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1 .When you start the game, you will examine your farm for a while. 2 .Then, when you come out of the house you'll find three harvest sprites (Nic,Nac,Flak). 3 .When you can start controlling your character go outside and the harvest sprites will teach you basics of the game. 4 .When you go to the Harvest Goddess Lake, the harvest sprites will teach how to summon the Goddess. 5 .When you go to the Carpenters' house (Outside) Kurt will be searching for a Azure Swallow Tail (happens randomly). 6 .If you go twice to the Ocean when the Carpenters isn't working (Tuesday and Thursday) you will get a fishing rod (The first time you came ,Joe will be fishing but nothing happens) also you need to be friendly with Joe. 7 .After Kurt told you bout the Azure Swallow tail, go to the Flower Shop and an event will start. 8 .This event will only happen if you don't take good care of your dog. The next morning ,one person will come to your house bringing your dog. 9 .This happen randomly, when you wake up ,the harvest sprites will come and said that Flak is missing. 10.Kurt and Joe just finish building your dog house. 11.If you already ask Lyla bout the Azure Swallow-tail, be nice to Louis and go to the ocean oftenly.(Happens randomly) 12.The harvest sprites will wake you up and ask you to beat a creature (happens randomly). 13.If your dog-house is complete. 14.If your kitchen is complete. 15.When, Bob give you a horse. (Friendly with Bob) 16.Tim ask you to help treasure hunting (Friendly with Tim n Bob). 17.Tim ask you for help again (Friendly with Tim n Bon). 18.If you get a cold, the most friendly person with you will come to your house and help. 19.You can start riding your horse. 20.Once you got the blueprint from Tim ,go to Clove's Mansion. 21.After the weasel event, a couple weeks later, Gwen will come to your house and talk about it. 22.Katie will ask you to find your Grandma's recipe (Friendly with Katie)but you must go to the Cafe/Bar yourself. 23.Check your cabinet and you'll find the recipe. Give it to Katie at the Cafe/Bar only. 24.Once your horse can start running. 25.After you beat Bob in the horse race. 26.After you knew about the Moon Drop Dew, go to Clove's Mansion. 27.Go to the Cafe/Bar after you've give Katie the recipe. 28.Go to the Cafe/Bar after you got the "Magic Book" from Dia. 29.Go to the Cafe/Bar after you tried Katie's cake once.