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1 .Don't plant anything during rainy day. Some of your plant may get washed up. 2 .You can jump over fences at your farm if you in a hurry. 3 .Just buy one chicken because it can full your barn in flash. 4 .Just buy one cows but if you really in need of money buy another one (the risk is high). 5 .Do part-time-work oftenly. (Morning - 3 P.M) 6 .Don't waste your time giving girls presents because you can't marry. But if you wanna some tips or som'thing make friend with them. Still, make friend with all the people, some events may happen because of this. 7 .Don't waste to much time collecting foods, flowers and herbs. Watch the time so that your farm ,animals has been take care off and you get enough sleep to avoid sickness. 8 .If your chicken is sick, you can do another way to cure it. Just feed for 1-2 days and it will be fine (1-2 days -the chicken won't lay egg till the third day). 9 .After a fish bite your bait (arrows will appear), hold down the X button and hold the direction that is shaking. 10.Goddess will only take wishes once a day. She only take wishes in the morning and sunny day. She will not take wishes if it's already night or it's raining or too early. 11.Only buy fodder if you don't have time to cut the grass. 12.The your farming in the morning because you'll use less energy than if you do farming at night. 13.Don't forget to water your crops when dry season or else they will die the next day. 14.Part-Time-Job (Morning - 3 P.M) ( 50 G/Hour ). To do the part-time-job, ask Bob when he is in his shop to do it. Don't check the paper but talk to him. Then, he will give you the tools you'll be needing to do this job. Talk and brush all of the animals and take milk from the cow. You don't need to put the fodder in the feed box because the animals already eat the grass outside. You will be granted 220 G. If you don't do it correctly, you will get lower than 220 G. You can some extra-money by not telling Bob that you already finish the job. 15.Keeping your crops - First, dig the spot where you wanna sow it (You can only dig good soil). - Then, sow all the seeds at the soil. - Next, water them once a day. - Harvest them when they are riped. - If you already harvest a tomato, corn or a breadfruit plant, continue watering them because they can be harvest again till they die. - Store the crops that you've harvest in your rucksack by pressing the R1 button. - Sell them at the right shop. 16.Don't you ever use sickle or hoe on your animals. It will make they anry. Relation: Down 17.If the next day gonna rain, put all of your animals inside. 18.If you save the game, you will sleep automaticly. Even without telling you. This is bad if you don't know. 19.If you run out of fodder just do the part-time-job and steal as much fodder as you want. 20.Buy an egg at the supermarket and hatch it. 21.When you are cooking, one golden egg will be counted as 2 normal egg. 22.If you don't wanna waste your time pushing the cows inside just put your dog in front of the pasture gate and play the flute (Right,Left,Right). Then, just go do your routine things and at the time you come home, your cows will be inside. 23.Don't push your cow or horse after 9 P.M - The next morning. 24.Don't ride your horse after 9 P.M - The next morning. 25.Cows only can produce gold milk if they were outside yesterday till tomorrow morning. 26.If you wanna a chicken to lay golden egg, just same as cows.