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Game Info & Controls
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| Game Release Data                                                           |
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|/Genre          : Simulation (Farming)
| Developer      : Marvelous Interactive
| Publisher      : Natsume
| Distributor    : Nintendo
| System         : Nintendo Wii
| Official Title : Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (English)
|                : Bokujou Monogatari: Yasuragi no Ki (Japan)
| Release Date   : June 7th, 2007 (Japan)
|                : September 16th, 2008 (US) (projected)
| ESRB Rating    : E

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                     \ \|         Game Summary        |/ /
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|/Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (ToT for short) is the first Harvest 
| Moon game for the Nintendo Wii (although Magical Melody was re-released 
| for Wii in Europe and Australia). Gameplay requires use of the WiiMote and
| a Nunchuk.
| Although the specific plotline for the different Harvest Moon games 
| differs, Tree of Tranquility retains the same general goals as previous 
| Harvest Moon games. You play the role of a farmer, given the task of 
| running a farm. As part of this task, you grow and sell crops and raise 
| animals to sell their products (milk for cows, eggs for chickens, etc.). 
| In addition to these goals, you also interact with the villagers, both for
| commercial purposes (buying seeds, selling products, etc.) and social 
| reasons. Festivals play a key role in the game, giving your character a 
| chance to socialize and meet the neighbors. You even can meet and woo one 
| of the local bachelors or bachelorettes, get married and have children.
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| Plot Outline                                                                |
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|/As mentioned, the "plot" of Harvest Moon games tends to change from 
| edition to edition.
| In Tree of Tranquility, the plot objective (like in Magical Melody) is to 
| reawaken the Harvest Goddess. This is performed by helping the Harvest 
| Sprites create rainbows and collecting certain "badges". Once all the 
| rainbows are created, the Harvest Goddess will reawaken, and the game 
| continues indefinitely. A more complete plot outline can be found in the
| "Getting Started" section below (note that after the opening sequences,
| the plot is mostly fluidly determined by how you play, and therefore there
| is no overall summary).
| You'll also have the opportunity at one point to discontinue your current
| game and start over as your child, while keeping your animals, items and
| money. Unfortunately, though, the villagers don't react to you any
| differently, and your character sprite is the same. You can even marry your
| new character's mother from your previous play-through. Creepy.
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| New Features                                                                |
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|/As has become traditional in the Harvest Moon franchise, each iteration of
| the game introduces several new features. Some features carry over into 
| subsequent games, some do not. Here are some the new additions to this 
| game, as well as features from certain previous games that are present in 
| ToT:
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| Brand New Features
| All-New Livestock: Goats, Ducks, Ostriches and Silkworms.
| All-New Crops and Flowers: Including rice and a half-dozen new flowers.
| Character Customization: The ability to modify your character's clothing.
| Villager Appearances: Villagers change clothing based on their settings.
| New Game+: Ability to play as your own player's child.
| Stay Up Past 6AM: No more is your character sent to bed at 5:50AM.
| Motion Controls: Obvious for a Wii game, but tool use and other actions are
|    executed by motion controls rather than buttons.
| More Robust Family: Your spouse actually does something (wife makes you
|    lunch, husband activity is uncertain), and your child can help on the
|    farm.
| Wild Animal Adoption: Your character has the ability to adopt wild animals.
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| Returning Features
| Multiple Land Plots (MM): the ability to buy new land plots, as well as
|    choose the initial location of your farm.
| Crop Quality (MM, AWL): different crops are of different quality depending
|    on multiple factors; better crops sell better.
| House Customization (MM): in addition to simply having multiple house
|    "levels", there are added layers of house customization, from furniture
|    to new rooms.
| Different-Look Children (AWL): Different children actually look different.
| Play as Boy or Girl (MM): You'll choose your character's gender at the 
|    beginning of the game.
| Trees (MM, AWL): In addition to standard crops, you can also plant trees
|    that stay grown and reproduce fruit every year.
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| Improvements
| The most notable improvement comes in character interaction. Although full
| details are not yet known, character dialog is expected to differ more,
| and the general social framework is expected to be more realistic.
| Hopefully, your husband/wife won't say the same thing all day.
