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Your farm is the main setting where the game'll take place. It's where you keep
your cows, sheep, chickens, crops, and where you ship out your goods. I have devised a
little ASCII picture below to show you what your farm'll look like when it's fully
completed, and use the number keys below the picture to navigate and find out what the
things are...
	     ______   _____
  	    |	   |_|	   |				 1. Your house
            |	11  _	12 |				 2. Horse Pen
	    |	   | |	   |				 3. Cow Barn
	    |__   _| |_	  _|				 4. Fodder Stack
   ____________|_|_|-|_| |________			 5. Chicken Barn
  |	 |   |     | |     |      |			 6. Sheep Barn
  |  1   |  _| 3   |4|	5  |  6   |			 7. Herb Hothouse
__|______| |2|_____|_|_____|______|			 8. Flower Hothouse
				  |			 9. Wood Pen
<-- To Town and			  |			10. Secret Garden
__	Mountains	   _______|			11. Cow Pasture
  |			 _| 7 |	8 |			12. Chicken Pasture
  |______		|9|___|___|			13. Bridge (Must Upgrade to Get)
  |  10  |                 	  |
  |______|__	 _________________|
   _________|   |_________________		   Fishing Pond
  |_|			   	  |		 ________________
__|				  |		|~~~ ____ ~~~~~ _|
  <--To Fishing 		  |		|   /    \_____/ |
	Pond			  |		|  |		 |
__				  |		|   \___	 |
  |				  |		|	\__     _|
  |____  	   _______________|		|  ~~~     \___/ |
       \___     __/				|________________|
	   | 13|
   ________|   |__________________		 Fork in the Road
  |				  | 		 ________________
  |				  |	 	|     | ^   |	 |
  |				  |	 	|_____|Mnts.|____|
  |				  |		|<- Town  Farm-->|
  |				  |		|________________|
  |_______________________________|		|		 |

 _______________________|   |______
|   ____|  |  _ 2 _  |	  ^  |    |		0. Fork in the Road
|1 | |_|   | | |_| | |  Town | 3  |		1. Mayor's House
|__|	   |_|     |_| Square|____|		2. Church
|			      0-->|		3. Flower Shop
|_______    _________        _____|		4. Expansions and Upgrades Shop
|   4	|  |	5    |      |  6  |		5. Hospital
|_______|  |_________|      |_____|		6. Tool Shop
|				  |		7. Library
|_______    _________        _____|		8. Food Store
|  7    |  |     8   |      |  9  |		9. Animal Shop
|_______|  |_________|      |_____|


|	      X		    ____  |		0. Fork in the Road
|			   |  ~~| |		1. Hot Springs
|			   | 1~ | |		NOTE: All X's are fruits that
|__/\	 ___	  ____	   |____| |		change seasonally.
|___/    \__\____/    \___________|
|				  |
|			      _ X |
|      ______   ____         / \__|
|_____/      \X/    \____/   \____|

| | | 0 _____________________________| | v |