product:         None
| Product Freq.:   N/A
| Product Prices:  N/A
| Breeding:        Yes; using Miracle Potion
| Breed Time:      14 days to birth, 14 days to maturity
| Lifespan:        Around 4 years
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CHK] _
| Chickens
| Chickens are likely the first animal you'll have on your farm, as they are
| the cheapest. Chickens are relatively low-maintenance; they need only be
| fed every day (although you can raise their affection more by picking them
| up once daily), and will each give an egg a day.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Affection
| Chicken affection rises pretty standardly as you feed them each day.
| Picking them up can also grant an affection boost, and they will gain
| affection faster the more they're allowed outside. These three ways
| (feeding, picking up, allowing outside) are the only three ways chickens
| gain affection.
| Chickens lose affection by being left out in the rain (though they won't
| get sick like cows or sheep will), being struck with tools or going unfed.
| _ _ _ _
| Feeding
| Chickens can be fed in two ways: either by placing as many stacks of
| chicken feed as you have chickens in the feeding trough (unlike cows and
| sheep, each chicken doesn't have its own feeding stall, so instead you
| must keep track of the total number), or by allowing them to spend the
| majority of the day outside.
| If you forget or are unable to feed them one day, they will not generate
| eggs for a couple days after that and their affection will drop.
| _ _ _
| Eggs
| Each chicken lays one egg per day; the quality of these eggs is based on
| the chicken's heart level. There appear to be four levels of eggs, which
| I refer to as "Fair", "Good", "Better" and "Best". Better eggs sell for
| more money.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Incubating
| While you must buy your first chicken, subsequent chickens can be either
| bought or bred. To breed a chicken, take one of your current chickens'
| eggs and place it in the incubator. After 7 days in the incubator, a
| chick will hatch, and after 7 more days the chick will grow into a full
| egg-laying chicken. Incubated chickens tend to gain affection quicker
| than purchased chickens.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [COW] _
| Cows
| As with other games, cows are purchased from Brownie Ranch. They are
| available initially (other animals require the Ranch to "level up" before
| purchase).
| _ _ _ _
| New Cow
| You can purchase a new cow from Brownie Ranch for 4500G. It comes to you
| as a calf; after 28 days, you can begin to milk it and sell its milk for
| profit.
| When you breed a cow, the calf it gives birth to takes 42 days to grow
| to full milk-giving maturity: 14 days to grow to the age of a purchased
| calf, and 28 more to become a full cow.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Milk Mechanics
| When you purchase a cow, it will initially start giving you milk (unlike
| past Harvest Moon games that required them to grow first). However, after
| some time (three seasons to a year), the cow will stop giving milk. Call it
| an added bit of realism. The cow won't give milk again until it gives birth
| (after all, biologically the purpose of the milk is to feed the calf).
| To counter this, attempt to have cows in groups of 4 that proceed through a
| cycle. Every month, one cow should be pregnant, while three should be
| giving milk from a recent birth. If you align it properly, a cow will stop
| giving milk around the time the pregnant cow gives birth, allowing you to
| use a miracle potion (or the bull) on the next cow. 
| Depending on how large your barn is and how many pregnant cows you can
| handle at a time, you should be able to maintain a constant supply of milk.
| Don't worry about the calves; when they're born, you have the option of
| keeping it (if you have room in your barn) or selling it. Beware, though;
| if you want to sell one of your current cows and keep the to-be-born calf,
| you may have to sell the cow before the calf is born - otherwise you might
| not be given the option of keeping the new and selling the old.
| Additionally, it is possible to use a miracle potion on cows that are still
| giving milk, and they will continue to give milk early in their pregnancy.
| Keep this in mind if you want to maximize the time during which a cow gives
| milk, as the closer the birth is to the date they stop giving milk, the
| more total milk you'll be getting from them.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Milk Levels
| Depending on your cow's heart level, the quality of milk you receive from
| it will change. There are believed to be 4 levels: for lack of better terms
| until the English version is official, I'm referring to them as "Fair",
| "Good", "Better" and "Best".
| Cows will typically give mostly Fair milk when their heart level is at 5
| hearts or less. After that, Good milk will start to be mingled in. Around
| 8 hearts, the cow will give hardly any Fair milk and mostly Good milk, with
| some Better milk mixed in as well. Finally, when the cow is at 10 hearts,
| it will occasionally give Best milk - but this is not a reliably frequent
| occurrence.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Affection
| As stated above, cow affection levels control the quality of milk the cow
| produces. You can raise a cow's affection in multiple ways:
| - Talk to it.
| - Brush it.
| - Feed it.
| - Let it graze outside.
| - Miracle Potion.
| Simply feeding a cow every day will raise its affection slowly, but it's
| important to note that forgetting to feed the cow one day will
| significantly lower its affection. Talking and brushing at the most
| effective ways, and the inclusion of a bell to move all the cows to the
| yard makes allowing them to graze on sunny days much easier than it was.