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| Controls and Other Basic Information                                        |
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| Basic Information
| Let's get down to the over-detailed basics. In Harvest Moon, you play a
| farmer. You run around, do chores, talk to people, give gifts, grow crops
| and raise animals. You can play as a boy or a girl, but to avoid s/he and
| other annoying gender-neutral terms, I'll most likely refer to the
| character as a 'he'.
| Your character stays the same the entire game: this is you. He can do a
| variety of actions, like walking, talking and using tools. He can hold
| either items or tools. Items can be given or thrown away, whereas tools
| can be used. He can only hold one item or tool at a time.
| He can run or walk according to how much the control stick is tilted.
| He can talk to people by going up to them and pressing A. If he has an item
| when he talks to a person, he'll automatically give it to them. If he has
| a tool, he'll show it to them, but he might also use it on them - and yes,
| they react. Don't do that.
| You can pick things up in the game. Just walk up to them and press A to
| pick them up. On your back is the world's most space-efficient backpack,
| able to hold dozens of items at a time, including all your tools.
| I think that about covers it. If you don't see something here, feel free
| to ask.
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| Controls
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| Button Controls
| A Button: Talk, pick up items, choose options from menus, examine objects,
|           and use your currently equipped tool (hold down before release
|           to charge).
| B Button: Get out latest tool, put away current tool, cancel in a menu.
| C Button: Press to enter first-person view, hold to open rucksack.
| Z Button: Confirm field square selection.
| + Button: View information screens (see "Information Screens" below").
| - Button: View controls.
| D-Pad:    Select item without opening rucksack.
| Joystick: Move (run by tilting all the way, walk by tilting slightly).
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| Tool Controls
| These controls are only applicable when the corresponding tool is equipped.
| Watering: Hold the WiiMote upright (think of a watering can handle) to
| charge, then tilt to the side (not to the front) to pour.
| Chopping/Hammering: Hold the WiiMote upright (same as watering) to charge,
| then quickly drop it to horizontal.
| Hoeing: Hold the WiiMote horizontally, then lift it to vertical. Hold it
| here to charge, then drop it back down to horizontal to hoe.
| Fishing (Casting): Hold the WiiMote horizontally, then quickly flick it
| back towards you (vertical), then back towards the screen (horizontal) to
| cast. Hold the WiiMote vertical for longer in the middle to charge.
| Fishing (Reeling): Pull the WiiMote back to vertical and wiggle the
| nunchuk as fast as you can.
| Ringing the Bell: Shake the WiiMote back and forth.
| Less standard tools (milkers, shears, etc.) do not currently have active
| movement controls, though they have been rumored to have been added for the
| English version.
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| Saving
| Saving the game is done at the nightstand next to your bed. To save, simply
| press A while standing next to the nightstand and choose where you'd like
| to save the game. Note that unlike in some past Harvest Moon games, you are
| not required to go to bed once you've saved.
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| Informational Screens
| Bringing up the menu (pressing the + button) introduces you to a sequence
| of several informational screens with details about your farm, your
| relationships and your tools. Which screen you're on is represented by the
| icon on the wheel of icons in the top left; you can navigate amongst the
| screens by using the D-Pad (for some stupid reason), and the control stick
| to navigate within a screen.
| Lighthouse: Overall status screen. Displays general farm information (farm
|             name, house level, amount of animal feed on hand, number of
|             each animal), character information (name, birthday, general
|             information), and tool skill levels.
| Heart:      Relationships with both livestock, pets, livestock and the
|             villagers (measured out of 10 hearts). Also features the new
|             creepy Harvest Moon stalker utility, which will tell you where
|             a particular villager is at any time (select their name to find
|             out).
| Rucksack:   Identical to the rucksack screen.
| Chest:      Recipes for individual rainbows, if obtained, and progress
|             through the Goddess quest.
| Tools:      All your financial information, including total money, money
|             per season, and money gathered through each method.
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| Trashing Items
| In past Harvest Moon games, a major problem was that if you were holding
| an item and accidentally pressed A (either just by slipping or by trying to
| give a gift and the person moving at the last second), it would get thrown
| on the ground and disappear.
| Tree of Tranquility has fixed this annoyance. If you try to throw an item
| away (meaning press A when not facing a person or the shipping box), you'll
| receive a confirmation screen, which gives you the option of either
| throwing it away, or putting it in your backpack. And even then, if you
| throw it away by accident, you'll have a momentary opportunity to pick it
| up again.
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