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You have your farm memorized, and the controls down, but now that it's time,
you'd like to learn more about how to plant crops. Well lets get the basics down first.

-Crops are planted in a 3x3 Square.
-Crops grow from seeds which can be purchased in the flower shop in town.
-You must water your crops EVERY day or they will not grow.
-The seeds can only be planted on plowed land, which is done with your trusty hoe or
Super hoe.

	Ok, when you throw the seeds down, it'll show up a little something like this..
::Cracks fingers::	 _ _ _

	We don't want it to stay like this. It's too hard to water, takes too much time,
and you can't even get to the middle one, which may become annoying for you.(It does for
me.) Using a piece of wood from your wood box, place it over the middle bottom piece, or
middle left peice, or middle right piece, etc. Just put it in one of the middle pieces
to make it look a little something like this.. ::tries to cracks fingers, but can't.
Looks around and says what::
	 _ _ _      _ _ _      _ _ _	  _   _
	|_|_|_| or |_|_|_| or |_|_|_| or |_|_|_|
	|_|_|_|     _|_|_|    |_|_|	 |_|_|_|
	|_| |_|	   |_|_|_|    |_|_|_|    |_|_|_|

	Don't worry about the missing crop, this way'll be much easier, at least once
you get your sprinkler and with the time efficency, you can plant more patches of crops,
which is actually bringing in more money than if you didn't do it this way.