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I have created this table to make the crops easier to understand. For each thing you plant you need to till the square with a hoe, sow the seeds and water them daily. The table includes the following: name, location, buying price/selling price (b/s), Single harvest (s) which means once you pick it, the crop cannot re-grow, or multi harvest (m) which means it will keep growing until the season is over, time which is the time it takes to grow if you water daily, and finally any special notes. In the b/s section the first number is how much a bag of the crop costs the second number is how much one crop grown from the bag will sell for so example, A bag of turnips cost 200G, but each turnip you will receive 60G.


Name Location B/S S/M Time Notes
Turnip Flower Shop


Single 4 days
Cabbage Flower Shop 200/90 Single 8 days
Potato Flower Shop 200/80 Single 6 days
Grass Flower Shop 500 Multi 9 days No watering Required
Moon drop Flower Shop 300 Single 6 days
Pink Cat Flower Festival 300 Single 8 days Only at Flower festival
Blue Mist Flower Shop 500 Single 8 days Year 2+, cant plant on farm


Name Location B/S S/M Time Notes
Tomato Flower Shop 300/90 Multi 9 days
Corn Flower shop 300/120 Multi 13 days
Grass Flower shop 500 Multi 9 days No watering required
Pink Cat Can be grown in season but not bought


Name Location B/S S/M Time Notes
Eggplant Flower Shop 300/60 Multi 7 days
Grass Can be cut not grown


Name Location B/S S/M Time Notes
Strawberry Flower Shop 500/150 Single 6 days Greenhouse only

A side note:

If you have a greenhouse you can buy and grow any of these crops at anytime, however, you cannot obtain the pink cat mint at anytime but the flower festival.