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There are not many shops in Forget Me Not Valley. Vesta's shop is on her farm and is open from 4-7pm. They sell seasonal seeds. Van opens up shop upstairs in the inn on days that end in 3 and 8 (3rd, 8th, 13th, etc.) He sells miscellaneous items. There is a shop in the sprite casino (see Easy Sprites for how to do that.) They sell special seeds and accessories, as well as cookbooks. For all other things, you need to use the phone in your house. You can call Chicken Lil's (poultry and feed) Yodel Ranch (livestock, feed, and related tools) Saibara's Blacksmith (upgrading tools, some tools for sale) Gotz Construction (building new buildings on your farm.) Supermarket (seeds, cooking staples, rucksacks, basket) There is also a TV Shopping channel. To unlock that, buy something from Karen for 10 days. They do not have to be in a row, just 10 total days. Channel 2 will then open. Mostly, they show silly products that you can't actually buy (a wallet that steals money from other people?) but once a week, it will be something good. Watch the program, and then use your phone to call and buy it. It will arrive in 2-3 days.