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Your Property
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                     \ \|        Your Property        |/ /
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| Initial Location                                                            |
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|/Before you can manage your property, you have to choose where you want your
| initial house to be located. You'll initially have three farm plots to
| choose from, and there's a fourth that you can have the option of
| purchasing later.
| All four farm plots lie on the eastern side of the island, and all four
| border each other (this is quite nice later on if you buy all four farm
| plots as it forms a type of "superfarm" spanning all three areas).
| Each plot has some advantages and disadvantages, but every plot has certain
| characteristics. Note that the fourth plot (available later) also has these
| characteristics.
| - All plots can fit your three main buildings (level 5 house, bird coop and
|   barn) - this isn't like Magical Melody where one of the plots couldn't fit
|   everything.
| - All plots have a field for crops, and the soil quality of all plots is
|   rather random.
| - All plots have a field of grass. This starts growing automatically when
|   you build a barn or coop. Yes, the grass is psychic.
| Beyond this, the plots have some subtle differences (note that the names
| used below are my own creation; these will changed when it becomes official
| what they'll be called in the English version). I, personally, choose the
| Town plot; I mention that only because below the Town plot has the most
| listed drawbacks, but the closeness to town more than makes up for it
| in my opinion.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hilltop Plot
| Location:   North-Middle of the farm area
| Field Size: 100 squares
| Pros: On-farm river access for fishing
|       Closest plot to Blacksmith and Carpenter
|       Closest plot to hot spring
|       Most regular rectangle-shape
| Cons: Notable distance from town
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seaside Plot
| Location:   South-Middle of the farm area
| Field Size: 110 squares
| Pros: On-farm ocean access for fishing
|       Closest plot to Mountain path
|       Largest field for crops
| Cons: Furthest away from... everything
| _ _ _ _ _
| Town Plot
| Location:   West of the farm area
| Field Size: 92 squares
| Pros: Closest to town and many other commonly visited areas
| Cons: No on-farm fishing
|       Smallest field
|       Farthest from hot spring
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mountain Plot
| Location:   East of the farm area (far eastern tip of the island)
| Field Size: 115 squares
| Pros: Largest field
| Cons: Not initially available
|       Furthest from town (but this is irrelevant since it can't be your
|       main farm anyway; it's essentially an extension)
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| Your House                                                                  |
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|/Your house, your home, your humble abode. Your house is initially home to
| only your character, but will eventually (if you so choose) accommodate
| your wife, child and pets.
| The house is expanded in levels, with each level costing a certain amount
| of gold and wood to complete. Certain other events in the game - like
| marrying and having a child - are dependent on your house being at a
| certain level in order to have room to house your expanding family.
| The house has 5 levels, each bigger and more expensive than the last.
| Home extensions are relatively cheap, however, with the top level costing
| "only" 12,000 gold. More information on the intermediate stages can be
| found under the Carpenter's shop in the Shops section.
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| Initial Possessions
| Initially your house comes with a small collection of handy furnishings.
| First of all, your home comes ready-equipped with a small shelf and a small
| refrigerator. Each of these can store up to 18 (stackable) items. You can
| later purchase larger shelves and larger refrigerators, and you can set out
| more than one of each at a time.
| Your house also comes with a straw mattress and a television set. All these
| items can be arranged however you want around the house - you can access
| the arrangement screen by examining your bedside table.
| Your house also starts with a toolbox to store your tools in when you don't
| need to have them on hand, and a table, which serves absolutely no purpose.
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| Cooking
| One major task that can only be performed in your house is cooking. Once
| you have a house with a kitchen (level 2, I believe), you can start buying
| cooking tools from the General Store. These tools allow you to cook
| different dishes.
| Cooking is a relatively simple process. First, choose which cooking utensil
| you'll be using (note that these tools must be set out in your house before
| you can use them); every recipe requires only one utensil. Then, add in
| your ingredients from either your rucksack or your refrigerator. If your
| ingredients (with that utensil) are a viable recipe, you'll receive one of
| it; if not, you'll receive a "cooking fiasco", which you'll find under that
| list of "gifts no one likes".
| Obtaining recipes is rather simple and can be done in a multitude of ways,
| including:
|   - From the TV (the cooking show is from 10:00AM to 2:00PM on weekdays).
|   - Examine other peoples' kitchen utensils.
|   - Purchase a dish (or receive it as a gift).
|   - Experiment! If you "accidentally" make a real dish, it's added as well.
