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Lives in your farm.
Give a name for yourself.
Owner of the farm
Birthday :1st of Spring
Likes :Chickens,Cows,Horses,Dogs
Dislikes :Bad cooking
Age :21
Height :5'5'
Weight :123 lbs

Lives in the cave next to your stable
The leader of the harvest sprite
Height :13'
Weight :6 lbs
Likes :Mushrooms, dancing
Dislikes: Dangerous creatures

Lives in the cave next to your stable
The youngest of the harvest sprite
Height :11'
Weight :5 lbs
Likes :Mushrooms, Cooking
Dislikes: Dangerous foods

Lives in the cave next to your stable
The laziest of all harvest sprites but he have good ideas.
Height :12'
Weight :7 lbs
Likes :Mushrooms, Napping
Dislikes :Getting up early, being hungry

Lives in the Goddess Harvest Lake.
She likes vegetables.
To summon her, go next to the lake and throw one stuff (i.e very berry).

A very rich girl . Lives in Clove's mansion.
Age : 17 years old
Height : 5'2'
Weight : 95 lbs
Birthday : 9 of Winter
Likes : Flowers, Blueberries, Reading
Dislikes : Thunder/Lightning

Gina is Martha grand-daughter. Both her and her grand-mother are Dia's Maid.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : 20 of Fall
Likes : Eggs, Fish , Flowers

She his Gina grand-mother. Both of them work as a maid at Dia's mansion.
Likes : Cheese
Birthday : 25 of Winter

Lives just behind the Carpenters' Shop (Apprentices' Shack)
Go to the bar at night.
Likes : Fish ,Fishing
Birthday : 10 of Summer

Same as Joe but he doesn't go to the bar. He often stay home.
Likes : Tomatoes
Birthday : 10 of Winter

He is a plant hunter. He search for plants and seeds. Loves to go to the bar at night.
Likes : Herb Tea
Birthday : 16 of Spring

He is the owner of the Farmers' Shop. He has a stable just near his shop. Check out what he
buys and sells at the shops section. Lives in his house with his brother Tim.
Likes : Animals, Sweets
Birthday : 1 of Summer

Owner of the cafe and also the bar. He is Katie grandpa. Check out what he buys and sells
at the shops section. Lives in his bar/cafe.
Likes : Tea, Fish
Birthday : 1 of Summer

Wallace grand-daughter. She is 16 years old. Lives in the bar/cafe.
Height : 5'0'
Weight : 90 lbs
Birthday : 29 of Fall
Likes : Making sweets, Cheese, Eggs, Very Berries, Blue Berries, Cookies, Flowers
Dislikes : Being treated like a child

She lives with the carpenter. Maybe he is the carpenter grand-daughter Lives in the carpenter
Age : 18 years old
Height : 5'6'
Weight : 110 lbs
Birthday : 8 of Summer
Likes : Horse riding, Fruits, Animals
Dislikes : Spoiled people

He runs the Carpenter Shops. Loves to go to the bar at night. Check out what he buys and sells
at the shops section. Lives in his shop.
Age : 60 years old
Height : 5'5'
Weight : 139 lbs
Likes : Drinking
Dislike : Potatoes and vegetables
Birthday :

Runs the flower shop. She is a florist. Check out what she buys and sells at the shops section.
Lives next to her shop.
Age : 22 years old
Likes : Flowers, Herbs, Foods

A boy that's collects stuffs from the town and sell in to people. Lives in his house with
his brother Bob.
Likes : Eggs, Cakes, Tea
Birthday : 12 of Fall

The tool shop owner. A very intelligent guy. Loves to go to the cafe.
Check the shops section to check what he buys and he sells. Lives next to his shop.
Likes : Eggs
Birthday : 2 of Fall

The food shop/supermarket owner. He also owned the chicken coop across his shop.
Check the shops section to check what he buys and sells. Lives in his shop.
Likes : Cakes
Birthday : 11 of Spring

There's no details and names on some characters.If you guys manage to found it,mail it to me.