| Using a Miracle Potion on a cow will raise its affection substantially
| (both all at once, and over the course of the pregnancy), but obviously
| this leaves the cow partially incapacitated for a certain time period.
| Cow affection can be lowered as well, by forgetting to feed them, leaving
| them in the rain or using a tool on them. Be careful.
| _ _ _ _
| Illness
| If you leave a cow out in the rain, there is a chance that it may get sick;
| if this happens, it will stop giving you milk and will generally mope
| around and be sluggish. If you don't heal it in time, it may even die.
| To heal the cow, go to Brownie Ranch and purchase the cow medicine (not yet
| sure the official name of the item) and return home to use it on your cow.
| You may want to keep one or two cow medicines on your farm anyway, given
| that your cow could get sick on a day when the ranch is closed.
| _ _ _ _
| Feeding
| Unlike in past games, you don't need to plant your own grass; grass is
| already available on your farm, and will start growing once you purchase a
| cow.
| Each cow must be fed every day. This can be done in two ways:
| - Placing grass in their feeding trough.
| - Allowing them to graze outside for the day (though it is not yet certain
|   how much of the day they must be outside for their food to register as
|   coming from the field).
| If you choose to place grass in their trough, the grass can be obtained in
| two ways as well:
| - Purchased from Brownie Ranch.
| - Cut from your field with the sickle.
| Regardless of which you choose, remember to put the grass in their trough,
| not give it to them directly. Feeding them directly may raise their
| affection, but it does not register as their food for the day.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Caretaking
| Every day, you should perform four actions on your adult cows:
| - Talk to it.
| - Feed it.
| - Brush it.
| - Milk it (if it's giving milk).
| Talking, brushing and milking can be skipped if you're in a hurry, but
| feeding is absolutely essential.
| To talk to your cow, simply walk up to it and talk just as if you were
| talking to any other villager.
| To feed your cow, place the grass in its feed trough, or allow it to be
| outside in the field for the majority of the day.
| To brush your cow, walk up to the side of it with the brush equipped and
| use it on the side of the cow.
| To milk the cow, walk up to the side of it with the milker equipped and
| use it on the side of the cow.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Breeding
| Besides just buying new cows, you can also breed the ones you have. To
| breed a cow, purchase a Cow Miracle Potion from Brownie Ranch and use it
| on an adult cow. After 14 days, the cow will give birth to a calf, which
| will in turn take 42 days to grow to full maturity.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SHP] _
| Sheep
| Sheep, for the most part, behave similarly to cows. Like cows, they need
| to be fed every day (either through their trough or by being outside), they
| have their affection raised by being spoken to, brushed and let outside,
| and they become pregnant through use of the miracle potion. The only
| difference between the two is that cows give milk, while sheep give wool;
| so for information about sheep besides their wool, see the above sections
| on Affection, Illness, Feeding, and Caretaking.
| _ _ _
| Wool
| Sheep generate their profit through their growth of wool. Every four days
| an adult sheep re-grows its coat, allowing you to shear and sell it.
| The price of wool is based on the heart level of that sheep. Similar 
| to milk, wool comes in four levels, here again temporarily called "Fair", 
| "Good", "Better" and "Best". Sheep with up to 4 hearts typically give Fair 
| wool; 5-6 typically give Good wool; 7-9 typically give Better wool; and 10 
| sometimes give Best wool.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Breeding
| Sheep pregnancies work slightly different from cow pregnancies. Like cows,
| they become pregnant through the use of a Miracle Potion (a Sheep Miracle
| Potion this time); however, they take only 7 days to give birth, and their
| lambs take only 14 days to grow to adulthood.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GOT] _
| Goats
| Goats are also available and produce milk, similar to cows. Beyond this,
| there does not appear to be any difference between cows and goats, although
| goat milk might rate differently in quality and might not be able to be
| converted into cheese. Goats also become pregnant through the use of a
| (Goat) Miracle Potion, giving birth in 7 days like sheep; the resultant
| kid grows to adulthood in 14 days.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [DUK] _
| Ducks
| For the most part, caring for ducks is like caring for chickens. Feed them
| every day, pick them up to raise their affection, and collect their eggs.