| When you've obtained a recipe, it's added to your list of available recipes
| for easy selection later.
| Cooking doesn't have to be done in the kitchen; it can also be done in the
| fire boxes on every beach. Simply toss some matches in the box, then toss
| one of the other ingredients (see Recipes reference section) for a Roasted
| version of that item.
|\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TLV] _
| Television
| Your house is also home to your television. Your TV only gets one channel,
| but what's shown on that channel varies from day to day. The TV schedule
| is:
|  6:00AM - 10:00AM: Current Weather Forecast
| 10:00AM -  2:00PM: Cooking (weekdays)/Mastery of Beauty (weekends)
|  2:00PM -  6:00PM: News (Festival Announcements, etc.)
|  6:00PM - 10:00PM: Tomorrow's Weather
| 10:00PM -  2:00AM: Kingdom of Wildlife (weekdays)/
|                                          Mastery of Beauty (weekends)
|  2:00AM -  6:00AM: Off-Air
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| The Field                                                                   |
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|/Every possible starting location has a field attached to it where you'll
| be doing most of your initial work. Fields are typically plagued by three
| obstacles: weeds, rocks and stumps. Weeds are easy enough to get rid of
| (either pull them up by hand or use the sickle), but rocks and stumps can
| be more difficult. The bigger ones can only be removed by upgraded tools,
| so you may find yourself working around them early in the game.
| The boundaries of your field should be relatively clear: it's the darker
| brown area that forms the majority of your property. If you're somehow
| unsure whether a certain spot of ground is field or just regular ground,
| try tilling it: if it tills, it's field.
| There are also fields around the island that can be used for growing crops,
| but until you purchase them you're unable to grow anything on them.
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| The Coop                                                                    |
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|/Initially, you won't actually have a bird coop - you have to first have one
| built by the carpenter. This coop can subsequently be upgraded to a larger
| coop - the small coop holds 6 birds and 6 silkworms, while the larger can
| hold 12 of each. As always, more information on this can be found in the
| Carpenter's shop section under Shops.
| Once you have the coop built, you can start populating it with chickens,
| ducks and silkworms (although early on you'll only be able to have
| chickens). The main notable parts of the coop are the feeding trough and
| the shipping bin. The feeding trough is for putting bird feed in, as many
| piles as you current have birds. The shipping bin is for easier shipping
| of bird products. Later on, the coop will also house a mayonnaise maker
| that can be used to make your eggs into mayonnaise, which sells for higher
| profits.
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| The Barn                                                                    |
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|/Initially, you won't have a barn either - you have to first have the
| carpenter build this too. The barn can initially hold 6 animals, but can
| be upgraded later to hold 12.
| Once you have the barn built, you can start populating it with cows, sheep,
| ostriches and goats. The notable parts of the barn mirror those of the
| coop: a shipping bin, a feeding spout and a feeding trough for each cow;
| pretty straightforward. The barn also has a special corner for pregnant
| animals to stay in during the course of the pregnancy, complete with a
| special feeding trough. There's also a special ostrich egg incubator.
| The barn also has a big red button on both the inside and outside: pushing
| this button will automatically put all the animals outside in the field (or
| if they're already outside, move them back inside).
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| Extensions                                                                  |
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|/As mentioned above, several parts of your farm must be either built or
| extended, including the house, bird coop and barn. In order to do this, you
| need three things: money, wood lumber and stone lumber.
| Each extension costs a certain amount of money, but you must also have a
| certain amount of wood and stone lumber. Lumber is obtained by destroying
| the stones and stumps around the village; these can be found on your farm
| in the field (these won't reappear once you've destroyed them) and around
| the island (these do reappear the next day).
| When chopping or smashing, it's not necessary to manually take the lumber
| back to your farm; it's automatically transported. Both types of lumber
| can also be purchased at the carpenter's shop, at greatly marked-up rates.
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| Farm Ranks                                                                  |
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|/Tree of Tranquility introduces an interesting new feature: Brownie Ranch,
| your one-stop shope for all your animal needs, will stock better items and
| animals based on your sales patterns.
| Initially, Brownie Ranch is a humble 1-star ranch. In order to level it
| to a 2-star ranch, you must sell 5,000G worth of animal products, such as
| eggs, milk and wool. Then, to get it to a 3-star ranch, you must sell
| an additional 5,000G (10,000G total) of animal products. Once it's a 3-star
| ranch, it can't come back down, and you'll always have access to every
| type of animal.
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