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Littering (LTR) For God's sake, don't litter! Littering is throwing anything on the ground outside of your farm. Yes, even weeds! Each time you litter, EVERYONE'S affection for you drops. So a day of careless weed pulling can undo months of hard work at making friends. Just hit Y to put it in your backpack, and you can throw it in the shipping bin when you get home. Everything counts towards your shipping totals, so why not ship even junk? Picking Wild Items for Easy Money (WEM) Speaking of weed picking, the clearer that the fields around town are, the more wild stuff that will grow in them. So if you have some time to kill, clear out what you can. This is very helpful at the beginning when you need money, a lot of weeds (for easily upping your shipped item numbers,) and branches and small rocks both for strengthening your tools and building up lumber. A bag full of colored grasses can bring in a good amount of money.