| Duck eggs can also be incubated to hatch new ducks. For any further 
| information, refer to the chicken section.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [OST] _
| Ostriches
| Yes, this game has ostriches. No, I'm not kidding. The ostrich is a very 
| interesting animal; you can ride it like horses, but it also lays eggs. It
| is one of the most expensive animals, and requires Brownie Ranch to be at
| its top level. It takes an exceedingly long time to grow into an adult
| once you've purchased it. Once it's grown, it lays an egg every 4 days
| (which can be incubated in a special ostrich egg incubator), and it can
| also be ridden around the village.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SLK] _
| Silkworms
| Silkworms? Yes, silkworms. Silkworms produce silk, and reside in the
| chicken coop along with the chickens and ducks. Every 4 days, a silkworm
| grows a new ball of silk to be sold or possibly made into thread. They
| can't be bred. That about covers it.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HRS] _
| Horse
| Horses are different from the other animals in that they don't give you any
| products that can then be sold for profit. Instead, the horse operates as a
| tool to help you with your labor; it provides faster transportation around
| the village, and in the past has also provided a mobile shipping bin 
| (although whether this exists in Tree of Tranquility is unconfirmed).
| But the horse's most notable contribution is its role in the village horse
| races. By training your horse and raising its heart level, it will be able
| to run faster in the races. Note, though, that unlike in past Harvest Moon
| games, there is no horse racing festival: instead, horse racing is more of
| a mini-game unlocked by getting 5 hearts on Kathy.
| Training your horse is done by simply riding it; the more often you ride,
| the higher its heart level will rise and the faster it will be come race
| time. However, heart level alone does not dictate the horse's speed, as
| other factors - such as brushing it - may increase heart level without
| actually increasing running speed.
| Horses can be bred (just as cows and sheep can) through the use of a horse
| miracle potion; the colts can grow up to be horses and also run in races.
| \___________________________________________________________________________
|                                                                             |
| Wild Animals                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Wild animals can be adopted by raising their heart levels to 6 hearts. You
| can raise their heart levels by petting/talking to them each day.
| The animals that can be adopted are as follows. There are no differences
| between animals except appearance. Animals marked with an asterisk (*) have
| multiple appearances (for example, a black rabbit and a white one).
| Adoptable pets:
| Turtle, monkey, boar, raccoon, chipmunk, penguin, rabbit*, weasel*, bear*,
| cat*, dog*.
| At the beginning of the game, you're given the opportunity to choose your
| first pet and work towards befriending him. As your house expands, though,
| you can house more and more pets, eventually allowing you to keep 5 pets
| in a level 5 house. 
| \___________________________________________________________________________
|                                                                             |
| Animal Products                                                             |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/The primary purpose for raising animals, besides how darn cute they are, is
| to sell their products for a profit. Below are the three core animal
| products that can be sold, along with the three upper-level products that
| you can make out of them.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Eggs
| Obtained from: Chickens, Ducks, Ostriches
| Frequency:     Daily
| Sale Prices:   Vary by type of egg and quality (actual prices coming soon)
| Can Be:        Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
| Can Become:    Mayonnaise, when put in the Mayo Maker.
| Notes:         While chicken eggs' quality will impact the mayonnaise's
|                quality, ducks and ostriches' eggs all lead to the same
|                quality of mayonnaise.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Milk
| Obtained from: Cows, Goats
| Frequency:     Daily
| Sale Prices:   Vary by type of milk and quality (actual prices coming soon)
| Can Be:        Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
| Can Become:    Cheese, when put in the Cheese Maker.
| Notes:         It is not yet known if goats' milk can be converted to
|                cheese, and if the quality rating carries over to the
|                cheese.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Wool
| Obtained from: Sheep
| Frequency:     Weekly
| Sale Prices:   Vary by quality (actual prices coming soon)
| Can Be:        Sold or given as a gift.
| Can Become:    Yarn, when put in the Yarn Maker.
| Notes:         Sheep regrow their wool every week, but remember only sheep
|                with full wool coats can be bred.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mayonnaise 
| Obtained from: Eggs (from chickens, ducks and ostriches)
| Sale Prices:   Vary by quality (actual prices coming soon)
| Can Be:        Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
| Notes:         While chicken eggs' quality will impact the mayonnaise's
|                quality, ducks and ostriches' eggs all lead to the same
|                quality of mayonnaise.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cheese
| Obtained from: Milk (from cows and possibly goats)
| Sale Prices:   Vary by quality (actual prices coming soon)
| Can Be:        Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
| Notes:         It is not yet known if goats' milk can be converted to
|                cheese, and if the quality rating carries over to the
|                cheese.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yarn
| Obtained from: Wool (from sheep)
| Sale Prices:   Vary by quality (actual prices coming soon)
| Can Be:        Sold or given as a gift.
| Can Become:    Dyed yarn, when put in the dye pot with an herb or flower.
| Notes:         The dye pot comes when you purchase the Yarn Maker. To make
|                dyed yarn, put a ball of yarn in the pot along with a
|                flower or her; for example, a ball of yarn with a red herb
|                will yield red yarn.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Silk
| Obtained from: Silkworms
| Sale Prices:   Vary by quality (actual prices coming soon)
| Can Be:        Sold or given as a gift.
| Notes:         There are rumors that silk can be made into thread, but
|                these are not yet confirmed.