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Weather Cheat Perhaps the biggest secret (which was intentionally put into the game, I might add) would be the weather cheat, where you can stop the rain from comming, or the snow from falling. How do you do this, you ask? Simple. First of all, you can't have every upgrade in the game.. On any day before it's gonna rain, (except sunday for the shops are closed) talk to Ken in his shop, and have him write you up an estimate. No matter what you were told the weather would be, the next day will not have any rain or snow. -Weather Cheat 2 Now some people want to still be able to use the other weather cheat, but they are unable to for they have upgraded everything they can possibly upgrade. Here is another nice method. Check to see if it is raining. When you hear it's gonna rain the next day, if you've saved the night before, turn off your game, and back on, the same weather person will say a different thing, instead of inclimate weather conditions, you'll hear it's gonna be a fine, warm, or sunny day.