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Chickens You can just buy them with 500 G but for me,I only buy one and the others are from the eggs they lay. To feed them, you'll need to buy Chicken Feed. It cost you 10 G for one feed. Equip the food and press S to put them in the Feed Box. You must give them food everyday so they'll lay their eggs. But if it's not raining, use this advantage to bring your chicken out in the grass. You will not waste food to feed them. But don't forget to take them in back if it's raining or else they will get sick. Use the A.Medicine to cure them. You can sell a chicken for 300 G. But, you can only feed them if you put the food in the right feed box. Check which feed box is by pressing the X button. To check how they're doing, pick them up and press select. You don't have to feed chicks. If tomorrow gonna rain, keep them inside and feed them today. If not, put them outside today and an egg will be under them. But if today is raining and tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight. Chicks and sick chicken cannot be sell. Chickens class 1st Class : Lay normal egg Last Class : Lay golden egg Dogs You can only get one dog in the game. To get a dog ,put one food in the dog bowl everyday. Once the dog knew you well, chase the dog you want (red or blue scarf) and pick it up and he will be your pet. Use the L1 button to call the dog. Dog is a very intelligent pet. But don't forget to put food in her food box after you got it. Put them out on sunny day but in your house on rainy days or else the dog will get mad. Use the flute to train them. Check out how to get the flute at the Secrets section. Remember, you can only have one dog. Think before you pick. To check how your dog is doing, pick it up and press select. If it's sick, give him a A. Medicine. If tomorrow is gonna rain put him inside today. If not, put them outside today. But if today is raining and tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight. Here is the dog heart rating so far : 1 heart - He is starting to like you and you can play basic flute notes like lay and sit. 2 heart - You can whistle to call him. 3 heart - You can now tell him to herd the cows. Horse You can only have one horse in the game. To get a horse,do Bob's partimework. Also, you need to be friendly with Bob. This will make he turust you. But brush and talk to them in the partimework. The brush cost you 300 G. If you already have a brush for the cow, don't buy another one. Don't forget to do the same after you've got one. If you're good with your horse, you can ride him. The better your relationship between you and the horse, the faster he will run. Horse can also jump fences. Also, don't forget to feed them once everyday. Put them out in sunny day but in on rainy days. Use A.Medicine to cure them. If tomorrow is gonna rain, keep him inside and feed it today. If not ,put them outside today. But if today is raining and tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight. If you press X from the side, you will ride it (only if you already can) but if you press X from the front you will talk to it. Here is the horse heart rating so far : 1 heart - He is starting to like you. You can ride him after awhile. 2 heart - You can whistle to call him. After awhile, he can run.(Bob Challenge) 3 heart - He can run faster.(If u did win Bob's Challenge, u can race Gwen) 4 heart - Top speed 5 heart - He won't lose now Cows You need to buy them. If you wanna make them pregnant, use the Cow Miracle Potion but remember a pregnant cow cannot give you milk.C.M.Potion cost you 2000 G. You can only get milk from adults cows by using the milker.The milker cost you 1800 G. Same as the horse feed them, put-out and in, brush them, talk to them and also they love if you get milk from them.The brush cost 300 G. If you already have a brush for the horse, don't waste your money buying another one.The better your relationship, the better,bigger and expensive the milk will be. Cows has four types of milks and that is Small, Medium, Large and Gold milk. Price 150 G, 200 G,300 G and 400 G. Use A.Medicine to cure them. You can sell a cow for 3000 G. You can only sell adult cows. If tomorrow gonna rain put them inside and feed them today. If not, just put them outside today and the next morning you could have milk. But if today is raining and tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight. You can't sell calfs and sick cows. Cows class 1st Class : Can't produce any milk 2nd Class : Produce small milk 3rd Class : Produce medium milk 4th Class : Produce large milk 5th Class : Might produce gold milk ( If you put it outside on sunny days, it might produce gold milk)