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You've seen the map, and you have a feel for the game, but now it's time to learn more about town, it's people, and the things that go on. This section has just that... The first shop you'll see when you enter the town is the Flower Shop. Here, you can purchase seeds to plant in your fields, grass to put in your pastures, or flowers to grow in your hothouses. The owner is Daisy, who in the Japanese versions was a boy. =\ Next to Daisy's shop, you'll see the church, where you can go to pray when you feel it's necessary. I don't ever have the time, but I can't speak for you... Next to church, you'll see the mayor's house, where you'll usually be ending up going when you talk to him to start a festival. Directly below the Mayor's house, you'll see Ken's Carpenter shop, where you go when you're upgrading your farm, or when you're using your little cheat, which you can learn more about in the cheats section. To the right of Ken's house, you'll see the hospital, where 'Doctor' lives. His name has a nice ring to it.. I wish I had that name. Go here when you're sick to become healed. To the right of Doctor's hospital, you'll see Bill's tool house, where he comes up with new fangeled contraptions they didn't have back in the day, which includes a saddle for your horse, all the way down to a couple of games for your TV. Gee.. South of Bill's tool shop, you'll see Chet's animal shop. Here, he'll sell you you animals, and tools for them. This is a useful shop. To the left of Chet's shop, is Rosie's resturaunt, where you're able to buy food so you don't poop out and become too weak or get sick. Have food and drinks at all times. Left of the restuaraunt is the library, where you can link to trade with other players or where you can look at photos of things you've done throughout the game, and print them out with the GameBoy Printer Device. North of town is town hall, where festivals usually take place. You can also check the bulletin board for messages and game help.