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For heart events to trigger, you must be at the heart level color or above. Each heart event you see and successfully get through (ie don't make the wrong choices) you will get a 3000LP bonus. To get married, you need to have seen all four (or five, in the case of Skye) heart events, have them at a Red Heart or higher, have a big bed (requires house upgrade), and present them with the Blue Feather (in the case of Skye, show him the feather and then sleep with it equipped and he will steal it from you, securing your future together. I highly recommend buying the Love Bangle from the Sprite Casino. When worn, you can see exactly how much people like you, and it can be a great gauge as to how you're doing. It's not totally necessary though.

Mineral Town Guys: Note: For the Mineral Town Guys to show up, you need to have a copy of More Friends of Mineral Town in the GBA slot. The exception to this is Kai. He will show up every summer regardless.

Rival Events When you've decided what guy you want to marry, why not work on getting the other guys married? In order for guys to marry each of your rivals, you have to trigger certain Heart Events. The guy must have the heart color mentioned for the event or below for it to trigger. So, if you're trying to get Griffin's Black Heart Event with Muffy, but you have a Purple heart with him, it won't work, because his heart level with you is too high. Give the guy things he hates to knock him down enough so that you'll be able to see the events.

The Blue Events only happen the 2nd year and after, the Green Events only happen the 3rd year and later, and the Orange events only happen in Year 4 or after. Their wedding will happen one week after you see the Orange Event. You will automatically go to the wedding that day, then the day will end. So make sure your animals are outside in fenced area with grass and it's good weather! Beware of trying to be clever and trigger several weddings on the same day - they will happen in succession, each one taking up a day with no opportunity to save or do anything else in between! I sped from the 14th to the 17th of Summer in the 4th year this way, and 3 of my animals got sick!

The Mineral Town boys do not have rival events.

Carter and Flora:
Black Heart
" Excavation site
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Tuesday

Blue Heart
" Excavation site
" 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, not Tuesday

Green Heart
" Excavation site
" 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday

Orange Heart
" Excavation site
" 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, not Tuesday

Griffin and Muffy

Black Heart
" Blue Bar
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day

Blue Heart
" walk from Your Farm to Main Path
" 10:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday

Green Heart
" Blue Bar
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day

Orange Heart
" Blue Bar
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day

Gustafa and Nami

Black Heart
" Exit the Beach area
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, excluding Tuesday and Thursday, sunny weather

Blue Heart
" Beach
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday or Thursday, sunny weather

Green Heart
" Beach
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday or Thursday, sunny weather

Orange Heart
" Walk from Turtle Pond to the Beach
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday or Thursday, sunny day

Marlin and Celia

Black Heart

" Vesta's Farm Shop
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday

Blue Heart
" walk from Main Path to Vesta's Farm
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday

Green Heart
" Vesta's Farm Shop
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday

Orange Heart
" Walk from Main Path to Vesta's Farm
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday

Rock and Lumina

Black Rival Event
" Goddess Pond (exit the Sprite Tree)
" 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, Tuesday, sunny day

Blue Rival Event
" Beach
" 11:10 am to 1:00 pm, Saturday

Green Rival Event
" Goddess Pond (exit the Sprite Tree)
" 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, Tuesday, sunny day

Orange Rival Event
" Beach
" 11:10 am to 1:00 pm, Saturday

After Marriage:

Your husband will continue his normal schedule for the most part. If you
married a Mineral Town guy, then he will be gone when you wake up (to commute
to his job.) If you marry Kai, then the Snack Shack is open in seasons other
than summer!

If you marry one of the two guys who have "phone shops" (Rick and Gray) their
dialogue will not change when you call them. I've even had Gray (who I
married) fix a tool for me, and it was ready on a Thursday (his day off.) I
wake up in the morning and he's in the house, then I step outside my farm and
he's on my front step delivering the tool! Very weird.

Since your husband's heart is maxed out, you don't need to keep giving him
gifts. As long as you talk to him at least once a week, his LP will not
drop. It's fun sometimes to give him gifts though, because he will have
different things to say.

When you have been married a season, you will get a scene in the morning
where the two of you go to the doctor and find out you are pregnant. The
baby will be born two seasons after that.

A funny thing to note is that you can still watch the fireworks with any guy
who has a green heart or higher at the Fireworks Festival. I was married to
Gray, but watched with Trent, and it did not hurt my relationship with Gray.

Your husband will cook a special dinner on your birthday, his birthday, and
the baby's birthday. You have to enter your house on the special day between
6pm and 9pm to see the scene. If you don't remember the birthdays, you can
go into your farm data screen in the touch screen and see your family's info.
You'll also be clued in that it's a special day because your husband will be
home that day. Your husband will ask you what day it is, so be prepared to
answer correctly or it will hurt his LP.

On your wedding anniversary, your husband and child will have a party in the
morning (yes, there will always be a child at your anniversary, since you
have the baby three seasons after marriage, one season before your first
anniversary - unless you are so mean to your husband that he never gets you
pregnant - I have never done this.) Answer that it's your anniversary and he
will be happy and give you leveled up tree seeds (I got Level 5 apple seeds!)

Yes, your husband can ask for a divorce! If his LP drop below 5000 before
you get pregnant (man, you have to be hating on him hard to do that much
damage in less than a season) you will get a scene where he leaves you. He
will come back to work things out, and the next morning he will have 20000
more LP than before. You can never really separate and marry someone else.
So choose your mate wisely!