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Making Easy Money in the Dig Site Another way to make money early on is to dig in the front room of the dig site. Save your game while inside, then dig around with your hoe. You can either remember each spot and then reload and dig them all right up (it's good memory practice) or reload when you find each one and go right to it, dig it up, save, and keep on going. You will save A LOT of energy this way. The jewelry you find ships for 2000G each, and sells to Van for even more. Save the other stuff (face packs, lotion, etc) for gifts, since they only sell for 50G. Opening the Mines "I need ores to upgrade my tools! Where can I find them?" is a common question. There are four mines in the back of the dig site. To open the first one, you need to go to the dig site after 8pm (when no one is there) with your Hammer equipped (some people say this is not necessary.) A scene will happen and the first mine is opened. This mine has 10 floors, with ore available by breaking the rocks. To open the next mine, you have to reach the bottom and then visit the dig site late at night to break open the next mine. In the back of the dig site, there are four mines to open. To open the first, have your hammer equipped and visit the dig site after 8pm when no one is there. To open the second mine, get to the bottom (10th floor) of the first mine, then visit the dig site again after 8pm. To open the third mine, get to the bottom of the second mine (255th floor) then visit the dig site after 8pm. To open the fourth and final mine, you have to meet Keria on floor 255 of the 3rd mine, and then get to the bottom of the 3rd mine (999th floor) and then visit the dig site late at night. Inside the mines, on each floor there is a set of stairs going all the way back up to the surface. There are also holes that you can't see in the floor that will drop you a random amount of floors (the number varies in each mine.) You lose one point of Stamina or Fatigue for every floor you drop, so keep a close eye on your health (the Truth Bangle from the Sprite Casino helps a lot.) Also, you can dig around with your hoe to find a set of stairs going down just one floor (good for when you want to get to a specific floor.) A great trick in the mines is to start out in a room by saving in File 1. Run around, dig, and smash rocks to see what's there. Then, you can reload from File 1 and go straight to where the hole is, only hit the rocks that had stuff you wanted in them, etc. Before you drop to the next floor, save in File 2. Drop down. If it's where you want to be, save in File 1 and repeat the pattern. If you don't like where you landed (ie if you were on the 95th floor and wanted to go to the 100th, but fell all the way to the 104th) just reload File 2 and you'll be back right before you fell. Try falling again and you'll almost always land somewhere different. In all mines black grass can be dug up from the ground with your hoe. There are evil animals in the mines. Watch out for them! They will hurt you if you touch them. Hit them with any tool to hurt them back. Bugs will fly back and forth in a straight line. Birds and livestock will come running at you and follow you around, trying to hit you. What's in the mines: 1st mine (10 floors) Basic ores for upgrading your tools can be found by busting the rocks with your hammer. The deeper you go, the better the ores get. From worst to best, they are Junk Ore, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mystrile. There is only one Evil animal in this mine, on the 10th floor (an evil chick.) The holes in this mine only drop 1 floor at a time. 2nd mine (255 floors) This one is more interesting. Jewels are found in the rocks here, similar to the winter mines in previous HM games. Most of them aren't worth much (less than 100g) but others are worth a lot. Peridot, Fluorite, Agate, Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, Emerald, Moonstone, Sandstones and Diamonds are the non-valuable ones. Once you get further down, past Floor 100, Alexandrite will appear on floors ending in "10" and Pink Diamonds will appear randomly. They are worth a whopping 10000G each, so don't forget to bust some rocks every now and then on your way to the bottom. Just remember to use the save and reload trick I mentioned before to save a lot of stamina. At the very bottom of the mine there is a sword. You can only pick up the sword if you have all six tools (Hoe, Hammer, Axe, Sickle, Watering Can, and Fishing Pole) upgraded to Mystrile level. Quite a feat. So use those tools whenever you've got spare time and energy. You can check how leveled up they are by going to your Earnings menu (the white square on the left side of the bottom screen) and then clicking on your face. This hammer will open up the Super Growth field behind the waterfall. Have it equipped and press A (not Y!) in front of the rock. There are evil birds and bugs in this mine. They get worse the lower you go. You can drop up to 10 floors at a time in this mine. 3rd Mine (999 floors) You can find all the ores in this mine, as well as Adamantite (for makers), Orihalcum, and all of the Season Suns (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) used in your basement to grow crops out of season. Something extra in this mine is the cursed tools and cursed accessories. When you equip these, you can't take them off until you call the church and have them blessed. You can have them simply removed for 1000G, or have the cursed lifted entirely for 100000G. This will turn them into blessed versions. The cursed tools can be found by digging in the dirt on floors 24, 35, 48, 52, 68, 71, 87, 99, 106, 118, 124, 135, 142, 153, 162, 178, 185, and 197. Find the cursed accessories by digging in the ground on floors 324, 335, 348, 352, 368, 371, 387, 399, 406, 418, 424, 435, 442, 453, 462, 478, 485, 497, 724, 735, 748, 752, 768, 771, 787, 799, 806, 818, 824, 853, 862, 878, 885, and 897. They include Time Ring (makes time go twice as fast when cursed, and slow down when blessed), the Witch Earrings (which deplete Stamina and Fatigue when cursed, but restore them gradually when blessed.) and the Speed boots (which slow you down when cursed, but make you run twice as fast when blessed.) You can also find Mythic Stones in the mines. You have to have found all 6 cursed tools and have them blessed before the Mythic Stones will even show up! You can sell them for 20000G if you wish, or use them to upgrade your tools to the final stage. You can only find one per visit, so once you have one, you can get out of the mine and upgrade your tool, then come back another day. They are on floors that end in 0 up to the 250th floor, then on floors than end in 5 from 255-995, and also on Floor 999. Keria, the sleeping princess, is on the 255th floor of this mine. She has a sign that says what gifts she wants. Bring them to her to increase her friendship. There are evil birds and bugs in this mine, and you might run into evil sheep and cows on the very bottom floors. You can drop up to 100 floors at a time in this mine. 4th Mine There are 65535 floors! You can fall up to 300 floors at a time. The Colored Wonderful Stones can be found in this mine. There are nine colors, with a different color on each of the floors that end in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90. If you collect all the colors, the Goddess will grant you a wish.