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Always save right before you go to bed. In the morning, the first thing you should do is check channel 1 for the weather. If it is not what you want, reload to the night before, go to sleep again, and check it again. This totally resets the weather that's coming up. You can use this to avoid hurricanes and snowstorms, to make it rain if you need it to for an event, or to avoid rain altogether so that you can keep your animals outside constantly. Just remember that you're working on the next day's weather. So if you want it to rain on a Monday, you need to save before bed on SATURDAY, not Sunday. When you wake up Sunday morning, check the weather report (which is for Monday) and if it's not raining, just reload that Saturday and try again. Sometimes it takes a while (I've had to reload 10 times once) but it will happen. Keep in mind that it will always be sunny on festival days, so don't waste time trying to make it rain then! If it's taking an abnormally long time for you to get the weather you want, check the calendar and make sure there's not a holiday on that day.